This is my last writing in the Preparation “H” series. What I thought would be my third point has been pushed to the last. In fact, I’m waiting until the very last second to write about it…and I sought a little help, too! I ask myself why I have neglected and procrastinated this subject and quite frankly, there is no good answer except it hits a nerve! Health! This one little word opens the door to a room full of discoveries that ensure a richer and happier life as I think about it’s four quadrants. What seems so easy and simple to maintain, is my most difficult. Honestly, there’s not much to say other than get it in order and balance it! Exercise discipline…in each area! You know what to do. Just do it and get a friend to help keep you accountable. We all know the importance health plays in our life! I could spend a few pages on each of these areas but I’ll leave you to ponder, pray, and position yourself to get back on track in the area of Health! I’m sure we all struggle in one of these quadrants and maybe some more than another. I have asked my friend Suzanne Audiffred to pen her thoughts about health. She is passionate about a healthy body in all of these quadrants, and she is disciplined in exercising not only her physical muscles but also the muscles of her faith! Here is what God has put on her heart to share with us: One can hardly turn on the TV these days without getting bombarded with drug commercials. There is a drug for everything that ails you - even conditions you would rather not hear about! You would think we would be the healthiest generation ever, but the CDC stated in an article from August 24, 2016 that US deaths from heart disease and cancer are on the rise. What’s going on!?!? Just as James wrote to the Jewish Christians that their outward behavior reflected their inward condition, so the “symptoms” that the drug companies claim to “cure” are only a reflection of a deeper problem. Something is causing the symptoms. It is a deeper issue that we would rather not deal with. We want a quick fix. Spiritually we feed on God’s Word to grow strong and mature. We don’t just change our behavior which are only symptoms of our inward condition. Change in our inner man will automatically reflect change on the outside. The inner work must come first. In the same way our physical bodies need to be properly cared for to manifest good health. We need to do our homework and learn proper nutrition, exercise and care for our bodies. I promise you, the drug companies will not give you that information. Spiritual maturity, is a process and so is working towards achieving physical health. It requires work in changing our diet, exercise, etc. It is a journey - one step at a time continually looking to God for His wisdom and strength. It takes prayer that comes from a grateful heart. for the incredibly complex and beautiful body that God has given us. This is truly HEALTHcare. The world only offers us Sickcare. We have the choice to fix the deeper problem and take care of our temples of His Holy Spirit. It is not an impossible task. We have the power of God behind us and He lives within us! Oh Hallelujah! ~Suzanne Audiffred “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” 1 Corinthians 3:16
I thought about the road signs as I traveled and kept noticing the miles until… Having this theme of Preparation H in my heart, and knowing that it would soon be my turn to post, my silly game became one of spiritual significance. How does health relate to time? I wondered how many more miles I have left on this journey of life. What are my planned stops along the way? Those moments to “stop and smell the roses” so to speak! I pondered the stops to exercise my legs and get out of a cramped position and how that relates to stopping and exercising faith muscles to build spiritual strength. And what happens when you run out of gasoline! (This actually happened on this trip but it wasn’t in our car!) There is nothing to do but wait until someone comes to your rescue! I have been there spiritually! You feel so handicapped. Stuck! Embarrassed. Ashamed. Then God moves the heart of someone to tend your need. Ahhh! Just the boost needed to get the ole engine cranking again! (Thanks again to those who have done that for me!) As I drove, I saw others pulling heavy loads. Often, I was behind them and couldn’t get around. I was being held back! ...Beware when helping others that you don’t get sucked into an unhealthy situation. When others slow you down because their load is heavier than yours, this can cause prolonged advancement! Of course, this thought led me to the question... “What happens when you pull a trailer… Extra baggage?!” This slows you down, makes you become more aware of your inability to progress...dependent on others, life in the slow lane, drudgery. What do you do when situations cause you to slip and collide? While on this journey home, pulling the trailer of furniture, we slightly hydroplaned nearly landing us into an 18-wheeler. Glad I wasn’t driving. Brian, my dear husband, knew how to navigate and handle such a scary event! In a spiritual sense, are you well prepared for your journey? Can you navigate the unseen events that arise? Who is your source of strength? As we nearly wrecked, I thought, is that truck driver even concerned that we nearly landed under his wheels? Could he see what was about to happen because he didn’t warn us by blowing his horn? Are other people interested in you along your journey? Are they sounding alarms to alert you and if so, are you listening? What changes and precautions do those who love you demonstrate? How does this change you from traveling so low (spiritually depleted)…off course…or dangerously reckless? The healthiness of these four quadrants of a Christian's life is important. When there is balance within each quadrant, I believe we are better prepared to be the vessel of love and compassion this sick world needs. We hold the elixir of Truth to help heal, restore, and maintain fitness. This elixir is God's word and His spirit in our heart. A healthy helping each day is the prescription needed to be fit for His service...for His Kingdom purposes! We must help ourselves first to be better prepared to help others. Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17 As an overview of these blogs, Preparation “H” has asked the question: How is God calling us to prepare our Home, Heart, Health, Heirs, and Huddles for His Kingdom purposes? I think God has much to say, whether you read it here, or simply as you contemplate this question. There has been so much spinning in my heart and head to help us conquer each aspect with hope, scripture, and God-size resilience as we respond to His calling of preparedness. If you are just joining us and have missed part one (Home) or part two (Heart), or part three (Heirs & Huddles) you can find it clicking the title of each. Working on my overall health and hope you are too! Sherry You can sign up for Restore's Monday Musings Blog to come directly to your inbox! Just enter your email in the subscriber box on the right above and then reply to the invitation email you will receive. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. Next Women's Retreat is September 30, 2017 Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Make plans to join us! Mark your calendar now to join us!
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As I rock my newest grand daughter, Audrey Kathryn in her nursery I am in awe at the wonder of God’s most precious gift to us. She is tender, fragile, gentle and needs the love and care that only we can give her. She is a masterpiece! As she snuggles up against my chest, my heart overflows with gratitude at the privilege of being part of her life. Her name Audrey means noble strength and Kathryn (my namesake) means pure one. While she sleeps on my chest, I pray that she lives up to her beautiful name. As I gaze around the nursery/guest room, the furniture and walls are a reflection of the heritage of women in my daughter Maggie's life. I’ve been here for three weeks helping Maggie with her three year old daughter Evelyn, little baby Audrey and all that goes into keeping a family fed and cared for. I'm sleeping in the bed in Audrey’s room that belonged to my “Meemaw”, Audrey’s great, great grandmothers wedding bedroom set! Draped across it is the matelasse bedspread I used in my daughter’s nursery mixed with wonderful pillows she has chosen for this special place. Maggie has a gift of mixing the old family pieces with the new to give it her special touch. Hanging above the bed is a beautiful floral painting created by my daughter who has grown up to be such a talented artist. The flowers make me think of my grandmother’s garden and my own mom who grew roses. She always had bouquets of flowers in vases around the house. I remember my “Meemaw” walking with me along her flower beds teaching me about all the flowers that bloomed in her yard. Her joy and love for flowers was contagious! I loved spending time with her as we walked in the beauty together. She passed on that love for flowers through the generations! A legacy of love for God’s creation and taking the time to nurture it. When Maggie brought her little baby girl home, I filled every room with the beauty and scent of flowers in all shades of pink. I noticed that it was our grand daughter Evelyn who was most taken with the flowers. She would run from vase to vase smelling and admiring them, pointing them out to her mom. Her favorite is hyacinths! While I’ve been here, I looked for a way to nurture her love of flowers and scents and so we planted a little garden around her playhouse of potted herbs and flowers. She especially loves rosemary. So, of course, we had to bake something with her herbs, delicious cheese biscuits with the rosemary and lemon thyme from her garden! She was so proud and brought some of her biscuits across the street to her neighbor. Next to my chair is the bird shadow lamp my mom and I chose for Evelyn’s nursery, now passed on to Audrey. We had such fun shopping for it with my sister three years ago. Now mom’s Alzheimer’s disease has progressed that she could no longer choose a gift or know who she was buying for. I’m so grateful for that memory. There is a heritage of beauty in nature that cannot be mistaken in the lives of my children and grand children. Maggie paints it and several times this year my youngest daughter, Mary Elizabeth has called me from NYC all excited as she walked through central park. At last, after the long winter, the flowers are in bloom and I can hear how the beauty in the park has lifted her spirits. I pray that little Audrey will grow up with a love for beauty in nature as well. My eyes move to the crib that Audrey will soon sleep in when she moves from her mom and dad’s room. Her big sister, Evelyn, slept in that crib too. I remember going with Maggie to pick out the crib and rocker for Evelyn’s nursery, our first grand child. Now they are part of Audrey’s room. Just outside the nursery is my childhood dresser, used in my youngest daughter’s room in my home and now passed on to Maggie - a perfect spot to house diapers, wipes, all that baby stuff and photos that represent the families that have invested in these precious parents - Maggie and Spencer. My eyes gaze up at the shelves my daughter has hung in the nursery. They are filled with wonderful books that she will soon read to her little girl as she rocks her to sleep. I notice my daughter has also hung a keepsake shelf with pewter cups lovingly engraved with the names of her children and her own childhood cups, a sweet little lamb and a picture of Maggie pregnant with Audrey. There is also a child’s tea set passed down to her that was my mom’s and the silver fork and spoon that Maggie used as a little girl. I have always loved tea parties with my girls and so while I’ve been here Evelyn had her first "real" tea party with mom and Mimi using her mom’s childhood tea set while baby Audrey slept. We made cherry chocolate chip scones and Evelyn requested peach tea with lots of sugar of course! She dressed up in her “frozen” dress and made sure everything was just right. It was the shortest tea party I’ve ever had as a three year olds attention span is rather short! But the fun memory will always be there and the tradition now continues. While I rock in the glider Maggie chose to rock her children, my mind goes to the beautiful sight of my daughter nursing and loving her two girls in this chair. She has grown into a beautiful, loving young mother, rising with grace to the challenges and joys that motherhood brings. The soft music continues to play as I rock and pray the prayers and Scriptures I lifted up for my own two girls. We have discovered that Audrey really likes piano music. It instantly soothes her and puts her off to sleep. I smile as I think of it. Her great grandmother “Smock” was a pianist and passed that heritage of the love and gift of music on to her son, my husband Ken.My grandmother, mom and sister all played the piano. I pray that Audrey Kathryn’s love for beautiful music, especially the piano will flourish as she grows up. This Mother’s Day will be very special for me because my youngest daughter, Evelyn and Audrey’s “Auntie M”, will be flying in from NYC to join us and Ken will fly up so that we can all be together to celebrate - a rare treat to all be together! My spirit is overwhelmed with gratefulness. For you see, my personal history also includes eleven years of infertility. Each month, year after year, tears would flow and the pain would resurface. Infertility brings unexpected sorrows and struggles to a marriage. I wondered if I would ever experience motherhood and couldn't even imagine the joy of being a grand mother in that difficult season of my life. So I am well aware that Mother’s Day doesn’t always bring happy thoughts. I remember those May Sundays in church when the mothers were honored and I would try to hold back the tears of longing and grief. God answered my prayers. I have been blessed with a heritage of strong, loving women who have invested in my life -my grandmother, a mother who devoted her life to her husband and children and a sister who has poured into the lives of my children as well, giving sacrificially of her time and resources to nurture and love them. Yet, I know that everyone reading this today may not have children or did not have a loving mother in their life. I wonder as I rock and sing to this sweet baby, could we turn the disappointments and longings of our lives into blessings for others. If you struggle with the approaching Mother’s Day, see if perhaps the Father might show you how to turn your sorrow and longing into blessing for another. How could you invest in the life of a child? If your motherhood history has pain, you could be the one to change the course for generations.
This picture of Audrey laying on one of my favorite Scriptures, Psalm 139, is a reflection of my heart for her. I pray that she will grow up to live a life devoted to Jesus as her Savior and have a deep love for His Word. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand-- when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:14-18 The Father has woven you together by the work of His masterful hands. “From the womb God’s hand is on you.” Soak in the beauty of that thought for a moment and take in the wonder of it for your own life...... created my inmost being…..knit together…..fearfully and wonderfully the secret place.... all the days ordained for me… God has a unique vision and plan for us all to be complete and whole in the love and transforming work of Christ as our Savior. Our role is to surrender to His work within us that He might complete the Masterpiece He designed. You were created for a specific purpose and no one else can fulfill it. I have one more week with these precious ones, these masterpieces of our Creator God. Then I will have to take the long eleven hour drive home. But the memories, the heritage, the love and the hope will linger in my heart until we see each other again. I know and trust that He is the master Artist and has a unique and beautiful design for each of my children and grand children. One of His beautiful purposes in my life has been the blessed journey of being a mother and grandmother. I am forever grateful for the treasures of motherhood! With a full heart, Kathy (Mimi) If you are interested in more detailed teaching on God's heart for you as His masterpiece go to - This blog is from the archives 5/4/14 when Evelyn, my first grandchild was born. You can sign up for Restore's Monday Musings Blog to come directly to your inbox! Just enter your email in the subscriber box on the right above and then reply to the invitation email you will receive. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. Next Women's Retreat is September 30, 2017 Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Make plans to join us! Mark your calendars now! We'd love for you to join us! |
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