![]() I’m sure you have experienced that feeling when you go to use your bankcard only to discover that it won’t work? The bank has terminated it’s use because it has been compromised! Quickly you scramble to solve the problem, call the bank, and spend what seems like endless hours of time on the phone getting it worked out! You get to the bottom of the problem and now, not only has your card been compromised, so has your time, plans, perhaps others views of your integrity, your energy has been spent and all focus directed in one place! And it’s not even your fault! Everything…compromised! Well, that seems to have been the story of my life this past week. Though I’ve not had a problem with my bankcard, the emotions of an event like that have run ramped through my veins. I’m sure it is no different for you. As I have struggled with my phone, email, events, car, computer, job, and health…just to name a few, God has taught me a very important lesson this week. It’s His job to turn the “ugh” to “ahh!” But I must help in the process. I’ll tell you how in a moment! Surely you have noticed that the world is getting a little harder to live in! (That’s the understatement of the year!) Life is spinning faster, harder, and more complicated, leaving us to sigh louder, growl under our breath, and proclaim more “Ugh’s” than “Ahh’s.” Everything seems to be compromised and I just want to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed! I’m seeing a pattern surrounding not only my world but of those I love:
The Lord reminded me this week, that He is doing a much bigger work than what I am even aware. In our difficult, compromised situations, He is at work and often it’s not always about you! The suffering in your life could be for others to notice, to watch, to be curious, to evaluate your response. When our response or attitude is positive or holy, sometimes it encourages others to delve further and deeper into their relationship with the Lord. Other times, it is used to direct toward salvation for the lost. In all, it brings glory to the name of the Lord. For in our response…our attitude…silent volumes are spoken! How do we apply and display our faith? Others are watching. ![]() I received a sweet message from a friend whom I called to pray over the difficult situations this week. I’d like to share with you her devotional this morning from Bible Study Fellowship - Revelation as she shared it with me. “God’s people are to interpret life circumstances through the unchanging nature of the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man. This alone offers the right perspective on this world and our personal lives. Economic or political crisis, natural disasters, family, health or personal trials all will change, but God will never change. He is the refuge and strength of His people at all times. “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” Daniel’s personal testimony of God’s truth and power strengthens our faith as he describes the world and future. Daniel stood in the power of God against the powers of the world and of darkness. Each time God rescued him, praise for “the God of Daniel” came from the mouth of kings. The trials you face are opportunities to experience God’s love and power in new ways. Knowledge of God’s care for His people can strengthen you to face the "lions” in your life. As you face them triumphantly, your life of faith, which demonstrates the power of God, will cause others to praise the Ancient of Days.” Recalling the many stories of Daniel with his compromised situations, and how God faithfully provided for him during his trials has been of great comfort for me. In every situation he faced, others took notice and watched how he responded. As Daniel took refuge in God, and as God supplied for his every need, praise to The Lord filled the lips of many and the name of The Almighty was lifted high! God intervened faithfully and powerfully in my life this week as I took notice that He was doing a much bigger work! I could have quickly quenched His Spirit and destroyed a perfect opportunity to proclaim His faithfulness by blowing up, loosing my cool, and speaking bitter words. What kind of image bearer would I have been then?! Our lives will continue to be compromised and full of “ugh!” days, but with praise to God continually on our lips and a faithful heart, those days will be transformed to “ahh!” days because He is doing a much bigger work! And… we will recognize it! His beauty will rise from the ashes. Here are a couple of anonymous quotes that remind me that God is in control. "If you kneel before God, you can stand before anyone!" "What is over my head is under His feet!" ![]() Trusting His Heart & His Faithfulness, Sherry Join us Dec. 12 for "The Light of Christmas" and dessert reception. Tickets may be purchased by clicking here! Seating is limited and seats are going quickly. If you are planning to join us, I wouldn't delay! Adults - $20 Students - $10
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