Summer is here! My youngest daughter is driving home from college today and will spend a month at home before moving off to start her new life in NYC. My oldest daughter, will be home in a few weeks with her husband and our granddaughter for a long weekend visit on Father’s Day. We’ll all be together! I want the days to linger. I want to savor the moments. Cherish the time. Don’t you? Each year we all look forward to the days of summer. I remember summertime when my children were little. Lazy days. Sleeping in. Strolls to the park. Little girl sleepovers. Laughter. Cookies and lemonade stands. Beach days. Picnics. Vacations to Callaway Gardens with special friends. Road trips. Lunches with girl friends. Craft projects. Barbecues. Reading a good book or two. The joy of no routine. Relaxing..... Refueling..... Resting....... Maybe your summer is still filled with laughing little ones running through the house. Savor the days! They will fly by and it will soon be September and another summer gone. Or maybe like me, your children are grown and your mind is filled with precious memories and you would just love to recapture the wonder of it all. God placed the seasons of the weather to change throughout the year just as He has ordered the seasons of our lives. The change is good. It’s easy to get stuck in the routine, in the ordinary, in the expected....and loose our joy, our wonder, the simple things of life. There is a purpose for each season. So this summer.......take a break from the routine. Do something out of the ordinary. Just one thing! It doesn’t have to cost extra money. Let your mind wander for a minute.... What would that one thing be for you this summer? Maybe you're like our family and a fancy summer vacation is not in the budget this year. Maybe it never is. But how about a surprise candlelight romantic dinner with your honey, or an old fashioned picnic at the park or the lake. If you’re like me, along with relaxing summer days, you probably have a project or two in mind that you want to tackle. So here’s a word of caution for me and maybe for you too. That’s great -- make the plans, but I’ve learned to hold them loosely. Let go of perfection and savor each day as it unfolds. Every summer I make plans to organize, declutter, and simplify my home. Every summer I make a little progress, but never seem to complete the process. I think I’ve come to understand that it will always be a process in our home. And I’m ok with that. Sherry and I both feel the Lord impressing on us to tend to the home front this summer. Maybe you are there as well. But I don’t want “my” plans to interfere with God’s plans. A perfectly ordered home, while a great goal, can never replace the joy of relationships that are nurtured in those lazy summer days. I’ll tackle that closet one more time, but drop the process in a minute to share a simple meal with friends or read a book with my granddaughter. So, if you’re a planner like me, maybe it would be better this summer to plan less tasks or projects and do a few well. That will leave more time for play and less stress. More time to truly take a break from the routine and slow things down a bit and recharge. So get creative and plan a memorable summer that nurtures your soul and stirs your heart. Take a piece of paper and make a list of the things that are “accessible” within your time and budget. Things that would bring delight, joy and beauty to you this summer. Think outside the box! Dream a little..... Let your goal be things that will refresh and restore your faith, your relationships, your marriage, your home. Set a reasonable pace for your days and keep it simple. (This will be more of a challenge for some of us! That would be me!) You may need to look at your list and cross off a few things! Don’t let your list rule your days. Keep it spontaneous and fun! Let go of the pressure and the crazy pace you’ve been living and give yourself permission to slow things down and enjoy your summer. Embrace this amazing life and the beautiful world our great God has created. Let’s look back on this summer and say we truly savored the days! Restore Ministries will be taking a summer break from our “Monday Musings” blogs. Our goal is to recharge our minds, bodies and spirits by taking a little break from blogging. However, along with lazy summer days, we will be spending some time making plans for the new year which will include writing and creating a Christmas event. (Think Christmas in July for us!) We will also begin the process of writing a new Retreat for Spring 2016 entitled "Come Unto Me." So please pray for us as the Lord brings Restore to your mind. We truly desire the Father’s heart and wisdom as we continue to seek His vision for Restore Ministries. Mark these dates on your calendars for the coming months! October 9-11 - “Abiding in Christ” Restore Retreat. Registration is NOW OPEN! Click here to register. December 12 (Saturday 7pm) - Christmas Event - An Evening of Worship celebrating the true spirit of Christmas with beautiful music and drama. A Christmas celebration for everyone! (LSU - Lod Cook Alumni Center Ballroom, Baton Rouge, LA) Registration will be open in July! Spring 2016 (March) - “Come Unto Me” Restore Retreat (New) Have a blessed, restful summer! Enjoy and savor the summer days! Kathy and Sherry
After I have played Wonder-Woman for the last week getting my house straightened and back in order from the past couple of draining months, Brian and I wisped away for a mini-vacation. It is actually here from this beautiful front porch setting that I am writing to you, but sadly, I’ll likely be home by the time you are reading it! When you are grossly depleted it is often difficult to unwind, breath, and relax! So that’s the way our trip began...tired, weary, rushed, hungry, and anxious to break away! We both had meetings very early before it even started and didn’t get away until after lunch. Did I mention that I was hungry?! Brian’s meeting was during breakfast so his tummy was quite satisfied. My meeting was an hour away, at 7:30am, and NO food! I could feel myself turning into a bear! When Kathy and I are together, I always tease her about making sure she has eaten because when she goes without food, grumpiness begins to control her attitude! OK! It does for me, too! And…for Brian. Now that I think about it, everyone I know gets a little grumpy when they haven’t eaten! Back to my story… After 15 minutes on the road, I decided to swing into Burger King for a fast burger. Wrong move! Now I’m even grumpier because we have been trapped in line too long and my vacation was awaiting me, and of course the food was…well? Was it food?! You get the point! Yep, made me even more grumpy because I knew better and did it anyway! I was desperately starving and knew it would be several hours until our destination and would get to eat. We finally made it to our little cottage B & B on the bay. Adorable! I was anxiously looking forward to coffee time on the porch, pier sitting, browsing the quaint shops on the main street, eating out of doors at interesting cafes, and watching the orange sun sink into the water on the horizon. My soul was hungry for all of this and I knew indulging in these things would release the stress, feed my desire, and I would be refreshed! And it did…somewhat! The variety of smells, sights, and sounds stimulated my senses and stirred up my creative juices! Poor Brian, also desperately needing a brain break, had to listen to all of my creative ideas. Our first day began with coffee on the pier and then a lovely breakfast in the main house. I’m so glad we had that wonderful breakfast because as the day progressed and as we strolled up and down the streets, time slipped away and we both began to get hungry. And you know what comes with hunger….? Grumpiness! I’ll spare you the details but we went into 2 different establishments for a late lunch and walked out of both of them! You can imagine our conversations about “what do you wanna do?” and “what do you want to eat?” and “where do you want to go?” At this point, I didn’t really care, just sit me down and put some food in front of me! I have now gone 2 days with extra, extra long periods of time without eating. My grumpy meter was pushing RED! In all fairness, Brian’s was too! We can get into such a hurry, get caught up in the details of life, and forget to get our nourishment for the day. A taste of Him helps sustain. An appetite of indulging in the meat of the Word will bring about growth! We had a delightful full course supper after our day of being famished. Our bellies were full, there was a smile on our face, and of course after eating, we felt like we were ready for a nap or early to bed sleep (rest!). Isn’t that the way it is with reading the Bible and sharing a meal with the Lord?! Our spiritual belly is full, our face radiates happiness, and we are walking in rest with the Lord. Please consider spending time with the Father today. Remember that this blog is but a taste of how God speaks to us. You cannot get spiritually full feasting on someone else’s experience. Feed yourself or you’ll starve. Find God in the little moments of life. Feast on His word and delight yourself with His presence. It is most fulfilling!...and I might add, exciting! Remember what happens when hunger sets in. You get grumpy! “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Ps. 34:8a This scripture verse begins with an emotional declaration…Oh! It is used to express a particular range of emotion. Next word in the verse is an action verb, taste. You must begin with tasting and it is just a small sample! Next action word is see, which means to perceive with the eyes or to discern visually. You have to become aware. Notice that these to verbs are linked with and. They need to be joined together. The next part is a phrase, that the Lord is good. This refers to whom and what. It is The Lord and His character that is good. Good is expressing approval. Now the Lord doesn’t need our approval, but His character surely will meet our approval. The next part of the verse is one we often skip over but in fact, is very important! “How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! vs.8b” When you taste and see that the Lord is good, you become happy as you take refuge (a condition of being safe, sheltered, from danger or trouble.) in Him. Interesting that happiness comes after tasting! No more grumpy! Ha-ha! Here is a selfie of me and Brian after we had spent a long day of hunger, tired backs, and grumpiness! Once we were rested, nourished, tasted of the Lord's goodness, and saw the blessings of His faithfulness to us, our countenance changed and we actually sang a new song! I believe the outcome is likewise true when you apply the same principles to your spiritual journey...just don't wait until someone notices how grumpy you've become! Tasting of His Goodness and Not Starving myself of the Bread of Life, Sherry Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. You know when your husband has to help you walk down the hall, wash your clothes, cook your meals, and do just about everything you normally take care of that you have reached your limit. You are poured out empty. It all began for me about 3 weeks ago the day after the Restore retreat when I pulled my back out lifting a tub of retreat supplies. But I couldn’t rest. I just couldn’t stop, I thought. There was my granddaughter’s first birthday the next weekend(10 hour road trip and back) my students recital (lessons and extra lessons to teach to prepare them and set up for the weekend after that), my daughter’s college graduation (11 hour road trip) the next weekend dodging Oklahoma City tornados and flash floods! Then helping my daughter pack up to move to NYC, the 11 hour road trip home...... and on and on with the typical May events that everyone has and here I am in the bed. Yesterday, the other side of my back gave out and there is no pushing on anymore. They have all been wonderful and great celebrations, but my body has given out. I’m not sure if I’d done anything differently if my body would have been strong enough for all the commitments and celebrations I had over the last month, but I know that I need to REST. I’m thinking from conversations and texts from friends that I’m not the only one. Maybe you do too. And so today as I’ve laid up in the bed, in between naps, I’ve been thinking about the word REST. Here are some thoughts that come to my mind when I reflect on the word. These are all things that most of us know. It’s the practice of rest that is so difficult in this world we live in. Here are some of the words that come to my mind when I think about REST . R - restore, renew, refresh, read, relax, remember, reflect restore - it is the Lord who ultimately restores our souls and renews a right spirit within us. renew - when I let the Father renew my mind He guides me in His perfect will for each day. “Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 refresh - my body and spirit need to be renewed and refreshed from the weariness of life read - a good book soothes the mind and renews your perspective. relax - I don't have to be in charge. He is Sovereign. remember - to whom you belong So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22 reflect - on the Word, the moments of life, for in the pondering we gain a fresh outlook and God's perspective E - enjoy, enlighten, enrich, eye candy, engage, embrace, Enjoy - His Presence, life, the beauty of God’s creation, let His beauty restore you and fill you with joy and wonder, do something creative Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy,because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:3 “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12 Enlighten - ask the Father to fill your heart and mind with understanding of His purpose for your days. Enrich - fill your life with good things, worthy of your energy, your time, worthy of a disciple of Christ. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4: 6-9 Eye Candy - I’m a visual person so taking in beauty brings rest to my spirit. Here are some examples that delight me! Engage and Embrace - His love is there waiting to envelope you in rest, peace, hope. S - sabbath, sleep, see, still, soak, senses, simplify, soulcare, space, satisfied, sing Sabbath - set the work aside and rest in God’s presence. Sleep - stop the day and let your body be restored in sleep, See - take in God’s beauty. Use your eyes to bring peace. Guard what they see that robs your peace and rest if at all possible, such as violence on TV and movies and replace it with images that bring your spirit to a place of calm and joy. Still - Psalm 46:10, Psalm 37:7 - To be Still is so difficult for most of us. Everything in our culture goes against it. Sometimes we simply need to pray, " Lord, help me learn to be still, to let go and rest - in my mind, my body," Soak in the truth of Scripture,( Psalm 119:114) Soak in a hot bath! One of my favorite ways to rest. Fill the tub with wonderful scents, light a candle, play some soothing music. (I’ll be back to this later - think I need to soak!) Senses - look up and look around. Put down the phone, the computer and smell, see, taste, touch, hear. Look at the wonders of creation. Treat yourself to something delicious. Listen for the birds rejoicing in their Creator. Let some quiet beautiful music calm your soul and feed your spirit. Feel something soft and lush, smell the roses, the herbs, bake a loaf of bread....whatever awakens or soothes your senses. Simplify - there will always be too many things to do in a day. A life focused on Jesus and His priorities helps to simplify our days, our homes, our calendars. Soulcare - make time for the things that nurture your soul. You are uniquely created with gifts and wired so that certain things and people bring you delight and stir your heart and mind. Be careful not to neglect those things that tend your soul. Space - we over schedule and leave no time for the margins in life. Psalm 62:5 - Allowing our physical bodies to rest restores us, and it is necessary to our health, but resting our souls in the presence of our Creator is the ultimate refreshment for our spirits. Satisfied - it is so easy to get caught in the ”more is better” message of our culture. Only when we are truly satisfied in Jesus and believe in His love will we find our rest. We must settle in the truth the He is enough. My soul finds rest in God alone. Sing - it changes your attitude and lifts your spirits T - trust, time, turn, thankfulness Trust - “Lord, it is nothing for you to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; Help us O Lord our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name, we go against the multitude.” 2 Chronicles 14:11 (NKJV) In this Scripture, King Asa is showing his trust in God as the nation of Israel chooses to rest in Him. There is victory in rest. We battle in His name. Be expectant and wait for the Lord to help. Time - Make time for rest. It may involve sacrifice. For me choosing to rest this week meant canceling voice lessons. I love to teach and hate to cancel and it is a financial loss, but when the Lord says rest and your body and spirit are depleted, you must obey. Turn - “Turn my heart towards your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.” Psalm 119: 36-37 When I choose to turn, I remove the clutter from my mind and my heart. Thankfulness - Focusing on the blessings in my life rather than the struggles or disappointments brings me into a place of rest. Rest - lay my busyness at His feet, my weariness in His hands, my healing in His power. My rest and refuge is found in Him alone. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29 Is the Lord calling you to REST today? Perhaps you might use one of the words found above to help draw you into a place of resting in Christ. Learning to Rest, Kathy Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. Can you remember the last time you felt like kicking up your heels with joy? Have you had a good belly laugh lately? Are you feeling light-hearted and catch yourself smiling at the most unusual moments? Do you find yourself thinking about others or are you focused on self and what others could be doing for you? Does the day ahead bring you a sense of happy adventure and a positive outlook? Which Winnie the Pooh character do you most identify with, Tigger or Eeyore? If you answered no to the questions above or Eeyore, your happiness has probably been hijacked! Statistics report that 1 in 3 Americans are unhappy. The good news is that the older you get, the happier you become! Well, that’s what polls and statistics determine. The song Happy, by Pharrell Williams, was the best-selling song of 2014 with sales of 13.9 million copies worldwide, becoming one of the best-selling singles of all time.[9] Take a few minutes to watch his song. It'll bring a smile to your face! Why? I believe people, globally, are seeking happiness, something to make them feel better about life with all of its problems. The world is dark and life is complicated. This little song with its catchy melody and simple lyrics seem to help change your outlook. Each time I listen, I get a skip in my step, my attitude adjusted, and a smile comes over my face! “But Sherry, it’s a secular song!” you may be thinking. Then you get all super-spiritual on me, and say shouldn’t Jesus be the source of your happiness? And…isn’t this a Christian blog?! Yes, it’s secular and your joy is complete in Jesus, but let me tell you more about why I decided to write about this topic and this particular song… Ok, so I’ve been struggling with happiness for a few weeks…I think it’s because after the retreat, life didn’t slow down at all. In fact, it sped up with work demands, aches and pains, an emergency surgery for Brian’s mom (she’s better now, but surgery at 84 is quite scary!) and limited sleep and did I mention aches and pains!!! It amazes me how quickly I can loose my joy and then that loss affects everyone I’m around. I tend to make life miserable for everyone! There’s a change in the climate and environment of my home, classroom, and with relationships. What is sad is that the things that steal my joy can somewhat be prevented. It’s not so much the “things/events,” but the accumulation that overwhelms me. As a free spirit, one would think that order is not on my radar. On the contrary, this free spirit needs order to function! Right now, there is NO order to anything in my life and I’m living minute by minute (literally!). Talking about TOTAL dependence on God! I have pushed and pushed myself beyond my limit, taken a breath, and pushed some more. (Yes, I know, it’s the song of my life!) I think…”If I can just make it 2 more weeks!” If you are a teacher, or anyone looking forward to the end of May, I know that is your thought as well! And at the end of these 2 weeks, I’ll finally get to finish unpacking the last month of my life and my kitchen, bedrooms, and studio may get back to order. Ahhh, happiness!.... Seriously?! Happiness from just getting some order?! I think not! After evaluating myself, tons of prayer, and climbing out of the mire, I have discovered that my happiness is not dependent on order alone! Physical pain can also get you down. As I get older (and I’m not that old!) I find that my body doesn’t quite work the way it use to! I’m loosing muscle mass and gaining body fat! Combine pain, stress, and lack of order along with a negative outlook and your sure to concoct a potion that is destructive to yourself and the ones you love most! Combine all of that with a lack of spiritual discipline and then you’re really in a pickle! A lack of happiness runs deeper than that of disorder, stress and pain. Huffington Post has listed 7 Habits of Chronically Unhappy People. When I read over the list, I had to say, I was looking in the mirror. Yep, I probably shouldn’t tell ya, but I sometimes find myself carrying these 7 habits around. Here are the 7 habits of chronically unhappy people: Your default belief is that life is hard. You believe most people can't be trusted. You concentrate on what's wrong in this world versus what's right. You compare yourself to others and harbor jealousy. You strive to control your life. You consider your future with worry and fear. You fill your conversations with gossip and complaints. Now, some of these habits are less habitual in my life but I think everyone struggles with some form of this list. Did you notice that each sentence began with one little 3 letter word? You! The focus centers around yourself! There is a way to transform your woes into a “happier” and more desirable list and it begins with redirecting your focus. It’s a way to find true JOY. Studying the context and the depth of meaning of these three actions in Psalm 1: 1,2 can be a great boost to shift your attitude and bring happiness. They are NOT to walk, stand, and sit! Ps 1:1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners,Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. Walk = accompany, or to come. It’s moving toward something. Stand= abide, or to take one’s stand. Sit=remain or dwell. Do you notice the progression? Basically, the Psalmist is conveying the message that happiness (happy is the man) doesn’t come to those who approach, become aquatinted with, and then reside with those who have a negative influence. They are wicked=evil, sinners=offenders/sinful, scoffers=mockers (form of speech that is unhealthy and destroys.) But…happy is the man who delights in the law of the Lord. The law here means Torah or direction/instruction. In His law he meditates (utters, speaks, growls, to moan, ponder, muse) day and night. My thought is that one who truly ponders to the point of deep emotion and then acts on God’s direction and instruction is one who finds pleasure or delight. It boils down to having a right relationship – vertically – with the Father. Then, horizontally, others are affected. Smiles are contagious and people are drawn to happy people! Your outward countenance will be radiant. Those who look to him are radiant…Psalm 34:5a Is God concerned with my happiness? I believe the answer is ABSOLUTELY! He is so concerned with it that He brings us happiness in some of the simplest things. Look at Jonah 4:6 So the LORD God appointed a plant and it grew up over Jonah to be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort. And Jonah was extremely happy about the plant. Psalms 16:11 You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts. Proverbs 17: 22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Now, back to why I chose this music video to share with you. When I first saw the video, I couldn’t help but think of David dancing before the Lord. He was so happy that the result was dancing. His heart was light. Nothing was held back as he danced with all of his might! That my friend is a happy heart! 2 Samuel 6:14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; When I choose to keep my relationship with Jesus close, and put others before myself, it is then that others take notice of the joy that is on my face and in my heart! Did you notice verse 18 of Romans 14? For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. Serving Christ through righteousness, peace and joy is acceptable to God and causes others to watch and your actions bring approval. They become in agreement. After this week of many graduations, Mother's Day, and special times with family and friends, let me remind you that true happiness can only be found in Christ. There will be many more occasions that your happiness will be hijacked. It is important to remember the words of James, "Count it all joy..." and don't forget to dance in the midst of it! Romans 15:13 May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope. Amazing that when you put Jesus first. Others next and Yourself last that you have JOY! When I went to church this past Sunday, I was surprised that the preacher spoke about happiness! I think it was conformation for me in writing this blog, but he had some interesting points and shared something that I had never picked up on! Romans 14:17 "for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.18 For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.[1] “God’s kingdom is characterized by these 3 words: righteousness, peace, and joy. Through faith in Christ, we receive these blessings as “kingdom citizens.” Through the power of the Spirit, we can experience these blessings in our daily lives.
With a happier heart! Sherry Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. (Special note - this blog, like most of our posts, has many pictures. This one concludes with fun pictures from our last Restore Retreat! Since it was formatted to read on the website, it is always easiest and best to read "Monday Musings" there. If you are reading from your email reminder, just click the gray title at the top and it will take you directly to the site.) Last week in our small group discussion questions we were asked, “Has there been a time in your life when a particular passage of Scripture strongly impacted you? What passage of Scripture? How did it impact you? Did it confront you with a sin, enable you to get through a trial, move you to obedience in an area of your life, guide you in a life decision, point you to salvation in Christ, etc?” Of course, my answer was yes! I certainly couldn't narrow it down to one passage, but as I began to to write down the list of Scriptures, I was struck at the thread of truth the Lord has been weaving in my life. How He has taken me down a road through the power of His Word that is so specific for me in my journey, in His calling on my life. I imagine it is the same for you. When we hear the Word, savor it, read and respond with a heart of love for Jesus, it transforms the way we live our lives. I’ll share a part of my journey in the Word with you in hopes that it will encourage you to reflect on your own. There are many other Scriptures that the Lord has used powerfully in my life than the ones I list here, but these are some that came to mind first as I began to write down the path the Lord has led me through His Word. It began with me in my adult life in the Psalms. My husband Ken and I had recently accepted a music ministry position and were attending a conference on worship leading. In a class we attended a writer, Don Wyrtzen, whose work we had performed led us in a study of the Psalms. That began a significant journey for me through the Psalms. I spent a year there and return to them often for lessons that enrich and challenge my faith. There, in those powerful words of worship, I saw the heart of David, a man after God’s own heart. I saw a man who laid out his life openly, authentically before His Lord. His relationship was real and honest. He cried out for forgiveness and worshipped with abandon and I wanted that life. And Jesus wanted that life for me, for He was calling me to be a worship leader whose heart was truly His. He had given me a voice to sing His praises with beauty and skill, but there was much heart work to do. Part of that heart work led me to a year long study of Genesis. There I wrestled with many untruths I had been taught as a child and came before a powerful, loving God who demanded all authority and ownership in my life. Most profound was Genesis 22. Of course, that would be the chapter where the Lord would grab hold of me in His truth, because there in the story of Abraham and Isaac - God describes that call to extreme sacrifice as “worship.” I needed to understand that He would have no idols in my life. I needed to lay my “Isaac’ s” down on the altar and trust that He would provide. Things like my security, my marriage, my position, my talent, my children, my home. It was the year my father died and the Lord showed me that I had been placing my relationship with my father above my heavenly Father. It was a difficult lesson to learn. It brought me on my face before the Lord, yet I emerged with a heart devoted to the Lamb of God as my Lord and Savior. It brought me to a place of surrender to the Holy Spirit. If I was going to answer His call to live the life of a true worshiper, I needed to understand that my God had to be my “all in all” and trust in His provision in my life. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” Genesis 22:12-14 Somewhere along the way, I heard a beautiful song based on the Scripture from Zephaniah 3:17. I have clung to this truth throughout my journey. The picture of God singing over me is one of such beauty and comfort in the difficult seasons of life. It has brought me hope and filled my anxious spirit with His peace. He has quieted me with His love and the truth of these words over and over! Yes, He takes delight in you and me!! Then came the beautiful years of studying the gospel of John. There have been many profound truths in John that the Lord has woven into the threads of my life, but there are several chapters and stories that the Lord has used to grab hold of me in a way that has molded me into the woman He created me to be. Through them He has done a deep and beautiful cleansing work. John 4 is one the most important chapters in all of Scripture on worship. I needed to understand it. I needed to let Jesus’ words in John 4:23-24 have their way in me. I want to be found as one of those worshipers that the Father is seeking! That means diligent study in His words of truth. I must truly seek to know Him. I found that it was vital for me to study His character and attributes so that I was worshiping the God revealed in Scripture, not the God I fashioned Him to be, the God with whom I was simply comfortable. And He was calling me to worship Him in spirit - with all of my emotions, led by His Holy Spirit. Once again, the Lord was calling me to worship in abandon. "You cannot lead my people in worship to a place you have not been yourself." I soaked in His words and let them take hold of me. But, there in the story of the Samaritan woman I saw glimpses of myself. When she comes at noon to draw water from the well, Jesus asks her for a drink and says to her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10 ..........“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 In so many ways, I was empty like that woman, trying to fill my life with things and people to satisfy the deep need within me that only Jesus could fill. I asked Him to show me those things and He was faithful. Painfully faithful! It became the theme of my life's journey, the title of Bible studies I would write. Jesus is the living water of my soul! On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.” John 7:37-39 This Living Water.... it will flow from within you when you surrender it all to Jesus, when you surrender to the work of His Spirit in your life...... when you choose to hear, respond, and obey His words of life....when you let them do a deep work within you. It leaves you desperate for more of Him and longing to lavish your love on Jesus in return. I continued to work my way through the gospel of John which led me to John 12, the story of Mary of Bethany anointing the feet of Jesus before He goes to the cross. We had met before in the Scriptures. This Mary was the same one who had chosen the better part, to sit and listen to the words of Jesus, while her sister Mary was so busy with all preparations. I could identify with both of these women, in different seasons of my life. But now in God’s word it was evident that Mary’s choice had led her to that most extravagant expression of love for her Savior and she was blessed for it by Jesus Himself. Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. John 12:3 As I meditated on this amazing story I recognized it as a beautiful display of the heart of a worshiper of our Savior and Lord. Worship calls for a life of reverence and awe, service and sacrifice. (Romans 12:1,2) It is lavish love and it requires total abandon and adoration for the One who alone is worthy. It brings blessing to the heart of Jesus and leaves the fragrance of His love wherever you go. That is the kind of love and worship He is calling us to. His Word speaks it out so clearly. The very next chapters brought me to the deep and beautiful last words of Jesus with His disciples before He goes to the cross. The work that Jesus has done in my life through John 13-15 has been rich. It led Sherry and I to write our recent Restore Retreat, “The Gift of Abiding in Christ”. These lessons and gifts found in “abiding” actually began for me long ago in 1993! You’ll have to come to the next retreat to hear that story.... but let me just say, it’s taken 22 years for me to come to a place where I felt I could teach these amazing truths. You see, you cannot teach lessons that you haven’t walked yourself. They are rich truths that will radically change your life in Him. I am still learning them. Two weekends ago, 23 of us gathered for the Spring Restore Retreat to celebrate the last supper and hear and study Jesus’ words to His disciples. It was a beautiful weekend together. Women came from many different churches and walks of life and we joined our hearts together as the body of Christ. These women invested time, energy and gave of themselves that they might know the deep truths that Jesus has for each one of them. It was a privilege for Sherry and I to minister His Words of life, worship together and celebrate the great work He has planned for each of us. Below are some pictures and testimonies from women who joined us in the recent Restore Retreat, “The Gift of Abiding in Christ”. We began our weekend with an authentic Passover meal as it would have been done in the time of Jesus in the upper room and dug deep into the teachings of John 13. Found below are some testimonies from these precious women who came to soak in His presence and Word and desire to see the Lord bear fruit in their lives. I didn't know how much I needed a retreat! I realized that I have been running on empty instead of running to the One who would refresh me. From the beautiful and delicious Passover meal we shared on Friday night to the sweet Sunday worship and communion, the distractions of life faded. What a difference three days can make! I feel refreshed and refocused, ready to truly abide in Christ. As if that was not enough, I also experienced precious time reconnecting with my dear sister and shared sweet time with some special ladies. Thank you, Kathy and Sherry, for sharing your hearts and talents with such beauty and eloquence. Lora Johnson Thank you both for planning and executing the lovely Restore Retreat. The highlight for me was the authenticity of the Passover Meal and the Sunday Communion Service, both enhanced by teaching that brought Biblical, historical, and cultural meaning to the experience. I also very much enjoyed fellowship with old and new friends and the creative time. Sharon Jones We had a wonderful night creating "Soulcare" cards to remind us of the truths we are learning or give away to a friend who needs a word of encouragement. I have been using my soul cards and sending encouragement to my friend who has cancer. I get so much joy writing from my journal and binder to my friend, and she is blessed by the words. Much more enjoyment than sending a greeting card. I plan to keep this up during her cancer treatments. Patricia Rodrigue I want to tell you that learning how to “abide in Jesus”, and knowing all of the benefits of it, is one of the most amazing things that has happened to me lately. The way Kathy and Sherry put it for us to understand made me absorb the revelation of their teaching and want to abide in Him for the rest of my life. I now understand the pruning I’m facing these days and I know I can offer the pain to my Lord. I can’t wait to bear more everlasting fruit for Him. You two ladies made me remember that we have an eternal hope in knowing that we can be consumed by His love and peace, which surpasses all understanding. I can feel the unspeakable joy, peace and love He gives deep within my heart and these are His gifts and the fruit of His Spirit. I want to thank you for your passion, dedication and love that you put into the retreat. I would not change anything for the coming ones. “Your love and kindness are better to me than life itself. How I praise you! I will bless you as long as I live.” Psalm 63:3-4 Roberta Diaz Our April 2015 Restore Retreat ladies! We are so grateful for the privilege of ministering the truth and love of God's Word, leading you in worship and having fun together! Truly you displayed one of His gifts found when we choose to abide in Christ - "Love for one another". Our hearts are full with His complete Joy!! There is fruit in our lives when we choose to let His Word take hold of us, remake us, and form us into the men and women He has created us to be. Make plans now to join us for the next retreat - October 9-11, 2015!! You'll be forever changed by the power of His Word! Please take some time this week to write down some of the Scriptures the Lord has spoken into your life. How have His words impacted you? How has He used them for His glory? What purpose are they working within you? Will you choose to let them bear kingdom fruit in your life? Grateful for God's Word in my life and the fruit that it bears, Kathy Join us each Monday for Monday Musings Devotional Blog. Have it sent straight to your email inbox by subscribing at the top right of this blog. Be sure to follow the directions to completion. We pray that these blogs will minister to you and encourage you. Feel free to share them on your social media or email them to a friend. Resources: Scripture images Pinterest |
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