![]() Since I last wrote my blog life has been a whirlwind of celebrations, much like the season of Spring that has come bursting in on us in Louisiana after a long cold winter. In the last ten days I have attended a wedding, a funeral, two wedding showers, two baby showers, taught students, given a Master Voice class, sung at a major event, attended meetings, given a baby shower and enjoyed the visit of both our daughters home at the same time! This weekend dear friends gave my oldest daughter a baby shower. It's hard to believe that my baby will soon have a little girl of her own! As I reflect on these events I want to be sure that I don't miss the joy in them, the wonder in them, the lessons that God has for me in each one. It is so easy to get caught up in our busy schedules and miss the gifts that each day brings. But we can never replay the days we are given except in our memories. We can't rewrite the script that our lives have lived this day. "With indelible ink of eternity there has been inscribed upon the page of this eternal sheet of time either something of value, or only what is vain" W. Phillip Keller ![]() And I wonder…… If I waked up each day and truly embraced it as a gift from God, would I choose to live differently? What would I change? How would I savor the day? How would my attitude and perspective change? How would I celebrate each day differently? How could you choose to live each day differently as a gift from the Creator? So as I enter the Spring season I want to slow things down, enjoy the moments, the friendships, the beauty around me, the people the Lord brings across my path, the truths He wants me to learn. How about you? In order to receive the gifts of each day we have to choose to live intentionally and gratefully. We must choose to look, to listen, to pause, to reflect, to savor, to live differently, drinking in the beauty, the wonder, the holiness…. Otherwise the days and the moments fly by, the whirlwind of life takes over and we miss the gifts of grace found in each day. I've been there, lived there in the whirlwind - just trying to survive. Sometimes God calls us into a season of our lives that demands a full schedule. But we can choose to fully embrace and live in every moment and so can you. "A quiet joy comes when we live the way God calls us to live." John Yates ![]() Enjoy the music and images below. They have ministered to my heart over the last week. I pray that they will refresh and quieten your Spirit and that the truth of the lyrics will speak to your heart to strengthen and encourage you to live this day as the gift God intended for you and those who cross your path! ![]() May you cherish the gifts the Lord brings you this day and be refreshed and restored in the wonder and beauty of His glory among us! In His love, Kathy If you would like to receive the "Monday Musings" RESTORE blog each week via email, please sign up and enter your email address in the upper right hand corner.
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