I'm so grateful for the people in my life who have the beautiful gift of encouragement. This week has been full of blessings as I have stepped back into the routine of teaching, music ministry, caring for my mom, studying and writing for our upcoming Restore Retreat. Ken and I recently had such a wonderful time away on vacation with family and friends and it is always hard for me to settle back into the routine. I love to travel and see new things. This particular trip was especially blessed as we gathered with some friends and all their children and grandchildren for several days at Callaway Gardens in Georgia and later spent time with family in South Carolina whom we don’t often get to see. After fun times with loved ones, some time together to pray and discuss the future and many hours in the car traveling hundreds of miles, eventually we had to come home. In our usual, not so smart, approach to travel and desire to savor every minute, we arrived home after a 9 and a half hour drive with 2 hours to unload, shower and dress for a wedding 45 minutes out of town! Crazy! When I walked in the door, all the piles of unfinished business and projects at home and work were still there waiting where I left them. Of course, I bring in new piles - of laundry and unpacking. I look at the list of things to do and needs to be met and wonder how it can possibly all get done! ![]() Do you ever feel that way? That’s when the love of the Father often pours into my life through the love and encouragement of others. Often they are not even aware of my need or concerns. They are just loving, thoughtfully offering a listening ear or a word of wisdom. This week I’ve felt His loving touch in so many ways:
![]() I list these here today because most of them are simple acts of encouragement, but they brought such blessing and hope to my week. These people and many others not mentioned were Jesus to me, speaking words of life, love and hope. My heart is so full of gratitude for the people in my life who take the time to pray and offer encouragement. So as I come to the end of my first week home from vacation, I don’t feel so burdened by the demands that are facing me. There is still much to be done that is unfinished. There always will be I suppose. Our time away in prayer about our future didn’t result in all the answers we had hoped for. But, the Lord knows my need and He knows yours. He will send people across our paths to lighten the load, or spur us on, or simply, beautifully love us so that we have renewed strength for the task of each day and hope for the future. When we partner together in life, encourage one another, and lean on Jesus, we walk out our faith differently, better, and with His love overflowing. I thought this week of how often I have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out in some way to another ... a call, a note, a prayer and sadly sometimes I have not acted as I let my own schedule or comfort rule. Often, I think we schedule our days so full that there is no room left for the simple acts we might offer to encourage one another. When I do listen and choose to respond in obedience to His order in my schedule or His prompting for an act of kindness or love, my life is so much more rewarding and I have the privilege of being His vessel of encouragement. "One good deed is worth more than a thousand brilliant theories. Don't wait for greater opportunities or for a different kind of work. Just do the things you find to do day by day… Do it promptly. Do not waste your life thinking about what you intend to do tomorrow. No one ever served God by doing things tomorrow. If we honor Christ and are blessed, it is with the things we do today." Charles Hadden Spurgeon ![]() How has the Father shown His love to you through the love and encouragement of friends and strangers this week? Look for the ways…you might be surprised at how many acts of encouragement and kindness you have experienced! Let those who have reached out to you know how much the act of kindness and encouragement meant. Spend some time in prayer thanking the Father and consider how you could be an encouragement or vessel of love to someone in your life or even a stranger? Simple acts truly make a difference! Father, thank You for the ways You have loved and blessed me through the generosity and encouragement of others. I pray in the days ahead that I will hear the voice of Your Spirit prompting me to bless and meet the needs of others and respond with a heart that reflects Your character. May these acts of love and kindness be the evidence of Your grace and love at work within me and through me and serve to wash the feet of my brothers and sisters in Christ and those who need to see the beauty of Your love on display. In Your Holy Name, Jesus Amen ![]() Seeking this week to find ways to be His vessel of encouragement to others. Won't you join me? Kathy We hope that many of you will join us for our fall Restore Retreat! Early Bird Deadline for Registration is soon! Consider blessing someone else with the gift of Restore Retreat. Bring a friend!! If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner. Instantly a box will appear for you to type in the security letters as you see them and press "submit." It will tell you that you need to go to your email inbox and click the link to verify/activate. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE NEXT STEP TO RECEIVE THE BLOG!
Scripture images from Pinterest.
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