![]() I find myself reflecting on some of the deep conversations I have had this week with friends. I have visited with men and women who feel overwhelmed as they consider all that they must face in this season of their lives. Several friends face serious financial struggles, some have had unexpected loss of jobs. Others feel broken and wounded and struggle to find clear direction for the future. These conversations have all been with men and women of deep faith. They press on and trust in the Lord’s provision and comfort, but they hurt and struggle. They seek wisdom. They ask for prayer. They wait for answers. This morning I had a wonderful conversation with a new friend that was so encouraging. He shared how blessed and hopeful he was as he saw God moving in the heart of worship among our body of believers at church. We talked about the power of intimate, true worship and the beauty of lingering in His presence and letting God’s Spirit move among us and through us. Once you have known the Lord in deep, transforming worship your heart longs for more. For me, when I seek to worship my Lord in spirit and truth, He speaks and ministers to my heart. There in His presence, there is healing and comfort and I am reminded that He is always with me in this journey and He is with those whom I love. It is often in the struggles of life that we recognize that the deep thirst of our souls is ultimately only satisfied in Jesus. ![]() God left His heavenly throne and became man - the Incarnation. The simplicity and beauty of Christ’s birth never ceases to amaze me. Had He come in grandeur and splendor, He would have been an unapproachable object of wonder and awe. But Jesus chose to enter our world the way each of us comes, as a weak, helpless, miraculous expression of God’s Divine love. Nothing is too hard for God; no sacrifice too great. What then can we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) In His glory, God reached out to meet us in the frailty of our humanity and the fullness of His deity. It’s a mystery that none of us can ever fully comprehend. We must choose to bow in faith at the revelation of the depth of love that the Father longs for us to know. Jesus wants us to understand that He is not only for us, but He is with us - Immanuel. With us - when the challenges overwhelm us, when the pain and failures of the past haunt us, when the loss in life consumes us, when we wonder how we will pay for the needs of our family, when we desperately need to know some answers, when we simply need love to hold us when we are just so weary...He is Immanuel - God with us. God became man so that we might know the Father and walk in grace and truth. God became man so that we might have the assurance that He has endured every trial and temptation we will ever face. God became man so that He might make a home in the hearts of men and women who will yield to His love. God became man so that by His Spirit He could live His life through you and me. When I dwell on those truths, I am humbled at the wonder of my Savior and the depth of His love for you and me. May we respond with a heart of surrender in worship for He alone is worthy! That is our greatest calling and joy....to draw near in worship of Jesus, the One who is our comfort, our wisdom, our healing, and our hope. As you read and reflect on the Scriptures in the next My Beloved Letter in this summer series, it is my prayer that you will hear the tender voice of the Savior speaking to you and be encouraged in the knowledge that He is with you. My Beloved I sent My Son to be born of a virgin. He is called Immanuel, for I, your God, am with you. Since I am with you, who can stand against you? Jesus is the Word made flesh. He was with Me in the beginning and through Him all things were made. In Him is life and that life is the light of men that shines in the darkness. Receive Him and believe in His name and by My grace you will become My child. When you look on My Son, Jesus, you see My glory, the glory of the One and Only, full of grace and truth. My glorious light has dawned upon you. I am your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and your Prince of Peace. ![]() I have come to offer you living water so that you will never be thirsty again. Drink of Me and I will give you water that will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Trust in Me and don’t be afraid. I am the Lord, your strength and your song. Draw from the well of My salvation with joy! Give thanks and call on My name. Sing and make known among the nations the glorious things I have done. Exalt My name. Shout aloud and sing for joy! I am seeking out the true worshipers who will worship Me in spirit and truth. Call on Me and I will be near to you. Seek Me and I will give you an undivided heart. My Word is truth. I will teach you the way so that you may walk in the truth. Meditate on all My works and consider what My hands have done. I see your thirst. Spread out your hands before Me in prayer and worship. I desire truth in the inner parts. I will teach you wisdom in the inmost place. Lift up your soul to Me and I will show you the way to go. My love never fails. I am the “Messiah,” called Christ, the One you’ve been waiting for. I am Immanuel, your Savior and the Savior of the world. Rejoice and find your rest in Me, for I have given you My gift of life. Bow down and worship Me, the Living Water. I am with you, beloved. Mt. 1:23, Romans 8:31, John 1:14, 2-4, 11-13, 18, Is. 9:2, 6, John 4:10, 23-26, 42, Is. 12:2,4-6, Psalm 145:18, Psalm 143:5,6, Psalm 86:11, John 17:17. NIV Bible I am praying for God to give me deeper revelation and insight as to the significance for my life that He is Immanuel - God with us. Will you join me in that prayer? It's personal, transforming truth for my life, for your life and for those we love. Grateful to be His beloved, Kathy Resources: photos pinterest, Living Water by Kathy Drake Our Fall Overnight Restore Retreat for women is now open for registration! Restore Retreats are designed from the heart for the heart. Renew your heart of worship ~ Transform your mind with the Word ~ Rest your body and soul! Awaken to the Pursuit of the Bridegroom When: September 30 - October 1 Where: Solomon Conference Center, Loranger, LA Cost: $192 ~ Covers lodging, 3 meals, & supplies Registration deadline is August 30. Limited Space Available - We are already over half full. Do you desire to know Christ in a deeper intimate way? Join us as we search the Scriptures to discover the thread of Jesus as our Bridegroom throughout the Old and New Testaments. Explore the Scriptures and ancient Jewish wedding customs to learn how they relate to the teachings and heart of Jesus for you as His Bride. Learn about our position as His Bride, Divine Passion and His purpose for you, His Beloved! Awaken to the pursuit of the heavenly Bridegroom! ![]() You can sign up for Restore's Monday Musings Blog to come directly to your inbox! Just enter your email in the subscriber box above and then reply to the invitation email you will receive. Feel free to share our blogs on your social media or email them to a friend.
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