![]() The Way of the Water Standing on the edge of the waves, I try to keep on solid ground – taking charge of my steps and watchfully stepping where I feel secure. This is the way of many believers. They have once been touched by the waves of God’s grace and delight in it’s intermittent touch – An outpour of refreshment – an occasional covering of coolness to ease the steps of the hot and tired. Only a taste! They are satisfied. I am not! Those waves seduce, entice me to step further into the water- ![]() As I step, I can see the sandy floor as a platform with steps that lead into the deep. I am secure where I am, the water is up to my knees and I continue to view the gulf floor. The waters beckon me to come. One unguarded step and I fall into the waves. At first, I am afraid. Then, my standing becomes firm and secure. The fierceness of those raging waves try to succumb – It is during that time that I feel tossed and unstable fearing for my life. ![]() This is the area of the shore where waves meet the beach. The waves rush in and the current pulls out! It seems to draw me deeper into the water- A few steps out and the raging waves are calmed- A sense of peace provides comfort. ![]() I am resting in the deep waters. The waves do not stop, but because I am deeper, the roughness doesn’t seem as hard- I cannot fight the deep- It’s current let’s me float in the graces of the water. ![]() A snorkeler passes by me with his face in the water- Seeing where I’ve been and where I’m headed- His graceful body floats with ease and encourages me to rest – do not resist – To get where he is, he also had to travel my same path - face my same fears. This reminds me of the scripture, “so great a cloud of witnesses.” ![]() I become relaxed and secure- I stretch out and depend on the way of the water. It holds me. It carries me. It calms me. I breathe in and out - my eyes are closed. I rely on the peace that covers me and allows me to float, gently, securely. The pressure of the water is as the hand of God beneath me, holding me steady. I long that others would step just a few more steps as I did- Past the shallow, past the tugging tide, to float where the waters lead, Resting in the deep! Resting in the waves of the Living Water! Safe. Secure. Relaxed. At peace! "Holy Spirit, please bring peace and rest to all who are reading this, those whose heart is anxious. You know their every concern and their every need. Help your precious ones learn to release and rest in the waves of your command. I ask that you bring comfort. Bring healing. Refresh and renew us in the salty water. Help us to bring our heart to you. In the name of Jesus I pray for you, Amen." "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all ] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." Quiet yourself. Spend time with the Father. Rest in the deep, deep love of Jesus. Listen to the Holy Spirit's comforting words. Journal what He is speaking. Write him a letter - casting the whole of your care on Him. He loves you...affectionately...He cares for you...watchfully. Do you trust Him? Be a testimony or an encouragement to others. Share how God blesses you. The reflection above was actually written during my 12 day get away to Gulf Shores some time ago. It is very rare that I spend time alone but since that time away, my spirit yearns for more of those moments. God gave me many "object lessons" while I spent time listening to His voice and watching His creation. My prayer is for you to take time to rest. Observe all that God is showing you, and then write it down! He speaks all the time, we just never take time to stop and listen and write! I pray that you would share those observations; for that is the way we are all encouraged in our faith journey. ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() Last week I finally managed to grab a morning to sit out on my patio and have some quiet time in the beauty of God’s creation. It has been a month of long days in the hospital caring for my mom and the many hospital rooms were beginning to close in on me. I simply had to get outside. Much of my garden is looking a little neglected, but somehow the rose arbor has persevered through the recent busy days and has burst forth in glorious bloom. I had been watching it’s buds wondering when it was going to peak, waiting and last Thursday I thought - this will be the weekend - just perfect for Mother’s Day! Ken had left that day to get our youngest daughter moved home from college in Oklahoma City and I was alone in the house. That night we experienced one of the fiercest lightening and thunder storms I have ever seen come over Baton Rouge. My first thought after fear at being alone in the house was the rose arbor. Surely the storm would beat to pieces the blooms we had hoped to enjoy this year. The next morning I went out to examine the damage and yes, she was badly beaten down. The patio was covered with her petals. But over the weekend I watched her branches rise to the sun and the remaining buds burst forth in beautiful little rose blossoms. She was shining in her Creator’s glory despite the storm. I smiled - how like her. Her life has been a testimony to me of perseverance and beauty since 1991. Our rose arbor has had a long and adventurous history. Twenty two years ago my friend Monica and I traveled to Texas to visit the Antique Rose Emporium. We had seen some beautiful pictures in a magazine and decided to make a girls trip. It was quite the adventure of getting lost, ending up in a rather unusual little inn in the middle of nowhere. The inn was definitely “misrepresented” in it’s advertisement and not quite up to our expectations. Anyway, after a sleepless night in a somewhat “converted” old train car we went on our journey to the Antique Rose Emporium. It was spectacular! Everywhere the most exquisite roses I had ever seen were in full bloom. We were quite carried away. So much so that I came home with 17 new roses! It was definitely an impulsive buy and I think my friend bought at least that many! To this day I’m not sure how we fit them all in my van. We arrived home with the loaded car much to the surprise of our unsuspecting husbands. You see I hadn’t really thought this whole thing through very well. I was just taken away by their beauty. There were no beds prepared, no arbor was built. There was no garden design! On top of that when we got home it rained for about 30 days straight so we couldn’t even get them in the ground! We just knew they would all die before we could even try to establish the beautiful new rose gardens of our dreams and imaginations! The focal point of my new garden was to be the Cecile Brunner roses growing over the arbor that was yet to be built! ![]() My sweet, patient husband managed to get our friend Johnny to help him build a trellis arbor to support the roses. That day while building the arbor Johnny had a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. He recovered, but it was of course a very difficult time for the family. That was just the beginning of the many storms that have involved our roses through the years. Eventually, the arbor was finished through the help of more friends and the little rose began to slowly wind her long, climbing branches on the trellis. We watched for years as she grew strong and each year the blossoms in spring would be a lovely display of beauty to behold. She was a survivor. Her roots grew deep. Through the years she has been completely blown off of her wooden arbor in 3 different hurricanes! After each storm we would get out the ladders, cut away the destroyed branches and carefully lift and tie her back onto the arbor. Somehow she always persevered, never uprooted completely even though we lost many trees in these same storms. I can’t imagine our home without her. She has given shade for picnic lunches, Sunday dinners and little girls tea parties. Her branches have provided shelter for countless baby birds in their nests. She is as unpredictable as the storms she has survived. A few years ago she even persevered through the poison of an overzealous weed killing gardener whose name I won’t mention! I cried as I watched one side of her slowly die. The leaves turned brown and the branches died. I just couldn’t bring myself to cut her down completely and the dead branches were all intertwined with the other side of the arbor which was thriving. Then to our surprise the next spring a new shoot came forth from the main branch which we thought was dead and in the following years she thrived once again - growing strong over the support of the wooden arbor built by treasured friends. We never know exactly when her blooms will peak - sometimes March, usually April, but this year Mother’s Day. A special gift to me during this year that has been full of so many trials. Her display of glory is always a surprise. The anticipation is all part of the joy. The air was full of the sweet smell of her little blooms last weekend and is still fragrant today as I write. You see these little roses are not so showy by themselves like others in my garden. It is the mass of flowers blooming together that makes it so glorious. As I have enjoyed her blooms this season I have been struck again by the many faith lessons the Lord teaches me in the garden. Throughout Scripture we are exhorted to let our roots go deep into Christ and His Words of Life. If her roots had not gone deep into fertile soil she would never have survived the many storms. When our roots are deep we can persevere through the storms of life. So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7 NIV The blessing of friendship carries us and shelters us in hard times and brings companionship and joy for the journey. Our rose arbor began on a journey to Texas with a dear friend, the arbor that has supported her branches was built through love and sacrifice of friends. The shade of her branches has nurtured relationships through many years of lingering conversations over a cup of tea under the shade of her branches. This has been a year of testing and trials for us. There have been many storms in ministry, in health, in life. I cannot imagine trying to persevere through our life during the last year without the love, loyalty, and prayers of friends. A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 NLT The storms that have tested our roses on the arbor have made her stronger, more precious to us. When she blooms in the glory of her Creator she is a display of hope and His splendor. I never take her display of beauty for granted. I watch for it and anticipate its arrival. We rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 Our sufferings can produce within us a character that we would never have known had we not persevered. The beauty that emerges has a special strength, dignity and hope for others who journey with us because we know that it is clothed with the grace and love of the Savior. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:3-8 NIV Perhaps you are facing your own trials today and need the encouragement of God’s Word and a loyal friend to make it through. Remember this truth - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 NIV We must pray that the trials and testings we will surely face in the days ahead will produce perseverance, character and hope in our lives. Is the Lord calling you to be that loyal friend who provides shelter to another in need? Let your roots go deep into Christ today so that you will not perish in the storms of life. Dig deep into the truths that He has for you. You will find in Him all that you need to persevere and emerge with His strength and beauty. Enjoying God's beauty and grateful for lessons learned from a rose, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
I have a little cup that I love and use most days. I'm not sure why it makes me happy - sorta seems silly that way! You see, that little cup and I have a history from many years ago. It belongs to my first set of dishes, and yes, I still have the box, you know! One day, when sitting outside I'm sure, I heard a little grinding noise in its handle when I would sip my coffee. I wasn't sure what that noise was until later when the handle broke clean off! It had a weakness of which I was not aware. I didn't throw it away because it still served its purpose, but I also haven't fixed it! Of course now, who knows where the handle is hiding! That little cup is the one I use to measure my Karo syrup when making my Granny's Pecan Pie. I use it to add water to cook my dry beans or green beans in the pressure cooker! It always seems to be the one for which I reach! Now that I think about it, it brings a little smile and a happy feeling when I take it from the cabinet. It has been with me when I cook, when I take a break from a busy day and drink from it, and I have even used it when I paint to rinse out my brush. That little cup even though "handicapped" (no pun intended!) still brings joy and works just fine! I seem to use it more than the others because it is trusted and faithful and it brings me joy. Sure, I have all sorts of measuring cups...but I still use my special cup! Brian used my special broken cup one day and didn't respect it in my unique way. For months, I waited for him to return it to its rightful place. He had used it to clean his art brushes and took it outside. It was left in the weathers hot sun, hard rain, and even through gusty days. I would find it outside, knocked over, but not further broken. I often picked it up and placed it upright. I waited to see how long it would be before he brought it in! Well, it would still be there if I didn't step in and rescue it! It surely couldn't help itself!!! Now all grimy and filled with crud, I brought it in and cleaned it up to serve me once more. It wasn't until today that this analogy came to my mind as I was sitting on my back porch and saw it still on the outside table and decided to bring it in! This little story is really about the Father and me! The Father is the keeper of the cup. He loves that little broken cup (me/us) taking great delight in using it to serve Him...it's trusted, faithful, and does its job even though it isn't perfect. Often it is not respected by others. There are seasons when it stays in the storms of life and unable to pick itself up and move. It has to be brought back in, cleaned up, and put back to use; making the "keeper of the cup" happy once more! Can you relate to that cup? "He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along." Ps. 42:2 I'm glad that God uses broken things! I am amazed that He takes delight in them and uses them to proclaim His faithfulness, His glory, His mercy, and His power. When I think of "broken," there is a sense of negative that goes along with that word. "Broken" is often not a good thing. But as I think of "broken" in the scriptures, I find that more often it is used as a positive! "Broken" brought victory. "Broken" brought a blessing. "Broken" brings salvation. ![]() When I think through the stories of the Bible, I am reminded of many broken things used by God. One that comes to mind is the story of Gideon and the battle with the Midianites. The soldiers broke pitchers containing their lamps and at Gideon's command, to reveal the light! (Judges 7) "Broken" brought victory! ![]() There's the story of the woman from Bethany. She broke an alabaster box of ointment and poured it on the body of Jesus. (Mark 14) "Broken" brought a heart of worship! ![]() Jesus broke the bread at the last supper. "And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said,Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me." (1 Corin. 11:24) "Broken" brought us salvation! ![]() "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Ps. 147:3 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Ps. 334:18 "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God." Ps. 51:17 ![]() The Story of the Broken Jar ~ A Legend from India The master lived quite a distance from the stream. Every day his servant, the water bearer, would walk from his master’s house to the stream with two large pots, each hung on opposite ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. One pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the walk, while the other pot had a crack in it and arrived only half full. This went on for a full two years and the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, but the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfections and of the fact that it was only able to accomplish half of what it had been made to do. Finally the cracked pot summoned up enough courage to have its own conversation with the water bearer. It went something like this. “I am ashamed and I want to apologize to you for I have let you down. Because of my flaws you have had to do twice as much work.” But the water bearer would have nothing of this conversation. “Did you notice the beautiful wild flowers along the path and did you notice that these beautiful flowers were only on your side of the path?” That’s because I have always known of your flaws and I took advantage of them and planted flower seeds on your side of the path and every day you watered them. And these beautiful flowers that you have watered everyday grace the master’s table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.” What is broken in your life? Fragmented? Weak? Shattered? Bring it to Jesus. Remember that God doesn't toss broken things to the side. He often breaks for our good and then uses our brokenness to bring us closer to his side and to bring him glory. Or perhaps, what needs to be broken? Are there areas of your life that need correcting or maybe habits that need to be broken? Selfishness? Pride? Control? Negativism? Wandering from Jesus? I'm reminded of the lamb in Phillip Kellers book, A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm. The shepherd sometimes has to break a lamb's leg to stop it from wandering away. He would then set the leg and carry the lamb on his shoulders until its leg healed. He also fed it by hand. When the leg had healed, the lamb stayed close to the shepherd's side. Let's try to think of broken in a positive way. It is only for good! So now when I look at my broken cup, I have a whole new perspective. Father, thank you for taking and using what is broken to bring glory to you. Please break the areas in my life that keep me from relying and trusting in you. Also, help me have a heart attitude of brokenness for the things that break your heart. It is my desire to stay close by your side. I pray that this broken and cracked vessel would bring you honor by pointing the way to you. For you are able to do far more than I could ever imagine, think or dream with my life. Thank you for not giving up on me and patching me up when I needed mending. In Jesus' name, Amen. 2 Corinthians 12:9 New English Translation (NET) 9 But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me. "Men throw broken things away, When I think about brokenness, one song always comes to my mind and also one image. It is the image of the Potters Hand. He forms us, breaks us down, and forms us again and again. Perfecting us to become more like him! He does all things well! Chipped and cracked for His glory, Sherry ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() Most often, I have found, that anything that is of great importance faces spiritual warfare and waiting! This is a reflection of our preparation for the RESTORE retreat as well as the retreat itself. It began with a desire and many requests to "Do It Again!" Our first RESTORE retreat was in May of 2012. We believed that God was calling us to "do it again" the following spring and fall, 2013. After looking through the calendar, we chose a date and I contacted the retreat center to get it on the books early. Spring is a popular time for retreats and if it isn't booked early, you don't get it! We moved forward with the plan - then...spiritual warfare kicked in! I got the call from Kathy about Ken's illness. A million thoughts raced through my mind. Life was about to look different for them and then days later, it hit me! The RESTORE retreat?! Many questions began to plague my mind and right now (and rightly so) Ken's health was first priority on Kathy's mind! Should I cancel? Should I proceed? Can I do this alone? SHOULD I even try, it's a partnership!?! Wait? Get another speaker? What should I do Lord?!? Should I even bother to remind Kathy about the plan right now? She doesn't need extra weight to burden her down! His answer...WAIT! Time passed....Ken is okay....I waited.....We proceeded with plans for the retreat. I made a phone call just to double check with the retreat center because I didn't want any last minute surprises...after all, I was the one responsible for setting it up and I didn't want to goof it up! Well....surprise! We were not on the books and every weekend is now taken! Was this more warfare or God closing the door? I'm a little confused but feel God's prompting to Press On! I make a ton of phone calls and spend hours online to finally find another place with the perfect weekend available. Thanks God! Now we need to advertise and have people sign up. More waiting begins and time is drawing closer...over 400 brochures are distributed and we finally got one response! What?! More questions arise...Did I miss something, God? I thought you said to Press On. Then the most unusual thing began to happen...ladies began to sign up....then...drop out! As we watch the enrollment numbers bounce up and down, we wondered what God was doing. Even the day before the retreat, 2 more had to cancel. This left us with a total number of 12. ![]() Of course, with my crazy brain, I'm very intrigued with this number as it shows up numerous times in the Scriptures! There are 12 disciples, 12 minor prophets, 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem, 12 gates of Pearl, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel,12 loaves of shewbread, 12 fruits on the tree of Life, Jesus was 12 years old in the temple....12 shows up everywhere! (Many scholars of Biblical Numerology believe that the number 12 signifies faith, new beginnings, and governmental perfection [i.e. 12 months in a year] I don't consider myself superstitious (and was curious about the number 12) but knew that God chose only 12 for this particular weekend. He showed His faithfulness to overcome in the midst of much warfare and we 'pressed on!' ![]() I had a nail in my tire the day before we were to leave and didn't really have extra time to sit at the automotive center! There seemed to be many last minute details. We were faced with driving in the night with thunderstorms and the next morning, keyboard issues. Then, Kathy gets the call about her mother! Really God?!?! Am I missing something? Now what do I do? Do I encourage her to go home and do this retreat alone? Do I call eveyone and cancel? Is this really your plan? Then I feel it in my spirit...peace...and the answer...Press On! This is simply spiritual warfare. I have something planned for you 12! Perhaps you are facing questions and warfare. Let this song encourage you...by the way, it happens to be track #12 on my CD! Isn't that amazing! God met with us that weekend! In Jesus' name, we pressed on - overcame spiritual warfare...and souls were refreshed, refocused, and renewed. RESTORATION...is needed after something has been battered, beaten, broken or bruised. I'm glad we pressed on! All the waiting was over and the women we had been praying for began to arrive. Most came a little early - excited, expectant and full of hope for a wonderful weekend. (Click play for background music as you continue to scroll through the pictures and captions.) ![]() Everyone was excited as they chose a beautiful handmade journal and gift bag filled with "goodies" to make them feel special and lavished with love! It was fun to watch the women choose the journals and bags that appealed to their unique personalities. Each journal contained teaching lessons, quotes and Scriptures for refection and a prayer journey for time alone with the Lord around the lake. ![]() It was such a wonderful time for mother and daughter Jackie and Jessica to share together. ![]() We were blessed with a beautiful room overlooking the lake for our meeting space and worship. We created vignettes on the tables. Each one had spiritual significance that tied in with our lessons. They were filled with "masterpieces" of art to help us focus on the Masterpiece the Father has created in our own lives. Throughout the displays were many quotes and Scriptures for reflection. ![]() The first teaching Kathy used a fun visual display as we looked at what it means to be restored into the Masterpiece God had in mind when He created us. We have to look into the mirror of God's Word to see the true reflection of who we are. ![]() Sherry taught us about hands and feet for His service - in bare feet of course!! ![]() Saturday evening we had a "Concert of Praise". The Lord blessed us in worship with His light and presence. The evening was filled with original songs composed by Sherry and Kathy, readings of "My Beloved" letters in Scripture, prayer and songs of worship as we came before the Lord and offered Him our all. ![]() The Lord met us in many beautiful ways as we sought His face in the Word, worship, prayer and friendship throughout the weekend. He taught us rich lessons about restoration, transformation and surrender. We were blessed beyond measure to have the privilege of journeying with these amazing women. We are so grateful that by His grace we were able to "press on " in the Name of our Savior Jesus. We closed in communion, blessed by the sacrifice of His love for us on the cross. Here is just of sampling of some testimonies from the women who went: "I cannot thank you enough for the chance this past weekend to sit and soak in His creation - day and night. The times of teaching what God has revealed to you and the worship music, tea party and creative activities were perfectly timed amid the vast amount of time given for one-on-one time with the Lord, however we chose to spend it. From an extra nap for the worn and frazzled mother of small children to leisurely walks around the lake for those who wanted to observe nature's beauty in Spring. It is amazing how we can hear the voice of our Savoir so clearly when we have no responsibilities and the opportunity to slow down from the hectic pace of life. " ~ S. Audiffred " It was a true restoration for me! And, I loved reconnecting with my friends, and making new ones! ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
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