In my last writing to you, we began to explore my thoughts concerning “Preparation” H, a title to grab your attention and content to stir your heart. This is a series that I have begun to contemplate and write about that examines five words that begin with the letter H. I pray that this mini-series will help relieve pain, emotional soreness, discomfort, and prompt that burning-itchy feeling to get things in order as we attempt to shrink many things in our lives. As an overview of these blogs, Preparation “H” asks the question: How is God calling us to prepare our Home, Heart, Health, Heirs, and Huddles for His Kingdom purposes. I think God has much to say, whether you read it here, or simply as you contemplate this question. There is so much spinning in my heart and head to help us conquer each aspect with hope, scripture, and God-size resilience as we respond to His calling of preparedness. This is part two – Heart. If you are just joining us and have missed part one, Home, you can find it by clicking here! Heart The heart – Kardia – is the chief organ of life and is placed in the center of our body. It is used figuratively in Scripture and over 800 times! Strong’s Concordance defines it as “the affective center of our being” and the capacity of moral preference (choice or “desire-producer that makes us tick.” The Bible never refers to our heart as the literal - physical heart, but I have found an interesting correlation! In my pondering, four actions have surfaced.
![]() As we know, our heart is a two-part muscle that pumps blood in and pumps it out! It provides nutrients and oxygen through the blood and carries away waste. It’s job is also to maintain a steadiness, one that can be measured and seen by an Electro Cardiogram. The pulse should never be random. Life is in the blood, which is distributed by the heart! It is our heart (desire-producer) that motivates our actions! The heart of our actions can be life giving and life receiving. Out of the heart flow springs of life! This two-part action is vital for life – We need to receive life-giving actions and offer things that give life to others. We can only do this when we have the atoning blood of Jesus flowing through our own veins…the ultimate blood that gives real life! Like the steady pumping of our heart, perhaps a habit of bringing life should be considered instead of habits that continually destroy. Allow the healing words of Life to carry away waste from our heart. Stay in the Word! Keep away from things that are harmful for the soul and drain your abundant life. The heart must be exercised to stay healthy! In the little bit that I researched about the heart, I came across a children’s version of explanation. I thought it appropriate since we are to come before God with child-like faith. The way to exercise the heart is to do what gets you huffing and puffing! So of course, huffing and puffing for me, means going through stuff that I don’t like! Isn’t it like God to strengthen us by allowing us to go through things that cause us to huff and puff and depend solely on Him? I never like it, but I have come to realize that strengthening my heart and my trust in God requires steady exercise that can be measured and seen with spiritual eyes. On this kids website about the heart, it also teaches to:
In my quest to identify spiritual truths pertaining to the heart, I have learned that the heart needs to be properly nourished and strengthened by exercising behaviors that produce huffing and puffing! Another way to strengthen the heart is by reflection. When we spend time revisiting and reflecting on God's faithfulness in our lives, the heart becomes stronger as we face uncertainties. Our dependance on Father God grows deeper and our trust in Him preserves us. We must guard our heart from ourselves for it can not be trusted.
There is in the word of God a proper remedy for all diseases of the soul. Keep thy heart with all diligence. We must set a strict guard upon our souls; keep our hearts from doing hurt, and getting hurt. A good reason is given; because out of it are the issues of life. – Matthew Henry In my study of the heart, I'd like to share the top 7 verses concerning our heart. Read them and may the Holy Spirit do a healing work with your own heart.
O Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline Your ear. Ps. 10:17 Working on my own heart,
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