![]() We all have a heritage, seeds sown through the generations. I am blessed to have a heritage of faith. Last weekend my cousins were here from Maine and we spent an evening looking at old photographs and reading through genealogies of my family. My mom identified pictures of relatives, great grandparents - preachers, doctors, store keepers and I thought about the lives they led and the influence they made on my life and now the lives of my children. Our lives are like a tapestry - woven together by the Lord with threads of life and faith. My husband,Ken even found in reading some old obituaries that members of my family in the 1800’s were buried in the same church cemetery as his mom and dad in South Carolina! I find it fascinating to learn about the journey’s our ancestors took. This fall Ken and I will travel to England and Ireland for a wedding and then visit the county in Ireland where my ancestors came from. It is not far from one of the earliest sites of Christianity. Believers carried the name of Jesus across the ocean as they emigrated to the distant land of America and with them came God’s melodies of faith passed down through the centuries to you and me. My great grandfather loved to sing. Mom said he had a beautiful voice. I would have loved to hear this Methodist preacher sing the great hymns of the faith. Years later my “Meemaw”, his daughter, directed the church choir. She used to bring me down to the little Methodist church on Saturdays to get the choir folders ready. I remember singing the hymns in that little church and around the piano in the big old house in that small north Louisiana town. God had a plan that he was weaving in my life and so I was the grandchild she chose to bring down to the church with her to prepare the music for Sunday services during my summer and weekend visits. She was planting seeds of faith.... The songs continued in the home where I grew up as my mom and sister would play the piano for gatherings of family and friends. We would encourage one another as we sang the beautiful hymns of the faith. They were a source of strength and hope. The Lord used the hymns to imprint Scripture and truth on my heart. Some of my favorite hymns as a child were Blessed Assurance and Amazing Grace. And God’s melody continued to weave the tapestry of truth for my faith journey. It was only natural that when I rocked and nursed my babies I sang to them. I always sang “Amazing Grace” in the wee hours of the morning, praying and believing that God’s grace would cover them and draw them to Jesus as their Savior. His melody and words of truth soothed them and me. We rested together in the promises of the faith. We rocked. I prayed and sang and seeds of faith were planted through the message of God’s melodies. When we visited their dad's family in South Carolina, their grandmother "Smock" sat at the organ each Sunday and beautifully played the hymns of faith handed down through the generations of Ken's family. At family gatherings his dad often asked me to sing his favorite, Amazing Grace. Seeds of faith... Through my years as choir director, I have taught many children, youth, and adults songs of faith. Last night I had the privilege of seeing some of my students play characters in a wonderful musical play - Hymnological Adventure through Time. It was one of the first children’s musicals I ever taught years ago and explores the history of these beautiful, powerful hymns. What a joy to see little children sing their hearts out for the Lord. I found it interesting that two of my older students played the composers of the two hymns that have had such a strong affect on my life. John Newton, the sea captain of a slave ship who when saved wrote one of the most beloved hymns of all time, Amazing Grace and Fanny Crosby, who although blind wrote over 6000 hymns including Blessed Assurance. God's melodies..... Seeds sown.... Tapestry of faith...... ![]() The process of digging up old photographs has continued as my sister and I clean out my mom’s apartment and pack up boxes for her to move where we can have more help with her care. Photographs show up in the bottom of drawers like the one here of my daddy kissing my oldest daughter Maggie as a baby. He’s been with the Lord since 1989, but the picture stirred up memories of her childhood and how God’s grace did pour over her. Now she is married and establishing her own home. My dad grew up singing hymns in the Baptist church and loved to listen and sometimes join in as we sang around the piano at Meemaw's house and at home. I’m certain that music and songs of the faith will fill Maggie and Spencer's home and the lives of their children as well. My youngest picked up the picture from the counter and said how sad she is that she never knew him. He died before she was born. “But,” she says, “I’ll get to meet him one day in heaven!” Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchase of God Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood - Fanny Crosby The seeds sown through generations will continue because God is weaving a tapestry of faith in the hearts of His beloved. When I get home from packing up boxes at mom’s it’s time to pack boxes for my youngest to move back to Oklahoma! I found out last weekend that my great grandfather pastored in Oklahoma before eventually moving to Louisiana. I’m struck again at the weaving of threads in the tapestry of our lives. I pack my 84 year old mom as her life gets smaller and her memory ebbs away. I pack my 20 year old youngest daughter as her adventure in life is starting to flourish. A tapestry of memories floods my mind. God's melody through the generations is part of it all. This morning, very early, I awoke to Ken playing the piano as he prepared his heart to lead worship at church. It's a beautiful way to wake up! That has been the pattern for our Sundays throughout the 34 years of our marriage and my girls have often awakened early on Sunday mornings to the tunes as their father played the hymns - new and old. As I write, the song I directed the choir to sing this morning is still ringing in my heart. It’s a new hymn entitled By Faith by Keith and Kristen Getty of Ireland. We will stand as children of the promise We will fix our eyes on Him our soul’s reward Till the race is finished and the work is done We’ll walk by faith and not by sight. ![]() The day moves on and the music of the morning worship continues to stir my heart. God is weaving his plan for me in every detail. My husband and daughter led worship together this morning. Amazing Grace and Blessed Assurance were part of the songs chosen. The congregation sang out so beautifully! I promise I had nothing to do with the choices! But I was richly blessed! As the morning Worship Service closed tears came to my eyes as I listened to Mary Elizabeth lead out in a beautiful new hymn of worship. Each generation must pour out their hearts in new songs of faith to the Lord. Some of the words are found below: Carry Your Name by Christy and Nathan Nockels, Chris Tomlin. How merciful the cross How powerful the blood. How beautiful Your arms Open for us, Open for us. No greater love, God’s only Son, Jesus, Jesus No other name Mighty to save Jesus, Jesus ![]() I will carry Your name, Carry Your name Jesus, Your name forever For all of my days In all of my ways Jesus, Your name forever Heavenly Father, I pray that the stories and songs of faith will continue as our children raise families of their own, that God’s melodies of truth and grace will ring out through the generations and that our family will always play our part to Carry the Name of Jesus wherever He leads us. My rooms are lined with boxes, freshly painted furniture (my childhood bedroom set that became my daughters), our first dining room chairs, newly covered.....all ready to be loaded up in the moving van that this week will carry my youngest to Oklahoma to her first little rent house. I’m grateful that she will also carry with her seeds of faith planted through God’s melody of hymns. My oldest daughter has carried them with her to Georgia and now sings them with her husband in a church in Atlanta. They joined in the chorus this Sunday morning with family scattered across the country in South Carolina, Louisiana, Maine, Tennessee, Texas and beyond. We joined together with the saints through the ages and the heavenly realm as we all gathered to praise and worship our Lord and Savior. His songs began long ago in the hearts of our ancestors that came from Ireland and England. They have been a source of comfort and strength throughout our children’s lives and continue as they walk out their own journeys of faith. I’m forever grateful for the One to whom we sing, for the truths of Scripture found in these hymns that have sustained us through times of joy and sorrow and help to carry us as God weaves the tapestry of faith into our lives. So I’ve told you part of my story. I wonder what seeds of faith the Lord is weaving into the story of your life. Perhaps you too have a heritage of faith. Take some moments to reflect and be thankful. Sing one of God's melodies! Perhaps you will be the first in your family to sow seeds into the generations to come.... Start the legacy....... and Carry His Name...... What is He calling you to as He weaves the threads of faith into the tapestry of your life? Whom has He brought into your life that needs to know the melody of His Amazing Grace and the Blessed Assurance of His salvation? For your faith journey this week I thought you might enjoy listening on youtube to some of God's melodies that I've referenced. Just click the links below. I pray you will be encouraged as you watch and listen. Carry your Name - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66N6PZvjhA4 Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin version - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbe7OruLk8I By Faith - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNIx__JGLGs Blessed Assurance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE7AGB5nXTs&feature=player_detailpage Grateful for God's melodies in the tapestry of my life, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() Last week Brian and I went kayaking with some friends from our church. We had a blast and thank God, there were no mishaps! Well...some had an occasional capsize when going over the rapids; but, somehow I managed to stay in the kayak riding the rapids with ease! I guess I need to contribute some of that to Brian because were the only ones to share a kayak. This week as I began to think and pray over what to blog, one word seemed to work its way to the surface. I’ve been a little nervous about not having anything to write about and it seemed as though God was speaking...but it was faint! This particular word was read in scriptures this week, in conversations, and even with what to wear for the Night of Worship at church. It seemed as though I were straining to hear what God was speaking. Then clearly I heard him say, “ If you can’t hear me, move closer!” As I pressed in to hear him more closely, this word came to mind. RIVER! I’d like to share some simple reminders and truths from kayaking on the river. The river is a waterway path that leads from point to point slowly curving and bending. It’s waters move continuously except in places where the current is blocked by logs. It is there that trash collects, slime and algae form - it is stagnant! NOT a pretty site! Mostly, the gentle current moves the kayak gracefully down the river. An abundance of shade is provided because of the trees on each side of the bank. But, you don’t want to wander too close to the overhanging limbs by the bank. One never knows what might be lurking there! And so we paddle, float, and take in the beauty. I never worry about where the current is taking me. I don’t know when or where my journey will end and I leave my watch behind because time is no longer important. I am at the mercy of the water. I just go with the flow! I imagine that kayaking the river is much like traveling through life’s journey. So as you read of my account, imagine yourself on the river of your life journey. ![]() Now, I’m a very independent woman and paddling in my own kayak is something that you would probably expect me to do. But that’s not the case! I like the two seater so Brian can steer, we are together sharing the same experience and memories are made. I know that where he leads us is in my best interest. I can depend on him, but...that doesn’t stop me from fussing! Sometimes we zig-zag down the river instead of moving straight. Sometimes we move too slow or too fast! Other times, we end up pretty close to other peoples kayaks and travel the river side by side having to be very careful not to bump or cut them off. Are you getting the picture? Isn’t it just like being in the boat journeying through life with God at the helm. Sure, I fuss with Him, too! I want Him to go faster! No, wait, not so fast! Could you please quit going all over the place and settle in a simple straightforward path? Wait! You’re getting too close to where I am no longer comfortable! Then, after all of my complaining and arguing with Him, I find myself on my knees repenting. After all, He knows what is best and has my best interest in mind. ![]() Traveling down the river, I begin to think, “Where is the most danger?” Is it riding over the raging rapids or gliding gracefully down the gentle current? It’s hard to determine. You see, snakes are not typically around the rapids, but they do float and rest near or in the gentle waters. They show up when you least expect it! During our trip, we saw a giant snake coiled on a log. His skin matched the log making him hard to see. I was thankful that our leader was on the look out, watching out for us, directing us away from harm. Metaphorically speaking, the snakes of life often catch us by surprise when we think that we have everything under control...Floating along when all seems well...When we don’t think we need any help! ![]() Riding the rapids causes my adrenaline to rush! I love adventure and am a risk taker. Experience has taught me to be very careful and to follow the way of the water! When you follow its path, it leads you in the right direction over the rocks and it quickly carries you through. Becoming one with the water will keep you from capsizing! There is one particular rapid on this river that is tougher than the others. As we pass, one kayak at a time, a team of cheer-leaders stand on the shore screaming, “PADDLE, PADDLE - PADDLE!” When we went through, there was clapping, smiles, and a great sense of accomplishment! Who are these cheer-leaders? They are the ones who have gone on before us! They were my “great cloud of witnesses!” They had traveled my same path. They were encouraging us and wanted us to be successful. Paddle through to the end! Who cheers for you down the rough, raging rapids of life? Call them and tell them how much you appreciate them. Do you stand on the shore watching the passers go by or do you go out of your way to encourage them on their journey? There are many things to be learned from traveling on the river.
I am reminded again by the Lord: When we are straining to hear God’s voice - move closer! Rolling River God, little stones are smooth Only once the water passes through So I am a stone, rough and grainy still Trying to reconcile this river's chill But when I close my eyes and feel you rushing by I know that time brings change and change takes time And when the sunset come, my prayer would be this one That you might pick me up and notice that I am Just a little smoother in your hand Sometimes raging wild, sometimes swollen high And never have I known this river dry The deepest part of you is where I want to stay And feel the sharpest edges wash away And when I close my eyes and feel you rushing by I know that time brings change and change takes time And when the sunset comes, my prayer would be just one That you might pick me up and notice that I am Just a little smoother in your hand Rolling River God, little stones are smooth Only once the water passes through ~Nicole Nordeman The scriptures that came to mind while writing this blog and praying over it are: Is. 43:1,2 "...Do not fear for I have redeemed you: I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you." Heb. 12 :1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Is. 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Eph. 6: 10-18 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powersof this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." ![]() You might be a little nervous to actually go kayaking! But remember that it is just the same as everyday life. You never know what to expect and things can change suddenly! It is the hand of God that should steer your boat...through the river of life...raging and/or gentle. There are always lessons to be learned, spiritual truths to be revealed, and stories to be shared. Whether you identify with being a stone in the water or floating down the river, God is still in control. Move in closer...trust His direction...trust His refining and smoothing. I'm especially fond of those encouragers along the way! Thank you! Blessed, Sherry ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() I love the lazy days of summer. I enjoy the change in routine and extra time with family. Ministry demands usually ease up for us a little in the summer and it’s wonderful to have time to relax together and tackle some projects. My husband Ken has been very busy fixing up the yard. My daughter and I have been reupholstering chairs for the little rent house she will move into in a few weeks in Oklahoma City! We have plenty of old furniture that just needs a little love and care and updated fabric. So to save money, we began our transformation project, found fabric and trim on sale and decided we would call the chairs Vintage! I bought these little chairs from a flea market when Ken and I were first married. I’ve never really done this sort of thing except for a simple chair seat, but it’s been a fun time together and definitely challenging to figure out how to make it all work. After our first attempts didn’t go so well we searched online for the DIY tools and instructions. We discovered that the real upholstery staple guns are quite expensive and beyond our budget, but they make the job much easier! So we settled for the next best option and began the project of transforming the old chairs with new covers. ![]() We’ve gone through many hours and days of work, different staple guns and staples, many trips to the store and eventually had to ask Ken for a little physical relief to pull off some of the old cushions, but are finally half way there! The rosewood on these chairs is beautiful, but very hard. So hard, in fact, that whether you use an electric staple gun, hand stapler, or hammer it often just spits those staples right back out at you! It refuses to yield. There must be a spiritual lesson here! We’ve definitely come to appreciate the price you pay the experts, and how important the right tools are! The experts know the secrets and wisdom of how to transform and bring new life to something old and worn out, how to make beauty out of something that needs repair and renewal. ![]() After we finished one of the chairs yesterday I came upstairs and laid in the bed trying to stretch out my back which has had to settle into some rather awkward positions lately working on the chairs. I'll spare you a picture of that! I quieted my mind and began to read one of the My Beloved letters I had written years ago while studying the work of the Holy Spirit. These letters were the Lord’s way of teaching me how personal His Word is for me. As I read I was reminded of how grateful I am for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in my life. The Spirit knows the secrets to the beautiful life that Jesus has planned for me. He has the perfect instructions for the remodeling of my life. He sees the finished design and knows the exact path I should take to get there. There’s no limit to His means or budget! The Holy Spirit illuminates Father’s instructions for my life and can fill me with all that I need to arrive at His destination, covered in the beauty and grace of Jesus. He unveils the mystery of the wisdom of God and makes His Word come alive. In the Spirit we have the essence of God the Son. He is gentle. He is powerful. He is forgiving. He is faithful. He is merciful. He is just. The Holy Spirit has all the attributes of God, the Father. He is holy. He is wisdom. He is love. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. All that we know and proclaim about God the Father and God the Son is true of the Holy Spirit. I wonder if you need some instructions for your life today.... Do you need to discover some secrets that only Jesus, the Expert, knows about your transformation... He longs to make something beautiful out of the brokenness, wounds, or old patterns of your life? I pray that you will be encouraged as you read the paraphrases of the Scriptures below on the work of the Holy Spirit. When we choose to surrender to His work and power in our lives we will be amazed at the beauty and purpose that will emerge. Jesus in the business of transformation! ![]() My Beloved I am waiting for you to come to Me. You cannot conceive all that I have prepared for you because you love Me. I will reveal it to you by My Spirit. My Spirit will search out everything and show you even My deep secrets of life. I have given you the hope of glory, Christ in you. Do you need wisdom? I have given you the Spirit of truth. He will be your Counselor and Comforter, coming alongside you to teach you everything you need to know. If you love Me you will obey My commands. The world cannot accept My Spirit because it neither sees nor knows Him. But you know Him. He lives within you. He is always with you. He will glorify Me and take what is Mine and make it known to you. Stand firm in Christ for I have anointed you and set my seal of ownership upon you. I have placed My Spirit in your heart as a deposit of the unfathomable glories to come. When you received the Holy Spirit, you received His power to be My witness. Do not fear. ![]() Be filled with the Spirit. Come to Me and drink. Believe in Me and let the Living Water of My Holy Spirit fill you to overflowing so that you never thirst again I have poured out My Spirit on you. Be filled with all joy and peace. Trust in Me, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. I have given you gifts for the work of the ministry, all that you need to serve Me in the body of Christ. Consecrate your body to Me as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing. Remember that your body is the temple of My Holy Spirit. It is My sacred residence. Surrender to Me and I will renew your mind so that you will be able to test and approve what My perfect will is for your life. Live as one who has been crucified with Christ and raised to new life. Live in Me, through Me, and for My glory. Walk as a child of My light bearing the fruit of My Spirit in all goodness, righteousness, and truth. Let My Word dwell richly within you and sing with a heart of gratitude. I love to hear you sing my praises! Let the peace of My Son rule in your heart and above all, put on My garment of love. I Cor. 2:9,10, Col. 1: 26-27, John 14:16-17, 26, John 16:14, 2 Cor. 1:22, Acts 1:8, 2:17, Eph. 5:18, John 7: 37-39, Rom. 15:13, 1Cor 12:4-7, Rom. 12:1,2, Gal. 2:20, Rom. 6:1-8, Eph. 5:8-10, Col. 3:14-17 NIV Bible ![]() Lord Jesus, Let the Living Water that flows from Your throne cover me. Restore, renew and rekindle the fire of Your Holy Spirit deep within. Transform me by the power of Your Holy Spirit and the greatness of your loving heart. In Him, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() Ephesians 6: 11,12 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 6:40 am – I have slept longer than usual. My eyes slowly open to view the blue glowing clock numbers from a horizontal position. I realize that I’ve slept past 6am and I am aware of my eyelids opening slowly and how soft my pillow seems. Suddenly… This “How does one live a stress-free life?” question pops into my head. What a jolt! I think to myself, Really?! I’ve barely opened my eyes? Is this how I’m going to start my day?! The stress has already grabbed me by the thought of having to answer this question, knowing that it’s on my mind, and thinking that I must be stressed to even go there; and it’s only been a couple of seconds! Geeezzz! It was Wednesday morning when I awakened from a deep sleep and those words instantly formed in my mind. It was almost simultaneous with opening my eyelids. In the exact same moments, I quickly began to answer my very own question. Within the first few seconds of awakening, I realize I’m waking up later that normal, I’m greeted by a deep question, I argue what to do with it, I have a sudden answer to the question, and then in my minds eye, a flood of scripture verses rapidly organized into an acronym. STRESS-FREE! It amazes me how quickly the mind can think and respond. As I lie there, I began to formulate a great debate in my mind. Why on earth am I thinking these thoughts as soon as my eyes open? God, should I get up and write? What are you saying? Do I have feelings of stress? I certainly do now! Thoughts are coming so fast it is as though I am speaking them fluently in rhythm as though I were playing a well-memorized piano piece. I rush down the stairs repeating the words, as I am still groggy from sleeping so deeply. I don’t want to forget! And so I write the answer to my question and all of the thoughts that accompanied it. ![]() “How does one live a stress-free life?” It is simple to know and understand but difficult to do. “Live in step with the Father!” Below are the verses that flooded my mind and heart as God organized them into this acrostic: stress-free S – Stand fast in the liberty with which Christ gave to make us free. Don’t be entangled with the yoke of bondage and don’t use this freedom for fleshly purposes but rather use it to serve one another. Galatians 5:1 (paraphrased) What is it that binds and entangles us - keeping us in bondage? It seems to me that it is the “Should-a, would-a could-a” of life that keeps us tangled up, bound up, and paralyzed. These excuses surround us daily and often we are not even aware of them in our thoughts, language, and actions.
2 Peter: 1-11 T- Thanksgiving – Give thanks to God for everything… All things good and even what seems bad. ![]() “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess.5:18 R – Restores – “...He restores my soul…” Ps. 23:3 Meet with Jesus by the quiet still waters, not just during the times when the water seems to be raging. He wants to quiet your anxious heart. He makes you lie down to refresh and restore your broken and weary soul. Take time to rest and be restored. ![]() E - Encourage one another. When you take your eyes off of self and focus on the needs of others, you tend to be happier. 1 Thess. 5:11 “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up…” and Heb. 3:13 “But encourage each other day after day…” S - "Sing and make melody in your heart." Eph. 5:19 It’s hard to be stressed and anxious when you are singing and have a happy heart that joyfully makes melody unto Him. S – Surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit – James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5: 6-10 ~ The hyphen here reminds me to "Selah." To pause and think about. It is a moment for separating myself. A time for resting, pondering, letting something soak in. Resting is something that doesn't naturally come to me. I often view it as a waste of time. This is a lie that satan would have you believe. Resting is important physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! You actually ARE DOING something when you take the time to be rejuvenated. A healing begins to take effect. Do you take time to rest? Psalm 91 has been at the front of my thinking for a couple of weeks. Click on the link and read it as you rest yourself. Psalm 91 (NIV) F – Forget the past. Let it go. God forgives and forgets. Can you allow yourself to do that? The weight can be too heavy and will weigh us down if we don't let it go. Allow yourself this freedom in Christ. You will be able to run more efficiently without the extra baggage! Phillipians 3: 13b, 14 …Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. R – Remember God’s faithfulness. "Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits." Ps.103:2 Ps. 91, Lamentations 3:22-24, ESV The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” When you take time to journal His faithful deeds toward you, you have something to help you remember. I love this story found in Joshua 4. How quickly do we forget ALL of His blessings! Joshua 4:1-8, 20-22 And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their fathers, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’” Click here to read the whole chapter. E – Endure hardships. 2 Timothy 2:3, 10 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. God never promised that things would not be difficult; however, He has given us His Holy Spirit to be our guide, comfort, and shield. His Word is full of encouragement for us and life lessons from others long ago. Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. E – Exercise your faith. We must build our faith muscles! Walk in faith. James 1:2,3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith… ![]() So the above steps and scriptures are what God gave me to help in trying to live a stress-free life. As I have reflected during the writing of this blog, I didn't realize that stress was beginning to affect me or really that I even was stressed. It always seems to be the little things in life that cause it and then it manifests itself within my body. Last Monday I began to get a stupid fever blister. It's always a sign of stress in my life. Waking up with that question was definitely God inspired; and the fact that I remember each detail so vividly as the acronym flashed before me. It is also comforting to know that I had every scripture verse tucked away in my heart and mind (thought I did have to look up the addresses!) ready for God to bring them to remembrance at just the right time! There are stressful situations at every turn. When you are tempted with stress, ask God to bring these scriptures to your mind. I hope they help comfort you as they have me. Together, perhaps we can better live "stress-free!" In His Care, Sherry ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
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