![]() This weekend I attended the Chapel Women’s Conference. It was a wonderful time in the Word, worship, fun, fellowship and learning about what it means to be an uncommon woman of purpose, God's Masterpiece. I was challenged as I let the Lord go deep into my soul and expose fears and wounds that only He can transform and redeem for His purpose in my life. It was a time of tears and laughter. I had the privilege of being in charge of creating a sacred space in my office for our speaker Susie Larson to rest and recharge before her speaking sessions. It turns out we are kindred spirits. When she entered into the space with candles burning, music softly playing, and hot tea and goodies I could see the weariness of her travels fall off. This was her sixth weekend in a row on the road and as we spoke on the way from the hotel she told me of how hard the season had been on her physically. She was so grateful for a sacred space. It was a place where she could prepare her heart to minister. When you are called to give out day after day in ministry, it’s important to have a haven where you can be replenished, even if it is a little office in a church. We are all called to give of ourselves in ministry day after day. Most of us will not be asked to be a national speaker for women’s conferences, but within our own sphere of influence we have demands, jobs, family, friends, strangers, all with needs that can drain us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yesterday when I got home from the conference I was praying about what to write for Monday Musings. I considered the beauty and purpose of a sacred space, a place where we listen to His voice. Then Sherry emailed me, “It must be porch time for me. That special place where God speaks into my heart and life.” Her porch is her sacred space. Do you have a sacred space? A place that is reserved just for you and the Lord to meet? It might just be a chair in the corner of a room where you can “Be Still and Know that He is God.” Just gather a basket for your Bible, journal, and perhaps a devotional or study book. A candle and soft instrumental music helps to calm your spirit and soothe away the stress of life. Few of us have the luxury of a room to ourselves, but if you do, consider clearing it out and creating a sacred space for quiet, solitude, reflection, study, and prayer. Those of you who know me well, know that for years I have gone to my red chair in the living room to meet with Jesus. I still do. When we remodeled ten years ago and took in our attic space, I asked to create a little prayer loft in the attic. I am so grateful for this sacred space where I have a tender history with the Lord. During 2004 in this sacred space I wrote most of the Bible Study “Living Water.” It was for that study that the Lord led me to begin writing “My Beloved” letters. I am still writing them. They are simply Scripture personalized. I believe they were birthed during that season of my life because the Lord wanted me to know how much I was loved, how personal His word was for me, like a love letter written for my soul. I believe He wants you to know that too. My Prayer Loft I wonder today if you feel loved by the Lord. You will not go to that sacred space unless you are absolutely convinced of Jesus’ love for you, despite your failures, despite your disappointments and circumstances. He is waiting for you. You are His Beloved. His Masterpiece. You are the Bride of Christ. In the months ahead I will be sharing portions of these “My Beloved” letters with you. I pray that the Lord will use His Word within them to draw you into the beauty of His love and purpose for your life. You are His Beloved! My Beloved You are beautiful to Me! You have stolen my heart, my bride! In My eyes there is no flaw in you. Delight in Me. Let your soul rejoice for I have clothed you with My garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness. By My grace you have been saved. It is My gift to you. I have called you to a holy life, not because of anything you have done but because of My purpose and My grace. Because of your love for Me you can know that I will work all things for your good. My love is better than life. Let your lips glorify My name. Lift up your hands in My name and sing praises to Me as long as you live. I will satisfy your soul, beloved. Come, My child, let Me lavish My great love on you. My precious bride, I have committed Myself to you forever, in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion and in faithfulness. Rejoice in Me always. Rejoice! I am near. Do not be anxious about anything. Let Me hear your requests in prayers and petitions with thanksgiving in your heart and you will know My peace. It will guard your heart and mind in My Son. Put your hope in Me and I will give you rest. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. I have hidden your life with Christ in Me. He is your life. When He appears in glory you will appear with Him also. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about these things, My love. All that you have learned or received or heard from Me, or seen in Me-- put it into practice and My peace will be with you. SS 4:1,7, 10, 2 Tim. 1:9, Romans 8:28, Psalm 63:1-5, Hosea 2:19, 20, Phil.4:4-9, Psalm 71:14, Col. 3:2-4 NIV Bible Resting in His Love, Kathy ![]() If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up at the upper right hand corner. We'd also like to hear from you, how God is blessing your life through RESTORE Ministries, and how we can pray for you. Please fill out "Contact Us" in the menu bar.
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