Since Kathy and I have launched the RESTORE Ministries and our blog, "Monday Musings," it has been fun to get to know her better! Sure, after working together in children's choir and WAM (Worship Arts Ministry) at the Chapel for 20+ years, you'd think we know each other pretty well. We do! But recently we have spent much time together and God is growing us in the area of "technology!" We are both operating out of our comfort zone when it comes to this site and the blog! One day we were talking and laughing together and she mentioned the fear of pressing one particular button! "What?! You, too?!" I exclaimed. As you see in the picture, it's a small orange icon on the top of our blogs editing page. Once we have chosen our topic, title, pictures, done our research, written the blog and chosen the special music...then one thing remains! Either late Sunday night or very early on Monday morning, we have to click that button! PUBLISH LIVE! Once it is clicked, there is no turning back. It is posted for the whole internet world to see! We both share in this silly fear of pressing that one little button! I don't believe it is a fear of writing to you because our hearts are of a pure motive to offer you insight into the deep things of God, His word and His lavish love and delight for you! So I asked myself, what is this fear all about? It was a couple of weeks later when God woke me up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I think that's the only time He can fully get my attention! As I lie sound asleep, my eyes suddenly opened wide in panic, as though I were driving into the middle of a busy intersection. My heart began to pound and I saw this huge orange "PUBLISH LIVE" icon as though it were a street sign warning me to proceed with caution. Then I heard God's faint voice say, "This is your next blog. You may be afraid of that button, but take it a step further, Sherry, come a little deeper with me. As you travel into the busy intersections of life, remember that you are "publishing live" every day. Watch how you walk!" Wow! Although I've never heard God's voice audibly, it was just as if His hands shook me awake and then spoke to me while standing by my bedside. As I turned over in bed, those words resonated until I was sound asleep. Those words in the night have visited me daily, coming to my mind at every turn. And so, I'm trying to live them out; watching how I walk and taking notice of people... watching me! I'm actually writing this blog ahead of schedule - 2 weeks early! My turn to post is the day after our RESTORE retreat. (today!) It has been a very busy 2 weeks making final preparations, working, packing and hosting an out of town friend for a visit. I get a little antsy before any big project and often I don't watch how I walk, getting short tempered, forgetting to stay in touch with my family, wild-eyed and rushing to make sure everything is complete...ahead of schedule. My prayer is that I rest in His work and not get overly concerned and controlling, though I do want to be prepared and always do my best! You know, people watch how you walk and how you respond to many situations. They are watching all the time. As they make observations, they can determine many things about your character, good and bad! It is always interesting to me when people (whom I don't know) approach me and talk about what I may have done or what they have seen me do. Interesting that just this week, someone approached me and made an assumption about what I had done, just because they saw my car someplace. Well, their assumptions were correct; but I didn't even think about someone taking notice of my car and connect it with something I was doing! Twice this week I have caught the eyes of others examining me...watching me...thinking hard! I could almost hear their thoughts! It was a good thing I was behaving myself! And it was a good thing that my car was at church! ha! During this tax season, I can't help but think of Zaccheaus. His account (no pun intended) can be found in Luke 19. Everywhere Jesus went, people were watching him. On this day, rich Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, was also watching and seeking to see who this Jesus was! But because he was short, he climbed into a sycamore tree to see over the crowd. Sycamore trees are easy to climb because of the configuration of the branches! I've climbed many trees and love to look out from a different perspective! Two were watching that day-Jesus and Zac! Can you imagine how Zaccheaus felt when their eyes met? He and Jesus?! Jesus stopped and spoke to him. "Hurry and come down, I must stay at YOUR house today." When the others saw, they grumbled. Not because of jealousy that Jesus didn't say to them that He needed to go to their house, but because they had been watching the "walk" of Zaccheaus and identified his character! I'm glad the story ended well, but I'm really glad that the stories are still ending well. For when you have an encounter with Jesus, you are bound to have a "happy ending!" Days have now lapsed. I'm finishing up the blog for you (for today) but it has only been a couple of hours since Kathy and & finished up the spring RESTORE retreat. Which by the way was awesome! More to come on that later! Be both need to gather our thoughts to be able to share how God met with us this past weekend. I will share one little tidbit! One of the sessions, (interesting that it's topic was about Hands and Feet, but more interesting that that session was mine to teach and... also it's my week for the blog!) was about our "walk!" Isn't that just like God to line up everything in perfect sequence and perfect planning! Since the overall title of our blog is "Monday Musings," take this little nugget and ponder a little bit about our feet! Feet: The Foot - carries the whole of the weight – likewise; be the foot, carry one another’s burden - Be careful not to carry too much weight. Scripture says to lay aside every weight...Hebrews 12:1 The Toes – provide balance – we must have a life of balance before we properly be the feet of Jesus James 1:8 The Arch – like a bridge, it provides strength. Are we strong in our beliefs? Are we strong enough to help support others? 1 Corinthians 10:13 The Sole – it’s the foundation with which to stand firm. (Ephesians 6:10) It determines your posture! What is the condition of your “sole?” Is it soft – am I tender-hearted? Is it firm and calloused, able to walk through anything or so calloused that nothing calls attention to it. Do I even care? God gave us 5 toes to help us walk. He gave me 5 points (one for each toe) to share with you.
This weekend I had the privilege to watch many Godly women walk and some talked about their path! Each is walking a different journey and there are many difficulties along the way. It was amazing to me that as I watched and heard about their walk, each one knew that God was walking along beside them. Holding their hand. Stepping patiently and lovingly with them. Guiding and directing them. They each exhibited a surreal amount of courage and strength. Each path that is walked leads to one journey in time. The destination...straight into the throne room of the King of kings! Entering into that holy, sacred place where God Almighty beckons us to...come! Spend time with the lover of your soul. He takes great delight in you and has entrusted you as a believer in Christ to walk a life that is pleasing and blameless. (Ps.101:2) 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Ephesians 5:15-21, ESV) When were are walking in the Spirit, we won't have to worry about how we walk. We can rest in the knowledge that Christ is leading and directing our steps. Warning: People will take even more notice of you because you are not walking in the way of the world. They will begin to ask you questions so be ready to give an account of the hope that lives within you. 15But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:16Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 17For it is better, if the will of God be so, that you suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. 18For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit 1 Peter 3:15 OK, I'll admit, it's still a little scary to press that "publish live" icon but it's presence in my life is a great reminder that I'm publishing live everyday. Yes, you will see me slip and fall from time to time because of the nature of man. That's when it becomes your responsibility to come along beside me (or whomever God has placed in your path) to encourage, admonish, and lift in prayer. Though we are publishing alone, we don't have to walk alone. 9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecc. 4: 9-12 My Prayer song: Listen and make it your prayer too! Publishing Live and walking with Christ, Sherry If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
1 Comment
4/26/2013 02:46:16 am
Just slowing down from the week to read your blog, Sherry. The blogs from you and Kathy have ministered to me so very much. They cause me to reflect on so many things that I can relate to. How blessed I am to have you two women in my life! In the past, before I knew Christ, I had spent most of my time putting up walls and pushing people away to protect myself from further hurt, pain and betrayal. It was all I ever knew. Then I met my Savior Who could be trusted with, not only my heart and my physical life, but Eternal life! I never had anyone in my life before I came to the Chapel, though, to model a Godly walk with the Lord. Your "Publish Live" blog is so true. I HAVE watched your lives for many, many years. God has taught me more than you will ever know in how a Godly woman responds to situations that God brings them to and then through. As I have walked with the Lord these 22 years now I have experienced His transforming love in so many ways. I live constantly is awe of Who he is and what he has done for me. His creation is His constant reminder to me of the gifts He has given me to enjoy and to let Him reveal His Glory to me in them. I cannot thank you enough for the chance this past weekend to sit and soak in His creation - day and night :) The times of teaching what God has revealed to you and the worship music, tea party and creative activities were perfectly timed amid the vast amount of time given for one-on-one time with the Lord, however we chose to spend it. From an extra nap for the worn and frazzled mother of small children to leisurely walks around the lake for those who wanted to observe nature's beauty in Spring. Still others chose to just sit on benches at the edge of the beautiful lake and listen for His voice and smell the Honeysuckle. It is amazing how we can hear the voice of our Savoir so clearly when we have no responsibilities and the opportunity to slow down from the hectic pace of life. We can commit that time completely to Him and allow Him to pour His Abundant Life into us. Thank you for an amazing weekend. I know the Fruit of your work and sacrifice will be immeasurable! Love you!
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