![]() I’m writing outside listening to the birds sing and watching rose petals flutter to the ground as a gentle breeze blows. It is the first moment of quiet since getting home from the RESTORE Retreat last Sunday. As many of you know my mom fell last Friday morning and broke her hip. It was the day the retreat began. When I got the call from Ken, I thought my heart would tear in two as I was faced with the decision of where the Lord would have me be. Ken and my sister assured me that I should stay and minister to the women at RESTORE, that they could take care of mom as she faced surgery and the hip replacement until I returned. My sister assured me I would be needed more as she recovered. I was faced with a choice. Each day we are all faced with the choice to trust in His promises and rest in His faithfulness. I made the decision to stay at the retreat and trust. God is faithful! I know that. Sometimes we have to live it out in ways we would never choose ourselves. ![]() It was a glorious retreat watching Father work in the lives of the women who chose to come and spend a weekend learning about His work of restoration, transformation and surrender in our lives. These are just a few pictures from the tablescapes in our room for teaching and worship. Sherry and I will be sharing some more pictures and testimonies about God's work in our lives on the retreat in the coming weeks on the website. ![]() We had precious times of sharing His life in us, studying His Word, prayer on our knees, and worship at His throne. We laughed and cried together. He blessed us with weather that was truly one of the most beautiful weekends I have ever seen. We soaked in His beauty by the lake, in His creation, and everywhere He spoke in words of tenderness, faithfulness and love. The Lord sustained and strengthened me just as He promises He will do. The faithful prayers of brothers and sisters in Christ helped to carry me through and focus on what the Lord was calling me to do. I left blessed, encouraged, at peace and ready to face the need of ministering at home to mom. I drove straight to the hospital and stayed with mom through many days and nights as she suffered from pain, confusion and fearfulness. The alzheimer’s and morphine sometimes left her in a fantasy land she created in her mind. We learned to go along with the “vacation” she thought she was on and ordered room service and in room movies! She is in the rehabilitation hospital now and has come to understand some of what has happened to her. Her pain is intense and she doesn’t like therapy of course, but she wants to walk again and all of the nurses, doctors and aids have been so helpful and encouraging. In fact, when she was leaving the hospital to move to rehab, many of the nurses came from other floors where they were working to tell her good bye. Her kindness to them even in her pain had touched their lives and mine. I’m grateful for the kindness of strangers in hospitals who meet the needs of those we love. I’m grateful for family who step in to cover a need when the Lord has called you to minister somewhere else. I’m grateful for the prayers of the saints and for calls of encouragement and faith. I’m grateful for helping hands. He is faithful to supply our needs. ![]() Yet, there have been times in my life when trusting has been difficult. I wonder if you are struggling today. If we are really honest sometimes there are times of confusion and even disappointment when we wrestle with the faithfulness of God. Questions come..... Does He really love me? He seems so distant. Is He really in control? How could He let this happen? Can He possibly forgive me? When our lives seem shattered and we are clinging to the pieces and His promises, will we choose to believe that He is faithful and true? Will we trust Him to meet us in the darkness, the trials, the sorrow, the loneliness, the confusion, the silence...... This I know. God meets the brokenhearted. He will give us enough to make it through each day. God’s Word is true even when we don’t understand it, even when our personal experience doesn’t make sense. This morning I finally have some quiet time at home and have gone to the Scriptures. I felt the Lord prompting me to write a new “My Beloved” letter on His faithfulness to remind me where to turn as we will surely face more trials in the days ahead. These “My Beloved” letters are simply Scriptures that I personalize - like a love letter written to me from Jesus. That really is what God's Word is for us. I pray that these truths and promises will encourage you in your own faith journey today. ![]() My Beloved My Word is right and true; I am faithful in all I do. My Love reaches to the heavens, My faithfulness to the skies. I will cover you with My feathers, and under My wings you will find refuge; My faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Great is My love toward you, and My faithfulness endures forever. My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and My dominion endures through all generations. I am faithful in all My promises and loving toward all I have made. My child, I am near to all who call on Me, to all who call on Me in truth. I fulfill the desires of those who fear Me; I hear their cry and save them. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is My will for you in Christ Jesus. This is how I proclaim My name. I the LORD am the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet I do not leave the guilty unpunished to the third and fourth generation. ![]() You must learn to trust in Me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will make your paths straight. I am looking down from heaven to see if there are any who understand, any who seek My face, to strengthen those whose hearts are devoted to Me. So rejoice in your heart as you seek Me. Look to Me and My strength. Sing praise to Me and give glory to My holy name. Give thanks to Me and call on My name. Make known among the nations all I have done. I am called Faithful and True! Psalm 33:4; Psalm 36:5; Psalm 91:4; Psalm 117:2; Psalm 117:13,17-19; 1 Thess. 5:16-18; Exodus 34: Proverbs. 3:5-6; Psalm 105:1-4; Revelation 19:11 At our Concert of Praise on the RESTORE retreat I sang the beautiful song “He’s Always Been Faithful” by Sara Groves. I am clinging to the truths in the lyrics as I face each day. Please take a moment to listen and be reminded of His faithfulness in your life. ![]() Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Morning by morning I wake up to find The power and comfort of God's hand in mine ![]() Season by season I watch Him, amazed In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways All I have need of, His hand will provide He's always been faithful to me ![]() I can't remember a trial or a pain He did not recycle to bring me gain I can't remember one single regret In serving God only, and trusting His hand ![]() All I have need of, His hand will provide He's always been faithful to me This is my anthem, this is my song The theme of the stories I've heard for so long God has been faithful, He will be again His loving compassion, it knows no end All I have need of, His hand will provide ![]() He's always been faithful, He's always been faithful He's always been faithful to me I will sing of the LORD”S great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. The heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. O LORD God Almighty, who is like you: You are mighty, O LORD and your faithfulness surrounds you. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Psalm 89:1,5,8,14 ![]() I pray that you will trust and rest in God's faithfulness in the days ahead and experience the depths of why He is called "Faithful and True". All I have need of His hand will provide. He’s always been faithful to me. Resting in His Faithfulness, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
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![]() Since Kathy and I have launched the RESTORE Ministries and our blog, "Monday Musings," it has been fun to get to know her better! Sure, after working together in children's choir and WAM (Worship Arts Ministry) at the Chapel for 20+ years, you'd think we know each other pretty well. We do! But recently we have spent much time together and God is growing us in the area of "technology!" We are both operating out of our comfort zone when it comes to this site and the blog! One day we were talking and laughing together and she mentioned the fear of pressing one particular button! "What?! You, too?!" I exclaimed. As you see in the picture, it's a small orange icon on the top of our blogs editing page. Once we have chosen our topic, title, pictures, done our research, written the blog and chosen the special music...then one thing remains! Either late Sunday night or very early on Monday morning, we have to click that button! PUBLISH LIVE! Once it is clicked, there is no turning back. It is posted for the whole internet world to see! We both share in this silly fear of pressing that one little button! I don't believe it is a fear of writing to you because our hearts are of a pure motive to offer you insight into the deep things of God, His word and His lavish love and delight for you! So I asked myself, what is this fear all about? ![]() It was a couple of weeks later when God woke me up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I think that's the only time He can fully get my attention! As I lie sound asleep, my eyes suddenly opened wide in panic, as though I were driving into the middle of a busy intersection. My heart began to pound and I saw this huge orange "PUBLISH LIVE" icon as though it were a street sign warning me to proceed with caution. Then I heard God's faint voice say, "This is your next blog. You may be afraid of that button, but take it a step further, Sherry, come a little deeper with me. As you travel into the busy intersections of life, remember that you are "publishing live" every day. Watch how you walk!" Wow! Although I've never heard God's voice audibly, it was just as if His hands shook me awake and then spoke to me while standing by my bedside. As I turned over in bed, those words resonated until I was sound asleep. Those words in the night have visited me daily, coming to my mind at every turn. And so, I'm trying to live them out; watching how I walk and taking notice of people... watching me! I'm actually writing this blog ahead of schedule - 2 weeks early! My turn to post is the day after our RESTORE retreat. (today!) It has been a very busy 2 weeks making final preparations, working, packing and hosting an out of town friend for a visit. I get a little antsy before any big project and often I don't watch how I walk, getting short tempered, forgetting to stay in touch with my family, wild-eyed and rushing to make sure everything is complete...ahead of schedule. My prayer is that I rest in His work and not get overly concerned and controlling, though I do want to be prepared and always do my best! You know, people watch how you walk and how you respond to many situations. They are watching all the time. As they make observations, they can determine many things about your character, good and bad! It is always interesting to me when people (whom I don't know) approach me and talk about what I may have done or what they have seen me do. Interesting that just this week, someone approached me and made an assumption about what I had done, just because they saw my car someplace. Well, their assumptions were correct; but I didn't even think about someone taking notice of my car and connect it with something I was doing! Twice this week I have caught the eyes of others examining me...watching me...thinking hard! I could almost hear their thoughts! It was a good thing I was behaving myself! And it was a good thing that my car was at church! ha! ![]() During this tax season, I can't help but think of Zaccheaus. His account (no pun intended) can be found in Luke 19. Everywhere Jesus went, people were watching him. On this day, rich Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, was also watching and seeking to see who this Jesus was! But because he was short, he climbed into a sycamore tree to see over the crowd. Sycamore trees are easy to climb because of the configuration of the branches! I've climbed many trees and love to look out from a different perspective! Two were watching that day-Jesus and Zac! Can you imagine how Zaccheaus felt when their eyes met? He and Jesus?! Jesus stopped and spoke to him. "Hurry and come down, I must stay at YOUR house today." When the others saw, they grumbled. Not because of jealousy that Jesus didn't say to them that He needed to go to their house, but because they had been watching the "walk" of Zaccheaus and identified his character! I'm glad the story ended well, but I'm really glad that the stories are still ending well. For when you have an encounter with Jesus, you are bound to have a "happy ending!" ![]() Days have now lapsed. I'm finishing up the blog for you (for today) but it has only been a couple of hours since Kathy and & finished up the spring RESTORE retreat. Which by the way was awesome! More to come on that later! Be both need to gather our thoughts to be able to share how God met with us this past weekend. I will share one little tidbit! One of the sessions, (interesting that it's topic was about Hands and Feet, but more interesting that that session was mine to teach and... also it's my week for the blog!) was about our "walk!" Isn't that just like God to line up everything in perfect sequence and perfect planning! Since the overall title of our blog is "Monday Musings," take this little nugget and ponder a little bit about our feet! Feet: The Foot - carries the whole of the weight – likewise; be the foot, carry one another’s burden - Be careful not to carry too much weight. Scripture says to lay aside every weight...Hebrews 12:1 The Toes – provide balance – we must have a life of balance before we properly be the feet of Jesus James 1:8 The Arch – like a bridge, it provides strength. Are we strong in our beliefs? Are we strong enough to help support others? 1 Corinthians 10:13 The Sole – it’s the foundation with which to stand firm. (Ephesians 6:10) It determines your posture! What is the condition of your “sole?” Is it soft – am I tender-hearted? Is it firm and calloused, able to walk through anything or so calloused that nothing calls attention to it. Do I even care? ![]() God gave us 5 toes to help us walk. He gave me 5 points (one for each toe) to share with you.
This weekend I had the privilege to watch many Godly women walk and some talked about their path! Each is walking a different journey and there are many difficulties along the way. It was amazing to me that as I watched and heard about their walk, each one knew that God was walking along beside them. Holding their hand. Stepping patiently and lovingly with them. Guiding and directing them. They each exhibited a surreal amount of courage and strength. Each path that is walked leads to one journey in time. The destination...straight into the throne room of the King of kings! Entering into that holy, sacred place where God Almighty beckons us to...come! Spend time with the lover of your soul. He takes great delight in you and has entrusted you as a believer in Christ to walk a life that is pleasing and blameless. (Ps.101:2) 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Ephesians 5:15-21, ESV) ![]() When were are walking in the Spirit, we won't have to worry about how we walk. We can rest in the knowledge that Christ is leading and directing our steps. Warning: People will take even more notice of you because you are not walking in the way of the world. They will begin to ask you questions so be ready to give an account of the hope that lives within you. 15But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:16Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 17For it is better, if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. 18For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit 1 Peter 3:15 OK, I'll admit, it's still a little scary to press that "publish live" icon but it's presence in my life is a great reminder that I'm publishing live everyday. Yes, you will see me slip and fall from time to time because of the nature of man. That's when it becomes your responsibility to come along beside me (or whomever God has placed in your path) to encourage, admonish, and lift in prayer. Though we are publishing alone, we don't have to walk alone. 9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecc. 4: 9-12 My Prayer song: Listen and make it your prayer too! Publishing Live and walking with Christ, Sherry ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
![]() The Lord has always used music to speak to my heart. Last week as I was driving, the song Don’t Let Me Lose My Wonder by Keith and Kristen Getty came on my CD player. As I listened to the words I suddenly began to weep. Tears of longing, remembrance, sorrow and joy began to rush over me. It had been a full week of ministry to my mom who is progressing in alzheimer disease. Along the way, there are many testings for patience as she repeats herself and can’t hold on to any new information, but also there are blessings of sweet times together. As mom’s disease progresses she has slowed down, way down. This woman who was always the spark of energy and laughter in a crowd has become a woman whose steps are slow, who is hesitant for fear of exposing her weaknesses. I’ve noticed lately that she is taken up in wonder with things that I barely notice. The progression of this horrible disease where memory is slowly taken away brings the one stricken back to many childlike qualities. I remember the progression with my husbands mother as well. Mom still remembers all the wonderful stories of her childhood, and tells me often, although she can’t remember what she ate for dinner. When I picked her up to take her out to get her hair done and later to the grocery and lunch she kept talking about how blue the sky was. I hadn’t noticed. When we drive about town she always talks about how beautiful and white the clouds are. I had barely noticed. When we walked into Fresh Market she was filled with excitement over the flowers - especially the roses. ![]() Roses from my garden ![]() Mom had a rose garden when I was growing up and we always had fresh cut roses in our home. I learned to love gardening from her. Now I have roses all over my garden. Mom has lost her sense of smell - a symptom of the disease, but she still finds such delight in flowers. She also suddenly loves desserts - just like a child. We exited the grocery store with 2 dozen roses - 1 for her, 1 for me (she insisted) always being extremely generous and a star of Bethlehem plant which she just had to have because she had never seen one before, and 3 packages of desserts! We spent at least an hour in the store looking at everything, slowly taking it all in. Sampling the coffee, the coffee cake, pondering over the food at the deli, all the flowers, fruits and vegetables. ![]() Mom's Star of Bethlehem Plant After lunch as we walked out, I looked behind me impatiently trying to get her to move a little faster so we could get to the car. But Mom was slowly making her way out, speaking to people as she left and stopping to ”oo” and “ah” over every child along the way. I smiled. This disease has slowed her down and because of it the Lord is teaching me that I must slow down as well - not just for her, but for me. As mom slows down she takes things and people in. She’s filled with wonder and she takes time to experience it all - God’s creation - the beauty, the children, the sky, the flowers, His people... And she’s still teaching me. Jesus is teaching me. Slow down...... Wonder........ All week, I kept replaying the song about wonder. It was a busy week of appointments and errands. I always play music in the car because I love it and it helps my stress level in Baton Rouge traffic! As I listened to the lyrics the Lord brought me back to the lessons mom was teaching me, to childhood memories, and to people the Lord has woven into my life to show me how to live my days for Jesus with grace. Take a moment now and listen to “Lord, Don’t Let Me Lose My Wonder” ![]() (Verse 1) I've seen days melt into nights in circles of lights, I've watched a spider spin a star between the window box flowers, I've heard you laugh and cry in a single sigh, and a story form within. Don't let me lose my wonder. Don't let me lose my wonder. (Verse 2) I saw her broken dreams inside but helping others fly, I saw his eyes without a doubt though other lights faded out, And though her calling roared such graciousness poured From the vision of her soul. Don't let me lose my wonder. Don't let me lose my wonder. ![]() (Verse 3) A baby cried through the dark beneath a jeweled spark, I knew Your voice upon the hill and heard my lostness still, I found my home in the light where wrong was made right ![]() And You rose as the Morning Star. Don't let me lose my wonder Don't let me lose my wonder. lyrics by Keith Getty The first verse brought me back to my childhood. I was blessed to grow up on acreage with a lake. It was usually quiet except for the bullfrogs at night! I often sat under the big cypress trees by the lake and looked up at the skies God painted each day and pondered the greatness and beauty of His creation. I sensed the magnificence and power of God there and the Lord met me in the stillness. I would often stay out as the day melted into night and the stars began to shimmer. But, I don’t have to be a child to take in His beauty. Creation is a window through which we see our Creator. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1 NIV Lord, slow me down. Don’t let me lose my wonder, not for the sake of wonder itself, but to lead me to reflect and respond to the majesty and glory of who You are. Lord, don’t let me lose my wonder - for in it I learn what it means to be Your child. I learn what it means to worship. I experience the gifts You pour out each day. Please give me your eyes to see and fill my mind with Your perspective so that I become lost in wonder, amazed at Your grace, astounded at the depth of Your mercy and convinced of Your unending generosity and lavish love in my life. The tears really began to flow as she began to sing the 2nd verse. The day before I had brought a meal to a friend stricken with disease. This women has deeply enriched my life through her words of faith, wisdom, and creativity. She is an amazing woman of vision. She was very tired that day. Speech has become very difficult, but she wrote on her tablet of how she had been sharing a book entitled The Work of His Hands by Ken Gire with a young woman she was mentoring. She reminded me that she had first seen the book on my coffee table years ago. Tears flowed..... I saw her broken dreams inside but helping others fly..... My friend was helping others fly in the midst of her personal, physical struggle. And though her calling roared, such graciousness flowed from the vision of her soul...... Lord, don’t let me lose my wonder..... Then came the last verse. A baby, a Savior on a cross....... Oh Lord never let me take for granted the mystery that you chose to send your Son to become a baby born in a humble manger and live and die on the cross for my sin. It is wonder that leads to worship. We worship Jesus not only for who He is but for what He has done. Are you still amazed in wonder at the sacrifice Jesus made for you to become His child? It’s so easy in the busyness and demands of life to lose our awe and wonder at the mystery of God, our Savior Jesus, and the Holy Spirit within us! ![]() He is our Creator You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. Rev. 4:11 ![]() He is our Redeemer In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7 This week my husband Ken and I were asked to provide the music for the funerals of the mother’s of two very dear friends. It is always such a privilege for me to have the honor of bringing hope and focus on Christ through music at these services. Funerals can bring so many emotions, especially when life has been long and rich in love. We grieve at the loss, yet rejoice in the blessings of long life and the hope of heaven where there is no more sickness or pain. Ministering to my friends in the loss of their moms made me cherish the time I have left with my own mom even more. I listened to the messages of a life lived serving Christ and testimonies of love, lessons learned and the legacy we leave behind. I left pondering and praying - Lord I want my life to bear fruit for you. Let my life be a testimony of your truth and grace, of service to You like my friends mom. Don’t let me waste the moments, the days you give me. “Over the margins of life comes a whisper, a faint call, a premonition of richer living which we know we are passing by. Strained by the very mad pace of our daily outer burdens, we are further strained by an inward uneasiness, because we have hints that there is a way of life vastly richer and deeper than all this hurried existence, a life of unhurried serenity and peace and power.” Thomas Kelly - A Testament of Devotion Are you feeling the need to slow down and experience the wonder of God in new ways? Spend some moments in prayer..... Father, may the greatness and majesty of your creation always lead me to praise You. Help me to sense the sacred in the world around me. To stop, quieten my days of hurry and pause to reflect on the wonder of life in You. Help me to reach for Your Words of life. Help me receive them in whatever form you send because I have not lost my wonder. Help me to respond with your heart of love, mercy, and grace to all who cross my path. Father, please help me pause and reflect in wonder on the lessons you would have me learn from the way others live out their dreams, their everyday moments, and their struggles. Help me learn to show kindness even in the midst of the demands of life. Carve out and mold me into a true reflection of your character. And Lord may I never cease to wonder at the miracle of your Son born in a manger and the victory of the cross. You alone are the one who can shatter the darkness and find us in the confusion, the hopelessness, the broken dreams. May I never cease to wonder that You pursued me and loved me and washed my sin in forgiveness through your blood so that now I can stand in the light of your grace. Lord, may I never lose my wonder in who You are - My Creator, Lamb of God, Redeemer, Savior, and King! “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise. Revelation 5:12 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Romans 8:11 NIV Try to take some time today or this week to experience and know the wonder of God's creation, His people and the Savior. May wonder lead you to praise the mystery, majesty and glory of the One who alone is worthy! In awe and wonder of my Lord and Savior, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
We'd also like to hear from you, how God is blessing your life through RESTORE Ministries, and how we can pray for you. Please fill out "Contact Us" in the menu bar. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 NIV ![]() I simply love to be presented with a gift! Don’t you? Especially when it is unexpected! I think of the care, spontaneity, and thoughtfulness that goes into every gift that is given from one of my sweet dear friends. She gives from the heart and surprises me often. She knows my favorite color and seems to always weave it into each package! She also knows my taste and keeps it in mind as she chooses each item. Of course we tease with each other because I know that two have been bought...one for me and one for herself! I do the same thing! And after talking with many of you, this seems to be the trend with others with whom you love and give gifts! I love to get gifts; but, oh the joy of giving gifts! ![]() I’ve been thinking about “gifts” for a month or so, knowing that my turn to write the blog was coming up. You see, it’s my birthday month! Not my physical birthday, that’s in July! It’s my Spiritual Birthday! The month I was born again! I accepted the greatest gift ever given to me...God’s son, Jesus! John 3:16 I remember the tugging at my heart. God kept trying to give me something special but the internal war was ragging as though something else had my hands and heart tied up, not to receive. Finally, the flood of love I felt, and the urge to move forward with open hands to accept God’s gift was much more powerful. I knew it was a gift that would change my life forever. I accepted that precious gift and it did change my life forever! Along with that extraordinary gift of God’s love and salvation, came yet many more gifts...and they keep coming! Yes, I like gifts especially those that are unique, not like any other. That, too, is what is so special about God’s special gift. No one else has ever (or ever will) give a gift like that! His very own son as payment for my sin, everlasting life, a life of purpose and the promise of a life filled with resurrection power! (Eph. 1:17-21) So as I began to ponder the word gift, I came up with an acronym.
Pondering this thought also helped me draw a parallel of God’s gifts to me. He gave freely, intentionally, His favored possession, and all were timely in my life! I simply needed to accept them. He is still giving me gifts! ![]() I think of gifts in two categories. Those that are concrete or tangible and those abstract or intangible. For example, I might give a gift of my time and help (abstract) or I may choose to give money (concrete) to help you achieve something. Both types of gifts are important and acceptable. God chooses to gift me daily by both types! When I think about His creation and the splendor of it all, my heart rejoices that He chose to bless me by letting me partake of its beauty....all of the sounds, sights, and smells! I love a beautiful sky! I love walking through fields, up mountain trails, wading in ice cold streams where the water rushes up to my ankles. I like the wind to blow on my face and I love the smell of the antique roses growing in my little garden or cinnamon rolls being baked at my mothers house. The sound of piano music and the voice of a friend on the phone, or a quick visit are some of my favorite gifts. I'm grateful for the gift of site and smell. My heart yearns for beauty, for it is there that I behold the beauty of God. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever. Ps. 100:5 The Message Oh that I might know the Lord! Let me press on to know Him. He will respond as surley as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring. Hosea 6:3 (NLT)
![]() I’ve taken many surveys or “tests” to determine my spiritual gift. For those of you who know me well, this may come as a surprise but...I’m sad to say that giving is at the bottom of my list! I’m making it my practice to be more aware of how I can be more giving. It helps too, when I surround myself with others whose spiritual gift of giving is more prominent. Though really, I think it has more to do with listening closely to the Holy Spirit and acting with obedience. He nudges, I move and gifting becomes easier. I was blessed this week to share many gifts. One in particular that God had planned before I even realized it! The Lord laid it on my heart to cook for someone. I didn’t know who, what, or when, but God did! Early in the week, I became aware of a need and before I even thought about it, I offered a meal. What a blessing! What a gift from God that He would choose me to bless by allowing me to gift another?! As I think more about gift giving, I discover that the greatest joy comes when it has greatly cost me. Sometimes it’s been a huge amount of time, research, planning and even grueling physical work but it is worth everything when finally given. I’ve invested my all - concrete and abstract. 2 Corinthians 9:7 refers to hilarious giving! We all must give as we have decided in our heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Oh Lord, May my hands always be open ready to give; for one cannot give or receive with a clenched hand! Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” ![]() Be careful not to share many details of “gift-giving.” Scripture is very clear about how you practice giving to the needy and the heart from which you give. (Matt 6: 1-4) God has given us many gifts, both abstract and concrete. He also has a lot to say about gift giving! I challenge you to search the scriptures for yourself during your own personal study. He gave and gives:
Glory (1 Peter 5:1-4) As I think about G.I.F.T. my heart is overwhelmed because every good and perfect gift from above is given freely, intentional, favored, and timely. God knows what you need even before you do! Yes, I like gifts! Especially when I recognize that, though undeserving, he delights and takes pleasure in blessing me! So during my "spiritual birthday" month, I am even more in awe! He has picked out the perfect gifts for me, they were intentional (before I was even born), and they are favorably selected for my personality! God's gifts to me make me unique. It is my prayer that I will return what He has graciously given me in order to bless others. After all, isn't that what He did when He gave His only son. We receive Jesus to share with others, the greatest gift ever given! He has given many gifts to you, too! Today, stop and reflect on as many as you can and thank Him. I'd love for you to comment and share how God is gifting you! The "comment" icon is at the top of this blog. Thankful for His Giving Heart, Sherry ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
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