![]() Among the floods of devotional emails that I receive every day (and usually scroll on by), one caught my attention. As I read it from my porch that morning, all of the words seemed to meld into one unfocused blob while only two words remained in focus. ... fresh hope ... Then, I remembered that FRESH is my word for the year! I have no recollection as to what that devotional was about, but those two little words have continued to resonate with me. It is my prayer that as you ponder todays Monday Musing that these same two words will minister to you today. It has been a most unusual year. 2020 seems to be the one that everyone wants to forget with its political chaos, hurricanes, fires, pandemic, job losses, sickness, death, floods, and not to mention that the whole educational system has changed. We have "social distanced" to the point where I am afraid that the next generation will be even more self absorbed. And without HUGS and SMILES, what is that doing to our emotional health? To top off everything, tomorrow is presidential Election Day! Our lives and world could further be changed again...forever! Lord help us! Our only hope is in you, but today, I feel we need some fresh hope. Oh, Father in Heaven, Help us we pray! The darkness seems to be moving over us and closing in. We need your light. We need your mighty strong arm of salvation. Lord, you are our life and give love. It is You who brings hope in the darkness. We praise you and look to you for it is ONLY You that can restore ALL things that are broken. Give us a fresh hope. Help us focus on the things that are unseen, the things that are in the spiritual realm. Your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is great. We look to you and look forward to your coming! Even so...come quickly Lord, Jesus! Amen As I write, I am reminded of this worship song...Our job is to praise Him in all things for He is our Hope. He is our Peace. He is our Rock. He is our Salvation! Great Are You Lord - All the Sons & Daughters You give life, You are love You bring light to the darkness You give hope, You restore Every heart that is broken Great are You, Lord It's Your breath in our lungs So we pour out our praise We pour out our praise It's Your breath in our lungs So we pour out our praise to You only (See Official YouTube of the song by clicking here) ![]() So today, I felt like I needed to share these two words with you. I have created a little 2 minute video for you. It expresses more clearly my heart, I think. May it encourage you today and may you ponder the idea of fresh hope. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/S22EaX8ae-g and embedded below is the video. With love & blessings, Sherry Don't forget to Vote! ![]() If you are reading this blog through social media, consider signing up to receive the blog each week in your email inbox. It will come directly to you to read at your leisure. Enter your email in the subscriber box on this blog page on our website, then REPLY to the invitation email you will receive in your personal inbox. Your email address is safe with us! Follow ALL directions to completion! Feel free to share our blogs on your social media or email them to a friend.
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July 2021
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