It’s been a week full of music for me. A few days ago, Ken and I were sitting at the piano practicing the song “Blessings” by Laura Story for Sunday's worship. As we sang, I heard footsteps and that gorgeous alto voice I know and love of my dear friend from Houston. For years in ministry we sang together as a trio and she was coming to pick up the music to sing with us again in this years Restore “The Light of Christmas” worship concert. She told the story of when she had sung “Blessings” for a women’s retreat and how the Lord had poured out His anointing as the Spirit took over and ministered. As I listened, I knew it must have been difficult for her to sing for she has walked courageously through tremendous pain and trials. The words are powerful and true. They tell my story, too. Perhaps they tell yours if you listen carefully. You may want to listen to Blessings by Laura Story on Youtube at this link: After you listen come back and read the lyrics below. Let them sink into your spirit. ![]() We pray for blessings, we pray for peace Comfort for family, protection while we sleep We pray for healing, for prosperity We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering All the while You hear each spoken need Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love As if every promise from Your Word is not enough And all the while You hear each desperate plea And long that we'd have faith to believe. ![]() When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win We know that pain reminds this heart That this is not, this is not our home. It's not our home 'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops What if Your healing comes through tears? And what if a thousand sleepless nights Are what it takes to know You're near? ![]() What if my greatest disappointments Or the aching of this life Is the revealing of a greater thirst This world can't satisfy? And what if trials of this life The rain, the storms, the hardest nights Are Your mercies in disguise? music and lyrics by Laura Story Throughout the week as I’ve sung these words, waves of struggles over the last few years have swept over me. Three years ago I could not have made it through the song. I wasn’t ready. The tears were too fresh, the pain too deep. But now....You see God has brought healing through those tears. I have known His presence in the pain. I think of the trials of the last few years of our lives and God, in His grace, has used them to be a blessing. I think of the sleepless nights when my husband was told it was a 90% chance he had pancreatic cancer. In those nights I drew nearer to my Savior than ever before in my faith journey. I cried out in pain and fear and for His mighty hand to ease the suffering. Jesus poured out His mercy as hundreds went before throne of God and Ken was healed. The last few years have been full of trials and disappointments in ministry, personal health struggles, cancer diagnosis of dear friends, deaths of family members, my mom’s illness, betrayals, buckets of tears and a longing for Home. Sometimes it seems as if we are hanging by a thread to simply survive, doesn’t it. Yet, in the midst of trials and disappointments there have also been times of great joy, weddings and grand babies and graduations and new ministries! But, through it all I have known that great thirst that this world can never satisfy. And I'm grateful. There were also things I prayed for that the Father did not give and in that too, I'm grateful. He does not want us to settle for lesser things. He knows the future. Now I can see there have been so many mercies in disguise. I experienced one of those great mercies today as the Restore choir gathered at our home for the first rehearsal of “The Light of Christmas.” A year ago I didn’t know if I would ever have the privilege of conducting a choir again. And there they were sitting before me, fifty glorious voices from about ten different churches. Most have sung with us at some point during our thirty plus years of music ministry. It was like a sweet reunion. Yesterday, as I prepared the folders of music, I prayed over each name. I prayed that these beloved with whom I have sung praises to our God through the years would know deeply these truths we sing as they face the aching of this life. Our Jesus hears each spoken need and His mercy will be revealed. In my home today, the body of Christ came together to proclaim that the Savior, the Light of the world has come. He is Jesus, the Light that ends the darkness, the Love where hope begins. As our living room filled with His glorious music, I rejoiced that my life has truly been a testimony of the boundless love and mercy of Jesus......a pouring out of His great blessings. Take a moment and reflect back on your own life. Let His music, His Word and the beauty of these lyrics wash over you and minister healing. Can you now see that some of the trials and storms in your life have been His mercies in disguise? ![]() He hears. .......He is near. ............His heart is to bless. Let it cause you to thirst for Him and long for the hope of your heavenly Home. “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” John 17:24 Blessed, Kathy Resources: "Blessings" by Laura Story, Images Pinterest Please plan now to Celebrate Christmas with us on December 12th. Tickets are now available: Go to this link for more details:
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