Have you ever had one of those days when you weren't sure you would make it through, fit in everything that had to be done. Last Wednesday was one of those days for me. I spent the morning teaching and then rushed to change clothes and get to the funeral of a dear friend's mom. Ken and I were privileged to sing and play for this beautiful service for a family who has blessed us through the years. It was the second funeral of the mother of a dear friend in less than a month that I have sung for. These are always emotional and difficult for me, but I'm so grateful to be a part of their home going service. After the service I had 2 hours to rush over to check on my mom as she fights the pain of her fractured pelvis and run to the grocery before heading home to get ready for about 40 guest to arrive. You see the Chapel Choir and some friends were coming over for a night of worship, prayer and communion at our home that night. As they began coming in, the rush of the day began to wash off of me as we shared hugs and laughter. Then we gathered in the living room and began to sing. The Lord moved. Our voices rose over the weariness and stress of the day that we had all brought in with us. I positioned myself close to Ken near the piano so I could look at the faces of those I love so much as they worshiped. I had made a little Thanks Giving Tree for the evening. Little Scripture leaves hung from lighted branches. Each leaf has a Scripture that speaks of thankfulness. It was an idea I had seen on one of my favorite blogs aholyexperience.com by Ann Voskamp. I thought it might be a good focus for me as I prepared my heart for the coming Thanksgiving week and prayed that the Lord would use it in our gathering of Worship. Throughout the night different worshipers came up and pulled off a leaf and read the Word over us. Then we sang some more, paused and prayed…. our hearts full of thankfulness to Jesus for all He had done in our lives, for the relationships that have stood together through the storms of life, illnesses, deaths, births, marriages, job losses. As I looked around at the faces, I knew their stories….and yet each one chose to praise Jesus with their voices full, some through tears of pain and loss. I cried at the tenderness of how Jesus ministered through song. He softens our hearts with His music, His truth draws us into His presence. As we focused on His sacrifice for our sin in our time of communion He poured out healing mercies.
As people began to leave I felt a change come over my body and I began to get the shakes like a fever. It was so strange. I practically crawled up the stairs and into bed. We looked for the thermometer. Of course it couldn't be found. I don't know where that thing goes when you need it! Ken offered to go buy one, but it was late. I thought I was just overly tired, overcome with emotion. Besides I couldn't get sick. I had to teach the next day and then I was going on a special beach trip on Friday. My dear friend Suzanne offered Sherry and I a long weekend at the beach to come be restored with her as a thank you for blessing her with the Restore Retreat. I had to pack, finish getting groceries, attend a family meeting about mom's condition, thanksgiving family lunch at mom's skill care facility…There was simply no time to get sick! Well by the next afternoon after Ken had to go buy the new thermometer, my fever was 101.8 and I felt like knives were in my throat. I was sick! But Lord, the beach trip!! Sweet Ken met my sister at the family conference about mom, did the family lunch, bought the groceries for the "maybe" beach trip if there was a miracle healing for which Sherry and Suzanne and others prayed for, lessons were all canceled and I slept for almost 24 hours. Friday came and I wasn't going to the beach… I was going to the doctor! Let me just say I'm grateful for my sweet, amazing husband, for doctors, for shots, and medicine and especially prayers. Because on Saturday I felt well enough to go. Sherry had her own set of challenges and responsibilities before she could leave as well. Our four days turned into two, but Sherry and I finally drove up to an exquisite beach cottage Saturday evening, too late to catch the sunset, but we were determined to see the water and hear the waves. Suzanne greeted us with open arms and smiles and said, "There's no time to unpack. We have to hit the beach." You see a storm was coming any moment. 90% chance of thunderstorms were predicted through the night and the next day. Really Lord, another storm to weather? We just finally got here! So we didn't even unpack the car, but braved the wind and cold, brought our beach chairs and sat on the beach in the dark! And it was cold and fun and fabulous!! And I was so thankful!! We came back to the cottage and had hot soup and mexican cornbread and apple pie!! Yumm!!! Not your typical beach food, but perfect for the beach in a November storm. Sitting on my bed was a beautiful welcome gift from my friend with this beautiful ornament called Song of Joy and a sweet note of encouragement and beautiful Scriptures! And my heart was full of thankfulness! Happy Tears!! Well, I told my early rising friends, ( I am not), to wake me only if it wasn't raining when they woke up before the sunrise so I could see the beach in daylight in case that was our only chance. And the storms did rage through the night! But no problem for me, because the prednisone had hit my system and after about 3 hours of sleep, I was all energy, up and raring to go rain or shine at 5am. Well we watched the radar and finally decided to brave it after coffee and a delicious breakfast and well, that didn't go so well. The sun tried to peak through. It didn't last long, but it was enough. My daddy always said when we would go to the beach each year as a family that he would see the tension and stress just leave my face the minute I walked out and looked at those waves. And it did! The Lord has always spoken to my heart in the majesty of His creation. There's something so peaceful when you face the power of your Creator and see the vastness of His glory in the roar of the ocean waves. He is the one who holds you. He is Sovereign. He is in control. He is more than enough to carry you through the storms of life. We were getting a very clear visual in the weather of the power and might and mystery of our Father God. And my heart was full of thankfulness. It was really ok that the sun only lasted about 30 minutes. We watched the rain come down the beach toward us a little too long and then had to make a run for it to the car - laughing and giggling all the way. And I was so thankful because I was ready for a nap! Eventually, later in the day the Lord did bless us with some hours of sun, despite the weather predictions. We carried out the beach chairs once more and I opened up my Advent Bible study book "The Greatest Gift" by Ann Voskamp and as I sat there listening to the roar of the ocean these were the words I read based on the story of creation in Genesis1:27. "No matter your story before, this is your beginning now: you were formed by Love…for love. John Calvin, he wrote it like a reviving breath--that every human being is "formed to be a spectator of the created world and given eyes that he might be led to its author…first {to} cast our eyes upon the very beautiful fabric of the world in which {God} wishes to be seen by us…As soon as we acknowledge God to be the supreme architect, who has erected the beauteous fabric of the universe, our minds must necessarily be ravished with wonder at His infinite goodness, wisdom and power". And I was ravished with wonder! And I was thankful that my God is so personal, so loving, so powerful, so beautiful! As I walked the beach I started to sing one of my favorite choir anthems, The Majesty and Glory of Your Name. "When I gaze into the night skies And see the work of Your fingers; The moon and stars suspended in space. Oh what is man that You are mindful of him? You have given man a crown of glory and honor, And have made him a little lower than the angels. You have put him in charge of all creation: The beasts of the field, The birds of the air, The fish of the sea. But what is man, oh, what is man that You are mindful of him? O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of Your name Transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God, little children praise You perfectly, And so would we and so would we. Alleluia, Alleluia, the majesty and glory of Your name. Alleluia, Alleluia, the majesty and glory of Your name. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! (by Tom Fettke) After a delicious dinner and several hours of conversation, we went back out to the beach one more time for some stargazing. They were out and speaking forth the glory of God! The winds had calmed down a bit and the sky was clear. Don't miss this when you're at the beach. It's spectacular! And the Lord put the same song on our hearts that we have sung together for so many years in choir. We started humming it and then just sang it out to the Father, for we are His beloved daughters. We "gazed into the night sky and saw the work of His fingers" and my heart was so thankful! He blesses us through the storms of life. And ravishes us with His wonder. We have to wait on His timing, His perfect plan and look for the miracle that's found in a heart of thankfulness. This Thanksgiving week I pray that you will look for the Father even if you are in a storm in your life. Often the holidays don't meet up to our expectations. But the Father is there is the midst of it all. You are part of His love story. Spend some time looking for people, circumstances and things for which you are thankful and then stop and tell the Father. Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Kathy Resources: aholyexperience.com - A Thanks Giving Tree - free download of the Scripture leaves The Greatest Gift, Ann Voskamp Be sure to join us each Monday by subscribing to "Monday Musings." The subscription box is located at the top right of this blog. Please follow ALL of the directions for a successful subscription. Thank you! Also...Join us for the April 2015 Restore Retreat. Registration is now open but limited to 25 women. Click Here to register!
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