This week Restore Ministries has invited a special friend, Margaret Kemp, to share her heart with you in "Monday Musings". I first met Margaret when she came to sing in the church choir that my husband and I directed. She served there faithfully for years. One of the things I love most about her as a woman and as a friend is that she cares deeply and really listens. You know when your share your heart or a need with Margaret that she will be faithful to pray. It is with great joy that we welcome Margaret to be our guest blogger for the Monday Musings post today. I know that you will be blessed as she beautifully shares lessons she is learning in her faith journey, Kathy. Whatever you want, I surrender to You. Whatever it takes, I am willing to do. You know I am weak, so I’m leaning on You To give me the power for yielding to You. Whatever I’ve gained I now count it as loss. I want to surrender whatever the cost. Whatever I’ve cherished can never come close To knowing you, Jesus, and loving You most. These are the words I wrote in my journal during the Restore Retreat last October. The retreat was a life-changing experience. In the quiet setting of the retreat center, I was able to be still and really listen with my heart to the deep truths that God had for me. It had been a while since I had such meaningful instruction from the Word of God. The lessons delved deep into the scriptures, shedding light on the cultural context of the passages and on the definitions of the words in the original Greek. The Passover meal that we shared also aroused my interest in the land and customs of Israel. I hungered for more. I expected that getting to know God would involve more intense Bible study and quiet time with Him. Well, that was part of it, but God had a great adventure planned for me, a journey that we would walk together as He revealed Himself to me along the way. A month after the retreat, when I “accidentally” stumbled on information about a tour to Israel, I casually mentioned it to my husband. Tim had frequently expressed a desire to go to the Holy Land, but, my response was usually, “Not me. It’s not on my list. It’s way too dangerous.” But Tim took that little bit of information about the tour and pursued it. Then he announced that he was going---was I coming along? (I don’t think he would have actually left me behind, but sometimes I need a little extra push to make a decision.) We met with the tour leader and discussed the details of the trip. She related something that a Jewish man told her on her previous tour. He said, “No one just comes to Israel. You are invited by God, and you decide to answer the invitation.” It was as if Jesus was saying to me, “Do you want to know me better? Then come and see where I lived when I was on the earth. Come and visit my old neighborhood.” The trip was flawless. Not once did I feel fearful or even nervous, for I felt God’s hand of protection on our group the entire time. What a thrill to set foot in the place where it all began….where God began His relationship with man, where the patriarchs and prophets lived and preached and witnessed miracles in their midst. It was such a joy to travel along the rocky paths that Jesus, the rabbi, walked with His disciples, teaching them through parables and object lessons along the way. Seeing the city of Jerusalem and the surrounding landscape helped me to envision what it might have been like to watch Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane and struggle down that road to the cross. Our Jewish guide helped us to understand eastern culture and thinking, giving new meaning to events in the Bible. I gained a deep appreciation of how God has dealt with the nation Israel over the centuries, and how even now prophesies are still being fulfilled, for He is still at work. The trip was an exhilarating “mountaintop” experience that gave me a greater reverence for the awesome God of Israel and for the Son who suffered and died for me. But…God had much more to teach me about Himself. The second part of my education involved knowing Him through suffering. In Philippians 3:10 we read that the apostle Paul prayed “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection (I like that…..knowing the resurrection power) and may share His sufferings… (Ooh, I don’t like that so much---suffering.) Shortly after returning from the trip, God had some lessons to teach me through illness. If the trip to Israel was a mountaintop experience, illness was certainly a dark valley. I clung to God’s word with the belief that there is somehow a purpose in all of this. I wanted to draw closer to the Savior, to experience His presence, and to hear His voice. But I really didn’t feel His presence. Sometimes I wondered if I was just talking to an imaginary friend. If He was speaking to me, I couldn’t hear Him because the pain was screaming so loudly and the enemy was constantly taunting me, saying, “God has abandoned you. He is finished with you. You are useless. Your life is over.” Then one afternoon while in the waiting room at the clinic, I was reading Beth Moore’s, Jesus the One and Only. In the book, Beth Moore encouraged the reader to try and picture what Jesus might have looked like. The face that immediately came to mind was the face of the young technician who was in charge of calling patients and showing them into the doctor’s office. Ok, the young man has dark hair and a beard, and he does look a bit like he could be Jewish, but the feature that stood out was the kindness on his face. I noticed how he smiled at the patients and asked them how they were feeling. He addressed them by name. It’s how I imagined Jesus must have talked to the sick and the suffering. Then I began to think of the various manifestations of God’s love for me during my illness: I have seen Christ in the way my husband shows unconditional love for me even when I am unlovely. He has been a true servant, waiting on me and caring for me when I am too weak to care for myself. This is an example of God’s love. God loved us while we were yet sinners, when we had nothing to offer him in return. When I cried, family members cried with me. It reminds me of the way Jesus was also “deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled” when he saw Mary weeping over her brother Lazarus, even though he knew the final outcome, even though he knew he would raise Lazarus from the dead. I wish I could hear God’s voice with my own ears, but God has never spoken to me that way. He has spoken to me, though, through caring Christian friends who shared scriptures with me and encouraged me with God’s Word. I haven’t seen visions of Jesus, but, come to think of it, I have seen Christ all around me. I see him in the face of my pastor, who knows my name. In shepherding his flock, this pastor is imitating the Good Shepherd, who knows his sheep. I see Christ’s example of a servant’s heart in my principal, who has taken my carpool duty for me and has taken care of my class when I had doctor’s appointments. I have seen Jesus and experienced His presence because all of these people who have ministered to me are believers. They have Christ’s Holy Spirit indwelling them. Through the body of Christ, I am getting to know a Savior who is kind and compassionate, who knows my name and feels my pain, whose love is unconditional and sacrificial. Paul said in Philippians 3:8, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” In our journey here on earth, our goal is to get to know Him better. Getting to know Him is more than just an academic endeavor. Sometimes it involves those mountaintop experiences, where we get a taste of His awesome power. Sometimes we get to know Him better through the fellowship of His sufferings. And though we aren’t able to see Him, hear His voice, or touch Him the way the disciples did, His Presence is made manifest to us through other believers, the body of Christ. I don’t know why God has chosen to take me down these particular paths as He teaches me and guides me and as I develop my relationship with Him. Some of the roads are not ones I would have chosen. I do know that He loves me, and that no pain I experience will ever be wasted. I am trusting the words of I Peter 5:10: “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” The Weaver My life is but a weaving Between my Lord and me, I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily. Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, And I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper And I, the underside. Not till the loom in silent And the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver's skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern he has planned. -Author Unknown Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend.
Our spring retreat just ended Sunday afternoon. What a wonderful time we had with the ladies as we watched how God swept into our meeting place, with His mighty presence, and like a breath of fresh spring air, began a restoring work in the lives of the women who participated. You will be able to read and see pics (I hope) of our blessed time at the next reading of Monday Musings. We are so grateful for Judy Ingle, Sherry's Aunt, to once again bless us with the words our Father gave her to help us out during our time of ministering this weekend. I know you will be blessed as she writes from her home on the state line of Tennessee and Georgia, in an area called Pleasant Valley just outside of Chattanooga. Be blessed as she shares these words of truth through The Whispers of Spring. The snowy winter is now only a faint memory but the snowmelt is taking its journey into limpid creeks and rivers-along with it’s newly released artwork-donated by hundreds of artists and would-bes alike. Each sculpture, mostly snowmen, once stood stately-or not- In the yards of an enormous winter wonderland. The beauty was definitely soul-searching but that season has passed. However, the rain soon followed. The rain presented no problem really; I would just grab my “brella” and go. The snow brought frigid temperatures and the rain, well its just rain. Surprisingly, I found the icy cold invigorating. I would bundle tightly with scarf and coat only to quickly liquefy inside my cocoon. On the other hand, the blustery winds were “bone chillin” as my Mother used to say. Sadly, it was the dreary, cloud covered, lurid, and gloomy days that finally got me down. Gloominess can quench my spirit like a sudden illness. I remember consecutive shadowy days when the sun would make only a brief appearance then retreat like a ground hog who had just seen his shadow. The murkiness of those days could take its toil on the most joyous heart; leaving it with only an evanescent memory of a delightful spring day. I have longed for the constancy of the sun and its incandescent light awakening the morning with radiant beams. The sunlight glitters through my windows, resplendent with diverging rays, while thoughts of springtime calm my spirit like peaceful sentimental music. The sky is transparent as the sun seems to shine a bit brighter scattering amazing prismatic colors as they dance to the music of the song birds. God’s “morning star” illuminates the newly formed buds and blossoms as He speaks ever so quietly to his glorious creation. New life is emerging all around. I have been awakened each morning by a gleeful choir of birds performing their Rhapsody of Springtime. Every morning they faithfully vocalize their exuberant joy of spring with each lovely composition presenting a symphony unlike any other; as creation praises their Creator so shall I: Every day [with it’s new reasons] will I bless you-affectionately and gratefully praise you; yes, I will praise your name for ever and ever” Psalm 145:2 (Amplified). I impetuously run to the windows and raise the blinds to greet God’s dawning of a new day and a new season. I am enamored by his presence and filled with numerous reminders of God’s goodness and His gracious offering of new beginning and second chances. “Build a little fence of trust around today, Fill each space with loving work and therein stay, Look not through the sheltering bars upon tomorrow, God will help thee bear what comes, of joy or sorrow.” Mary Francis Butts Today I decided to drive down the “old road.” As I traveled I had to pause and view the rolling fields of velvety, green grass lying fresh like new lain carpet where a backdrop of mountains, once snow-capped, faded into the distance. I viewed a large conspicuous patch of gold and there in the entrancing meadow lay a gorgeous display of yellow daffodils flaunting their delicate bonnets in the gentle breeze. It was a breathtaking sight and I was truly amazed to see their sleepy heads raised to welcome the spring. Also, tiny blue violets were strategically dispersed throughout their midst as only God could do. This was only a part of God’s amazing creation giving Him praise. My heart was swelling like the budding of the trees with this fresh new discovery of morning’s magical moments. Locals call this area, “The Valley,” and it is a “pleasant valley” indeed. “To cultivate the senses of the beautiful is one of the most effectual ways of cultivating an appreciation of the Divine goodness.” Bovee God’s word tells us the Light of God’s Son is even more glorious than the light which God commanded to shine out of darkness (2 Corinthians 4:6). The sun is our most powerful source of energy and light; and Jesus is our exclusive source of “spiritual light.” So often light is used as an allegory to speak of the light of His Word and the light of His Truth. John 1:9 tells us “...that (Jesus) was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” “That Light states C. Swindoll, was so vital to humanity that Jesus came to earth to declare it and impart it to us.” As I dwell on this thought I feel that light is like a magnet drawing me closer to the Father. The light energizes me to readily, without question, acknowledge His plan and purpose for my existence. The light seems to usher me into the place in my life where anything fleeting or trivial must be thrust away and darkness dispelled while allowing the Holy Spirit to fill me with His love, and joy, and peace. The Light is revealing God’s truth to my heart and His Word is bringing about the needed change in me. I am thankful for the creator’s unmistakable touch. Winter is now history along with its gloomy and shadowy days and the dayspring has awakened me to a newness of life. The following poem is a pleasant read: I am fond of the Swallow, I learn from her flight. She comes in the spring, all the summer she stays, and dreading the cold still follows the sun-So, true to our love, we should covet his rays, and the place where he shines not immediately shun. Our light should be love, and our nourishment prayer, it is dangerous food that we find upon earth, the fruit of the world is beset with a snare… To bask every moment in infinite love; Let us fly the dark winter, and follow the road that leads to the dayspring appearing above. These few verses are from the French poetry of Madame de la Guyon, “The Swallow” translated by William Cowper. As I begin anew this spring with a fresh awareness of things, I pray my pursuits in life will be noble and however God leads I will welcome with a pure heart, honest emotions, my speech forthright and my actions scrupulous. My desire is to become more knowledgeable in His Word and careful to always give Him all glory and praise for which He alone is worthy. I want to be diligent in never allowing anything or any thoughts to dim my spiritual vision. I also want to follow the “Light” so closely that my communion with the Father cannot be broken. I am hoping for joy and peace everyday and a strong resistance to a languid spirit that could ambush my joy of newness-when spring has passed. “Hope is like the sun, which as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us." S. Smiles May a new day dawn in your heart as you embrace springtime and wonder; did the sun shine as bright last year? As a Chameleon changes color on that which he feeds; may we reflect only Christ as we feed on the bounty of His Word, and color those around us by dispersing the kaleidoscope of His love and scattering His brightness thru the prism of His glorious light. How lovely and unforgettable are His radiance and the whispers of spring. In His love, Judy
I have never written a blog starting with the ending and working my way to the beginning, but today is that kind of blog. I guess the words from Stephen Covey, “begin with an end in mind” are proving quite helpful! You will understand as you read the last paragraph. Here of late, many things have been interrupting my sense of peace. It seems I cannot even sit down and have a cup of coffee without being disturbed. Seriously?! Just give me 30 minutes! My front door has become a revolving one and it seems as though everything and everyone is getting on my nerves! My ears are hyper sensitive and every sound distracts. I’m irritable! I realize that I am in turmoil and that “I” am my problem. My brain hurts with thoughts of inward discourse and I’m battling attacks from every angle. It’s tax time, school program time, bill-paying time; personal business and health insurance issues are on the rise. Tough decisions to be made and all on a time schedule with a nearing deadline! The minute hand on the clock appears to be spinning more rapidly. My anxious heart beats so hard; I feel it will leap out of my throat. I toss and turn and am awakened at night with spiritual and emotional unrest. I’m not a crier, but I’ve shed a few tears this week. Doesn’t sound so peaceful, does it? Surely you can relate as we all do not live peaceful lives every day. My heart and soul cry out, “Oh Prince of Peace, where are you?” I feel that not even a Calgon bubble bath can help with the stresses of my life right now! As born-again believers in Christ with the Spirit of God alive within us, what is it that disturbs the peace He so freely bestows? Why does the Prince of Peace appear so distant or even non-existent? I believe there are many reasons, but can be divided into two categories. Obviously, the issue of sin in our lives is the first category! A sinful heart and peace cannot co-exist. Sin is a builder and a divider. It has the ability to build false truths and accusations while constructing barriers and walls separating us from basking in the love, forgiveness, fellowship, and peace that Christ freely offers. Sin is a strong force and Satan likes to tangle us up by enticing us with harmful pleasures of this world, reminding us of past hurt or guilt, stirring up emotions of inadequacies, and speaking to us with lies. Just to name a few! We must protect our mind, for in Christ, we wear the helmet of Salvation. 1 Peter 5:8 (AMP) 8 Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [[a] in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. We cannot allow this enemy to gain even a toehold in our life! It is a battle for our mind. There are many scripture passages that tell us how to overcome. Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) 3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Philippians 4:6-9 (KJV) 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
The second thing that seems to disturb our peace is promptings of the Holy Spirit, trying to get our attention! He upsets our cart, so to speak! After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. His spirit is alive and lives within every believer. The Holy Spirit does many things. He convicts of sin, admonishes us, and guides us; tells us where and what to do. Have you heard His voice lately? Has He specifically disrupted your life in order to offer “perfect peace?” With a keen ear, the voice of the Holy Spirit can be heard through the pages of God’s word, through others, prayer, and circumstance. He uses a still small voice to grab our attention. One of the ways that I verify if it’s “me” speaking, or “God,” is that I begin to question “is this something that I would typically do or think of on my own?” The answer for me has more than often been, “not me!” Which then causes my heart to race and I am unsettled. My nonchalant soul gets highly disturbed and my peace is unsettled! The message from God is always to guide my steps (counsel), admonish (warn me), give me insight or understanding, reveal sin, or to encourage my heart in ways that are supernatural. I can assuredly say that when I am obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit, a sense of peace then floods my heart and resolution is sweet. Actually, I cannot find adequate words to describe the relief that is experienced when my heart surrenders to God’s nudging. This week as I have prepared for the Restore Retreat and my part of the teaching, (can you guess what it’s about?!) it was evident that God wanted me to experience and understand more deeply about His peace. I got to visit the two categories of disrupted peace! And at the end of my turmoil, repentance, and obedience, His perfect peace washed over me. My heart has stopped its mad race; I’ve been able to sleep better, I am no longer consumed with spiritual and emotional turmoil, and my mind is in better shape as I have tied down my helmet and protected it with God’s words of truth! All to say, I’m much better equipped to teach about God’s gift of peace. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we can discern the difference between the issues of unrest. Throughout the course of my life, I have found that the two categories run neck and neck with the Holy Spirit leading the way. Listen to Him. Trust Him. He has your better good in mind. And it’s not just good! It’s perfect! So we come to the end of my blog, where I began. Sometimes, I’m not aware that I need perfect peace because I’m happy on my own path doing my own thing. God knows what is best for me and He supplies what I need, even nudging’s. My God will supply my every need! …even when I am unaware of my need. I'm just a stupid ewe in need of a loving Shepherd. Susie Larson’s daily blog hit me this week when I was at my lowest. It’s her reflection of Psalm 23. While reading it, I imagined I was there…I was! the deepest valley. Then there was peace…perfect peace! May you look up and remember once again that the Lord is you’re very dear and precious Shepherd. Because you have him you have everything you need. He causes you to lie down and rest; he leads you to still waters and sacred spaces to restore your soul. He leads you along his best path for your life for his Namesake. Even when you walk through the deepest valley, he is right there with you, close beside you. He corrects and directs, guides and provides, and he’ll never for sake you. He establishes you and honors you in front of your enemies. He pours out a fresh anointing on your life when you need it. He feels your cup to overflowing. His goodness and mercy chase after you and always will. You are blessed because you get to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of your life. Have a sacred-paced-heart-at-rest kind of day today! Susie Larson Jesus said, "Peace I leave you, my own peace I give to you." John 14:27 All we have to do is receive it! It's really not that hard and living a life without it is, well,...just wrong! A quote from a friend this week hit me hard. I leave it for you to ponder: "Anything that interrupts your peace, ultimately prevents you from living in faith and enjoying the blessings of God." So true! Have a Peaceful week! Shalom, Sherry PS. Don't forget to pray for us and the ladies while we retreat this weekend! Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. I love Easter! The joyous music, the message of our hope in Christ and the power of the resurrection to overcome death! As I have pondered and reflected on the cross and resurrection this Easter weekend I find myself praying.... Lord teach me how to live the Resurrected Life. Help me to be faithful to acknowledge Christ’s rule and reign in my everyday life. He will give you through His great power, everything you need for living a truly good life. 2 Peter 1:3 TLB The power of the resurrected life was made possible through the cross. Only in Christ’s surrender to the cross was the Resurrection power displayed. Only when we choose to surrender to the cross of Christ. to His love, forgiveness, and grace, do we obtain the power of the resurrected life. In the cross we receive full payment for the debt of our sins. Jesus suffered for my sin and for yours. In the cross we are offered the full redeeming work of Christ for our lives. .......Jesus said, "It is finished." John 19:30 NIV The finished work of Christ on the cross made it possible for you and me to live as sons and daughters of the living, reigning King of Kings! ......Because I live, you also will live. John 14:19 NIV Look at what the resurrection dimension means for our lives. Through the resurrection we not only have the hope of eternal life in glory with Jesus forever as our Savior, but we have the the promise of Resurrected life now, today! The resurrected Christ has made available to us not only forgiveness in life but the fullness of life. Life that is abundant. Life that restores. Life that enriches. Life that is full of love, grace and hope. Life that is powerful, dynamic, victorious. Life that has purpose and meaning. Life that is eternal! All made possible now through the finished work of Christ on the Cross, His Resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you. Romans 8:11 NIV So why do we so often live defeated? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and in me as believers! I love the way Jack Hayford states it in His book Glorious Morning which I often reread at Easter. “The very fact of His life is verification that death is a vanquished foe. And in giving His life to us He provides a force in our lives to dominate death in all of its manifestations.
What you feared would never change is shortly to be overthrown forever!” Jesus Christ broke the power of death to rule over us - over our past, our present circumstances, our fears. Are you listening to the lies of death or the voice of victory in Jesus that says - I have called you to this......, I will bring you through whatever trial you are facing.... I have plans for you..... plans of hope and a future!!! Ephesian 1:18 Do we truly live like that? That is the message and the hope of Easter. It’s hope in the power of the cross that overcame death. It’s hope in the resurrected life of Jesus. It’s hope that He rules and reigns over all. Each day we face a choice. How will we choose to live this day? Will we choose victory that overcomes or wallow in defeat? The Worthy Lamb of God paid the price for your sin that you might have the hope of victorious living in Him! Will you choose to surrender to the power of the cross and resurrected life? I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 When I need to be reminded of where my hope is found for living the resurrected life I often sing the song below. Won't you take a moment and sing along with this wonderful arrangement of a glorious contemporary hymn - In Christ Alone. This was the first arrangement I ever heard of this modern hymn that has become so beloved. I love this version because it reflects the Irish roots of the composer Keith Getty. In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song; This Cornerstone, this solid Ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, What depths of peace, When fears are stilled, When strivings cease! My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand. In Christ alone! who took on flesh Fulness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones Hse came to save: Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied - For every sin on Him was laid; Here in the death of Christ I live. There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain: Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, For I am His and He is mine - Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the power of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath. Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand. by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty In Christ Alone - New Hymns of Prayer and Worship May God use this hymn to stir our faith and help us rest in God, our protector; for our lives are unshakable when we entrust them into the hands of the Holy, Resurrected, Ascended, King of Kings! Our hope is found in Christ Alone! Father, I praise you as the Resurrected Lord of my life! I worship You and choose to stand in the power of Your life within me. Thank you for the sacrifice of Your Son on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. Thank you for Your triumph over death and the grave. I praise You as the Risen Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Father of glory, help me live my life in surrender to Your authority and the power of Your Holy Spirit within me. Thank you that I am no longer captive to fear, doubt, anxiety, discouragement, my past or present circumstances. Thank You for the hope of living a life of victory through the life of Your Risen Son. I want my life to count as a display of Your splendor and greatness. Teach me what it means to live my life as a reflection of Your character and glory in this desperate world. By Your grace, Father help me live the resurrected life. May the greatest passion of my heart always be Jesus. May my life always proclaim the glorious name of my Risen Savior, Jesus Christ! Hallelujah, holy, holy God Almighty, the great I AM Who is worthy, none beside Thee God Almighty, the great I AM Amen May you experience the miracle, power and grace of the Resurrected Life of Jesus in the days ahead! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! In the powerful name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Kathy Resources: Images Pinterest, archives Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. |
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