Stop! Before you begin read this blog, click on the title and read it from the website. Images and video may not appear on your phone!, enjoy and enter into the amazing thought of God. Amazed. A term that illustrates the difficulty of expressing in one English word the wide range of startled emotion, wonder, astonishment, & awe. Daily I am reminded of God's love for me. For us. For you. He is the Lover of your soul. Throughout Scripture we find that our God is a seeking God. He is a pursuer. It isn't that He is unaware of where we are or what we are doing, but in the sense that He seeks communion with us. How is it possible that He would choose something so weak, broken and imperfect as the object of His delight and pleasure? In His Word, we are told that we are dark, yet lovely (Song 1:5), we are told that we are sinful and gone astray (Rom 3:23), yet we are called the pearl of great price (Mt 13:45). It is He who woos us to himself, like a lover enticing us to draw close enough to feel His breath, hear His whispers, and enjoy the depth of His love. Simply put, He delights in us. In today's Monday Musing, I reflect on the many ways He has wooed me to Himself. I am amazed of His mighty deeds. He calls me to draw near. ~ Sherry The sun quietly hides behind the moon for a split moment in time and all creation responds. The crickets and frogs begin to sing. Ants stop their hurried movement then race back into the mound. Humans applaud and release emotion through sighs of awe and wonder. “It was a beautiful sight,” was described by so many who visited the peak points to observe the eclipse. Beauty. Expected. Planned. Anticipated. Amazement! Nature has a way of amazing me! I love to look out over the evening horizon at salmon pink skies full of heavy indigo clouds, outlined with splashes of cantaloupe orange and deep violet. Setting sun. Reflections. Canvas sky. Intense color. Magnificent art. Amazing! Gazing into the forest and at the grassy fields leading up to it, a quick movement jolted my attention to a brown swamp bunny feasting on breakfast provisions from of our Creator. I watched his long ears dance from position to position, attentive to every sound. Wiggling nose. Wide-eyed. Alone. Undisturbed. Beauty. Quiet. Admiration! Above I’ve heard rhythmic sounds of sea gulls over head and the waves lulling peacefully as the wind blows the strands of my hair across my face. I dig toes deep into the thousands of tiny granules of cool sand. His thoughts of me outnumber them. Winding along a mountain road, I stop to put my feet into the river. The shady banks provide the right atmosphere for a cool rest. The water is living as I step in and sit on a big rock out in the middle. The rushing stream carries away old sediment and ushers in newness. My furled brow is eased with this amazing white noise while the tension in my muscles seems to release. You have given thought to this and have provided what my heart yearns. Psalm 104:13 He waters the mountains from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works. Psalm 92:4,5 For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy. How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep! I am awestruck that you would care for me in this way. Your marvelous works are breath-taking as I pause to observe the wonder of you. Glory. Majestic. Comforting. Cool breeze. Rest. Marvelous. It is in nature that my soul breathes. It is also in beautiful music and art. I especially love this picture that was chosen for our upcoming retreat. It speaks volumes as I place myself in its scene. To me, it portrays all emotions of the Bride of Christ. Her face is pointed upward as she takes in the breeze off of the ocean. Mighty and vast. As she gazes at the brewing storms, indicated by the darkening clouds, she spreads her arms out in total surrender. Abandoned from all worries and anxiety, she turns her back from the focus of daily life. I imagine her exhaling deeply, relieving the stress from her weary and worn body. She has prepared herself for her groom with a beautiful white gown. Pure. Unstained. Fitting. Lovely. She takes in the warmth from the breaking sunlight. Bright. Radiant. Hope. A new season approaching. Her position is high upon a terrace. Below are crashing waves. She has been lifted from the shifting sands and rocky shore. Her feet are placed firm and steady upon a foundation of stone. A place where dancing is made easy and laughter has returned. She is as high as the outstretched branches of the tree. No longer shaded by it but able to reach forth and easily partake of its fruit. In total surrender, her heart pounds. Ready for the next step. A passion to move close to her lover. Enthralled. Sought. Wooed. Captured. Embraced. Forever.
I love this quote from C.S. Lewis. Bask today knowing that Jesus loves you with an everlasting love. "The question is often sincere: if God is real, why doesn’t he simply show himself to us? It’s a good question that deserves a good answer. None of us can know God’s mind and pretend to adequately answer for him, but we have clues, and I believe part of the answer lies in the fact of God having created us as free beings. This faculty of freedom is closely related to the faculty of love, in that only a free person is capable of exercising genuine love. Such love cannot be coerced, but is rather a very real choice that a person makes with full (or sufficient) knowledge of the object of his love – both the good and the bad (it was Plato who said that to truly love something is to love not just a part, but all of it). Moreover, the true lover understands that he cannot force the love of the other; nor would he want this, for it would be a cheap and shallow submission having nothing of the glad and trusting self-giving that is the mark of true love. For this reason the true lover works for the love of the other: he thinks and plans and knows and does, and through these happy efforts earns the affection and love of the other. And how amazing to think that the best lovers are only small shadows of the Ultimate Lover – the One who stepped down from His throne and served and loved and gave His life that we who are undeserving might have life and have it abundantly!" ~ C.S. Lewis Kathy and I personally invite you to attend our "Awaken to the Pursuit of the Bridegroom" retreat September 30, 2017.
Come, pull away. Let Him reveal Himself to you again in a magnificent way. Can you sense His Holy wooing? Release yourself in total surrender to the One who loves you perfectly. Wholly. Passionately. He calls, "Come away by Beloved." Won't you respond? You can get more information on the details of the retreat by Clicking Here.
As summer comes to a close and we move into the schedules and routines of fall, we have come to the final “My Beloved” letter in our summer series. The theme of this letter is servanthood. As I listen to conversations of my students and adults, I find that some are eager to move back into a routine that helps them find structure and more order to their days, others reluctantly let go of the lazy days of summer. I confess, I find it hard to move into a fall calendar when the temperature in Louisiana is still over ninety degrees! Yet, no matter how you feel about it, the new season has arrived with all of its energy, opportunities and challenges. One question I’ve been asking myself is how the Lord would have me to serve year. Typically, I would probably have this figured out by now, my lists would be made and goals set. I find the Lord has me in a waiting season. I’m waiting for clear direction, not wanting to move ahead of His plans for me, waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead me. ...Waiting ...Praying ...Trusting ... Listening ...Watching One thing I know is that I don’t want to fill my calendar so full of projects or things, even good things, that I miss the people and relationships that Lord would have me invest in, nurture, and cherish. I don't want to miss the best He has for me. I imagine the loss of my dearest friend Melissa has caused me to stop and pause before taking another step or writing another list. This summer I have written of our journey through her illness in several blogs. Last week my friend's body was finally laid to rest because after her Celebration of Life Service the ground was too wet to bury her. And so we have had to wait for that final graveside closure. As her children, close family and friends gathered to say goodbye, her husband Perry spoke from his heart. I knew how he was dreading this moment. I could see his heart breaking as the grief and reality of life without his beloved Melissa had set in during the month that has passed since we last gathered for her service. But, he spoke through the pain. He encouraged us to be a part of carrying on her legacy, to tell others about her life. Melissa had wanted to write letters to all of her children and grandchildren before she passed, but when the cancer so quickly overtook her brain, that dream was no longer possible. As we sat there in front of her casket, many of us began to tell stories of her life...stories of her generous heart to serve...stories of her love that will live on...stories of the hope of seeing her again in heaven one day. It was beautiful. As I listened, through the tears, it became evident that my friend had written those letters with the way she lived her life. My mind went to one of my favorite Scriptures. "You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 2 Corinthians 3:2-6 NIV As believers in Jesus Christ, we are writing a book with our lives. Every day we begin with blank pages. I find it astounding that Almighty God has chosen to use you and me, human and frail, to accomplish His kingdom purposes here on earth. That truth can be overwhelming if we don’t understand that the power to accomplish the work is found in the Holy Spirit. Our lives are so full of possibilities, opportunities to respond to the divine author as we choose to trust and surrender to the transforming work of His Spirit within us. Jesus has a unique, pure and perfect message for each one of us; a story that He longs to write in the everyday details of our lives. How we choose to live and serve tells the story ....a story that will live on beyond our time here on earth. This morning in church we sang songs about faith; faith that presses on in the name of Jesus through the storms of life, faith that lives on through the generations. During the singing, my mind wandered to memories of my grandmother, Meemaw, the daughter of a Methodist preacher. God used her life of faith to change my own. I remember singing the old hymns around the piano in her home and in the little country church where she was the choir director. Our pastor spoke about how the heavenly throng join their voices with us in worship as we sing. And I thought of my Meemaw, my daddy, Melissa, and the multitude who have gone on before us worshipping around the throne; all who have written letters of faith with their lives of love and sacrificial service for Christ's glory. His love within them spilled out into our lives and as a result, their legacy, the letter of their lives, will live on throughout the generations. When I read this Scripture from Ephesians, I am struck with these words - Be imitators of God... How do we imitate God, the all powerful, all knowing, all wise God of the universe? The Scripture tells us. We remember that we are dearly loved. We imitate Him by living a life of love and sacrifice. We become the fragrant offering of Jesus as we seek to serve Him and those He brings into our lives. I love the following quote from Jo Kadleck in her book "Feast of Life." “An attitude of service permeated Christ’s entire life, spilling over into his relationships, his words, his decisions, his emotions. Why did he weep over Jerusalem? Or cry for the death of his friend Lazarus? Because his heart was broken for others. Why did he allow Mary to wash his feet with her hair? Because he discerned what was best for her and loved her enough to let her give to him. Why did he go through Samaria and ask a woman of disrepute to draw water from the well for him? Because he wanted to affirm the social outcast, a “minority” woman who had not known grace or love or dignity in her society. And why did Jesus touch a leper, heal the blind man, provide bread for the masses, go to the cross, and shatter the tomb? Because he could not contain his love for others: his entire being wanted to bring healing and wholeness so others might know his Father in an intimate, life-giving relationship.” As His beloved we have the privilege and responsibility of being servants with Christ. The joy and purpose in our service always flows from the depth of our love for the One who gave up everything for us. Jesus came to serve. It was the vision and mission of His life. As we enter this new season, I pray that we will humbly and prayerfully seek where, whom and how we might serve as His followers, for we are called to be like Him. Spend a few moments and soak in the Scriptures found below in the last "My Beloved" Letter of this series. The Word teaches us what true servanthood really looks like. My Beloved Come after Me. Deny yourself. Take up your cross and follow Me. If you will choose to lose your life for My sake,you will find it. When you exalt yourself, you will be humbled, but when you humble yourself you will be exalted. You are greatest in My eyes when you choose to be a servant. Yield to My authority in your life and you will discover the joy of submission and surrender. In My life, I suffered in prayer, with tears, and with loud cries to “Abba” who could have saved Me from death. I suffered in obedience and reverent submission to our Father so that I might become the source of your eternal salvation. Will you, My beloved, submit to one another out of reverence to Me? I did not come to be served, but to serve, and give My life as a ransom. Come. I will lead you in triumphal procession. Through you I will spread My fragrance everywhere. You are to the Father the aroma of Christ among the saved and the lost. My dearly loved child, imitate God and live a life of love, just as I loved you and gave Myself as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. If you have any encouragement from being united with Me, if any comfort in My love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make My joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. Look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Let your attitude be the same as Mine. I made Myself nothing. I did not cling to the advantages of my equal status with God. When the time came, I set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave. I became human. I humbled Myself and lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death. It was the worst kind of death, the cross. Because of that obedience, God exalted Me to the highest place and gave Me the name that is above every name so that at the name Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that I, Jesus Christ am Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Come, draw near, My Beloved, and let me wash your feet. Let me dry your feet with the tenderness of My Servant’s towel. Yield to my Servant Lordship in your life. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet. I have shown you how by the example of My life. Listen to these words of truth. No servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Beloved one, go and do these things and you will be blessed. Mt. 10:39, Mt. 23:11,12, Heb. 5:7,8, Mk. 14:35,36, Eph. 5:21, Mark 10:45, 2 Cor. 2:14, 15, Eph.5:1,2, Phil. 2:1-11 Msg., John 13:12-17 NIV Bible One of the ways that I love to serve is through Restore Ministry Retreats. For thirty one years, I had the privilege of serving in the church as a director in worship arts ministry to children and adults. Serving others is a beautiful calling in our lives, but it can weary us at times. Even Jesus understood the need to pull away and rest, spend time with the Father and be restored so that he might serve the lost and needy in our world. Perhaps you have come to that place in your journey where your spirit needs to be rekindled. Come, let us “wash your feet” by serving you on this beautiful retreat. Maybe, you need to “Be Still” and soak in His presence, hear words of truth and let the music of healing worship wash over you as draw you near to your Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Please consider joining us for our fall retreat, September 30-October 1. We are praying for you, beloved. Come, be restored that you might be better equipped to serve and “wash the feet” of others wherever He leads you. Your life is a living letter. May it be one that leaves a legacy of love and divine passion for Jesus as you seek to fulfill His purpose for you, His beloved Bride. Blessed to serve, Kathy Resources: Living Water by Kathy Drake, Photos pinterest REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS AUGUST 30! CLICK BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS AND REGISTRATION! Perhaps you would like to serve by assisting another financially in the cost of a Restore Retreat. Click the button below to learn more about the Melissa Parrino Memorial Scholarship Fund and how you can invest in another woman's faith journey. You can sign up for Restore's Monday Musings Blog to come directly to your inbox! Just enter your email in the subscriber box above and then reply to the invitation email you will receive. Feel free to share our blogs on your social media or email them to a friend. Summer is a great time for weddings! And along with the hustle and bustle of preparations, venues, family dynamics, travel, and celebrating with the bride and groom, there is always an opportunity for reflection! If we are married, our hearts are tenderized as we reflect on our very own vows that we made to our spouse. Sometimes we reflect on our music, colors, and the funny things that seem to happen before, during and after the ceremony. As we approach our upcoming Restore Retreat in September, my mind is continually focused on it's theme as I continue to study and prepare for "Awaken to the Pursuit of the Bridegroom." We hope that if you are in town, you will join us. I'm sure that today's blog will speak to you as most all of us can relate to dancing at a wedding reception! Today's Monday Musing is from one of our guest writers here at Restore Ministries, Margaret Kemp. She has a heart for writing what God speaks to her during everyday moments of life. It is my prayer that you will prepare your heart for "Dancing with the Spirit." -Sherry I once took ballroom dancing classes at Ric Seeling’s Dance Studio. Ballroom dancing is different from the type of dancing we did when I was a kid. In those days, the dances required no physical contact with a partner— I could basically “do my own thing.” Line dancing was also popular; to line dance I had to learn certain steps and perform a routine, but there was still no physical contact. Well, in ballroom dancing, one partner—almost always the man---has to lead, and the other partner has to follow. I was not exactly one of Ric Seeling’s star pupils. My first problem, he said, was that I was trying to lead. And even when I wasn’t actually leading, I wasn’t following either. “You have to trust the lead,” he’d tell me. “But you want to analyze it. You keep thinking, ‘Where’s he taking me?’ ‘Why does he want me to go there?’ Just trust the lead and keep moving in that direction until you feel the next lead.” “Wait for the lead,” he’d tell me. “Don’t try to anticipate the lead. You may think you know where your partner is going to lead next, but he may do something entirely different. Wait for the lead!” Ric had certain terminology that he used to teach, and I was such a slow learner that he made me write down the terms. First, there was the “Bubble,” an area of proximity to your partner. To understand the lead, you have to stay in your partner’s Bubble. If I got too far away from the Bubble, Ric would say I “went shopping,” (off doing my own thing.) Next, I had to leave my fingertips “available” to receive directions, especially during turns. If I let go, or if I grasped too tightly, I couldn’t receive the directions and wouldn’t know which way to turn. He had to remind me to keep my chin up—to keep looking up and stop looking at my feet. “Where do your feet go? Down!” he’d say. “Your feet know where to go. Just keep looking up.” Recently I was reading the daily lesson in Kathy Drake’s “Come unto Me” Study where Kathy compares the Spirit-filled life to a dance. Kathy wrote: “A great dance partner can be trusted to lead you in joy, beauty, and grace if you follow his steps. The Holy Spirit is not only the greatest dance partner of all, but He is also the choreographer. He created the steps and knows how to lead you through the dance of life. But you will have to learn to follow His lead. It may take some practice to get the steps right, but if you listen carefully to His instruction and learn to rest in His embrace, you will know which way to go. He can be trusted.” It occurred to me as I read this that maybe I have trouble following the Holy Spirit’s lead just like I had trouble following the lead in dance class. To follow the Holy Spirit’s lead, I have to stay in the Bubble…to stay close to Him through Bible Study and prayer. When I take time to quiet my heart and sit in the stillness, away from distractions, God speaks. He may use His still, small, inaudible voice—words that I hear clearly in my mind, though my ears hear no sound. He may send thoughts that can only be from Him because they are saturated in goodness, peace and holiness. I may feel a prompting, and urgency, a nudging towards some good work. A memory verse may pop into my mind. Or sometimes, as I’m reading a passage of Scripture (maybe one I’ve read dozens of times) I gain new understanding. It’s as if little light bulbs are flipped on in my brain as the Holy Spirit enlightens and illuminates the Word. I know I have heard from Him when His communication leads me to acts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Sometimes I tend to “go shopping,” though; I wander off in search of other things in life to delight, to entertain, to motivate, to fulfill me. But those things never satisfy for long, and I come away feeling empty. Sometimes, I don’t leave myself available to His leading. I may choose to cling to His Hand, enjoying my Bible study and prayer time, but refusing to go anywhere with Him. I may simply be unavailable, unwilling to follow Him and participate in the work He’s doing in the world. He may be nudging me toward a particular ministry, a particular good work, a particular act of kindness, yet I don’t go. Sometimes I get ahead of the Holy Spirit. I think I know best, and I go off in my own direction, making decisions without first praying about them. I tend to try to do things in my own power, to stop looking up to God. The dance of life would be so much easier, so much more graceful, if I would stop trying to tell my feet where to go, so to speak, and instead allow God to direct my steps and give me the ability to do what He asks me to do. The patriarch Jacob was a man who desired, I believe, to do God’s will, but he seemed to have trouble allowing God to lead. Even before he was born, God planned for him to inherit the blessings which should have gone to his older brother Esau. But Jacob, whose name means “grasps at the heel,” or “he deceives,” didn’t want to wait for God’s lead. He got ahead of God and schemed to make things happen. First, he convinced his brother to exchange his birthright for a bowl of soup. Then, when his father Isaac was blind and close to death, Jacob impersonated Esau and tricked his father into pronouncing a blessing upon him---the blessing that should have gone to Esau, the firstborn. He had good intentions, but he anticipated God’s lead. All along God had planned for Jacob to have the birthright, but Jacob thought he had to manipulate circumstances to bring that about. God had to teach him to stop trying to make things happen through trickery and just to trust. Jacob was lonely, discouraged, dejected, suffering the consequences of his schemes and deception when God gave him the vision that we call “Jacob’s ladder,” angels ascending and descending a ladder that reached to heaven. Jacob needed to stop looking at his own circumstance, stop looking at his own abilities, stop trying to figure out how to make things happen, and start looking up to heaven. Just when we think the dance with the Spirit is going to be smooth and carefree because we’ve mastered a few basic steps, God has new patterns for us to learn. Jacob spent a lifetime learning to let the Holy Spirit lead. Jacob’s dance with the Spirit was fraught with missteps and poor timing because he tended to rush headlong into decisions without first consulting God. Later in life, when Jacob had to finally face his brother Esau, Jacob did pray, but only after attempting to find his own solution. In a state of emotional turmoil, he divided his family into two groups, reasoning that if Esau attacked, at least one group would be safe. Genesis 32 tells how Jacob poured out his heart to God, confessing his unworthiness, admitting his fear, and reminding God of His promise. “But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’” Gen. 32:12 Then Jacob proceeded to select gifts—peace offerings—to send to his brother. Poor Jacob! He still believed that it was up to him to take the lead, to devise his own plan. That night Jacob sent his wives, children, and possessions across the stream ahead of him. Jacob was left all alone, and that’s when he and the Lord had their own pas-de-deux. Well, it was more like a wrestling match than a dance, but the result was that Jacob realized his dependence on God, yielded to God, and changed the way he related to God. And, as an indication of the drastic change in Jacob’s life, God changed his name to Israel, which various sources translate as “he struggles with God,” or “God’s warrior” or “God prevails,” or “soldier of God.” His new name was a reminder that he struggled with the Almighty and finally learned to follow God’s lead. I’m ready to end the struggle, to RELAX and to trust God’s leading. I’m ready to enjoy the graceful, exciting dance with the Spirit. I’m ready to go where He leads, believing that His choreography, His plan, is the best plan. Wherever we go together, I know I can rely on Him to strengthen and support me. I don’t know whether the music will be soft and tender or energetic and fast-paced, but I’m ready to trust that He will give me clear direction, if only I will wait for it. I know that if I follow His lead, the dance will be beautiful, joyful, and elegant. How about you? Are you ready to dance? “These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” I Corinthians 2:10 For His Glory, Margaret Kemp CLICK THE PICTURE for more information on our September 30th retreat. Won't you join us?
I find myself reflecting on some of the deep conversations I have had this week with friends. I have visited with men and women who feel overwhelmed as they consider all that they must face in this season of their lives. Several friends face serious financial struggles, some have had unexpected loss of jobs. Others feel broken and wounded and struggle to find clear direction for the future. These conversations have all been with men and women of deep faith. They press on and trust in the Lord’s provision and comfort, but they hurt and struggle. They seek wisdom. They ask for prayer. They wait for answers. This morning I had a wonderful conversation with a new friend that was so encouraging. He shared how blessed and hopeful he was as he saw God moving in the heart of worship among our body of believers at church. We talked about the power of intimate, true worship and the beauty of lingering in His presence and letting God’s Spirit move among us and through us. Once you have known the Lord in deep, transforming worship your heart longs for more. For me, when I seek to worship my Lord in spirit and truth, He speaks and ministers to my heart. There in His presence, there is healing and comfort and I am reminded that He is always with me in this journey and He is with those whom I love. It is often in the struggles of life that we recognize that the deep thirst of our souls is ultimately only satisfied in Jesus. God left His heavenly throne and became man - the Incarnation. The simplicity and beauty of Christ’s birth never ceases to amaze me. Had He come in grandeur and splendor, He would have been an unapproachable object of wonder and awe. But Jesus chose to enter our world the way each of us comes, as a weak, helpless, miraculous expression of God’s Divine love. Nothing is too hard for God; no sacrifice too great. What then can we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) In His glory, God reached out to meet us in the frailty of our humanity and the fullness of His deity. It’s a mystery that none of us can ever fully comprehend. We must choose to bow in faith at the revelation of the depth of love that the Father longs for us to know. Jesus wants us to understand that He is not only for us, but He is with us - Immanuel. With us - when the challenges overwhelm us, when the pain and failures of the past haunt us, when the loss in life consumes us, when we wonder how we will pay for the needs of our family, when we desperately need to know some answers, when we simply need love to hold us when we are just so weary...He is Immanuel - God with us. God became man so that we might know the Father and walk in grace and truth. God became man so that we might have the assurance that He has endured every trial and temptation we will ever face. God became man so that He might make a home in the hearts of men and women who will yield to His love. God became man so that by His Spirit He could live His life through you and me. When I dwell on those truths, I am humbled at the wonder of my Savior and the depth of His love for you and me. May we respond with a heart of surrender in worship for He alone is worthy! That is our greatest calling and draw near in worship of Jesus, the One who is our comfort, our wisdom, our healing, and our hope. As you read and reflect on the Scriptures in the next My Beloved Letter in this summer series, it is my prayer that you will hear the tender voice of the Savior speaking to you and be encouraged in the knowledge that He is with you. My Beloved I sent My Son to be born of a virgin. He is called Immanuel, for I, your God, am with you. Since I am with you, who can stand against you? Jesus is the Word made flesh. He was with Me in the beginning and through Him all things were made. In Him is life and that life is the light of men that shines in the darkness. Receive Him and believe in His name and by My grace you will become My child. When you look on My Son, Jesus, you see My glory, the glory of the One and Only, full of grace and truth. My glorious light has dawned upon you. I am your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and your Prince of Peace. I have come to offer you living water so that you will never be thirsty again. Drink of Me and I will give you water that will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Trust in Me and don’t be afraid. I am the Lord, your strength and your song. Draw from the well of My salvation with joy! Give thanks and call on My name. Sing and make known among the nations the glorious things I have done. Exalt My name. Shout aloud and sing for joy! I am seeking out the true worshipers who will worship Me in spirit and truth. Call on Me and I will be near to you. Seek Me and I will give you an undivided heart. My Word is truth. I will teach you the way so that you may walk in the truth. Meditate on all My works and consider what My hands have done. I see your thirst. Spread out your hands before Me in prayer and worship. I desire truth in the inner parts. I will teach you wisdom in the inmost place. Lift up your soul to Me and I will show you the way to go. My love never fails. I am the “Messiah,” called Christ, the One you’ve been waiting for. I am Immanuel, your Savior and the Savior of the world. Rejoice and find your rest in Me, for I have given you My gift of life. Bow down and worship Me, the Living Water. I am with you, beloved. Mt. 1:23, Romans 8:31, John 1:14, 2-4, 11-13, 18, Is. 9:2, 6, John 4:10, 23-26, 42, Is. 12:2,4-6, Psalm 145:18, Psalm 143:5,6, Psalm 86:11, John 17:17. NIV Bible I am praying for God to give me deeper revelation and insight as to the significance for my life that He is Immanuel - God with us. Will you join me in that prayer? It's personal, transforming truth for my life, for your life and for those we love. Grateful to be His beloved, Kathy Resources: photos pinterest, Living Water by Kathy Drake Our Fall Overnight Restore Retreat for women is now open for registration! Restore Retreats are designed from the heart for the heart. Renew your heart of worship ~ Transform your mind with the Word ~ Rest your body and soul! Awaken to the Pursuit of the Bridegroom When: September 30 - October 1 Where: Solomon Conference Center, Loranger, LA Cost: $192 ~ Covers lodging, 3 meals, & supplies Registration deadline is August 30. Limited Space Available - We are already over half full. Do you desire to know Christ in a deeper intimate way? Join us as we search the Scriptures to discover the thread of Jesus as our Bridegroom throughout the Old and New Testaments. Explore the Scriptures and ancient Jewish wedding customs to learn how they relate to the teachings and heart of Jesus for you as His Bride. Learn about our position as His Bride, Divine Passion and His purpose for you, His Beloved! Awaken to the pursuit of the heavenly Bridegroom! You can sign up for Restore's Monday Musings Blog to come directly to your inbox! Just enter your email in the subscriber box above and then reply to the invitation email you will receive. Feel free to share our blogs on your social media or email them to a friend. |
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