![]() But where the mind and heart is willing, the body is weak! I’ve set my alarm for earlier than usual. How easy it is to change it to 30 minutes later…and then again when it goes off, for an additional 20! It has been an exhausting week and one filled with many emotions, demanding decisions, and physical labor. School is coming to an end, and with that, the last of my many productions. Only 2 more this week alone! Then I’m done! Decision fatigue is at an all time high for me and honestly; I’m conflicted about many things and what to write is currently at the top of the list. I made a promise to the Lord when we began this blogging venture that I would never blog just to blog! I wanted to share words of hope, of life, of truth, of challenge and encouragement. And I intend to keep my promise. I have begun this write this blog several times and my words just never felt right. That’s a red flag for me! And if you are a subscriber to our blog, you’ve probably noticed that it didn’t come into your inbox this past Monday. Sorry, I missed the deadline! Although my words are very few today, (you may be happy about that!) I would like to share with you two very different words of wisdom. As I’ve struggled with writing you this week, I really wanted to share a podcast from a gal that I follow…but then I felt guilty and like it was the “cheap way out” and that I was shirking my responsibility. But the longer I’ve battled with whether or not to post it, I’ve reached the conclusion that the words she shares are really the same as my own, and I believe it will resonate with some of you reading this today! So, I’m getting over myself and my guilt and sharing it here with you now. She is Emily Freeman; author of Simply Tuesday and A Million Little Things and her platform is about “Finding a Place for Your Soul to Breathe.” (This is not an endorsement but I have enjoyed her writings and podcast – As with anyone’s content, be wise, discerning, and mature enough to chew up the meat and spit out the bones! Be familiar with Truth.) Listen Here - it's just over 12 minutes long Episode 32: Stop Collecting Gurus
The other word of wisdom comes from a man that has been dear to my heart since 1990. Wow, that’s been 28 years! His name is Donald Tabb, founding member and pastor of The Chapel on the Campus 1972 – 2002, if my memory serves me. He left this world this week and was launched to glory! Here are his words to which Kathy and I hold strongly concerning this ministry: “God’s work, done in God’s way, will not lack for God’s supply.” And as I have found it difficult to bring words to this blank 8 ½ X 11 space, I am reminded again that God’s work…no matter what it is…big or small… blogging, teaching, mentoring, ministering…done in His way, will never fall short of His hand of provision. Be encouraged friend. If you are facing areas in your life where decisions are tough, unclear, and downright scary, remember that little sentence. If it’s truly God’s work and led by Him, it’s done in His way - by the Spirits promptings and clearly from truths in His word, it will prosper. Decision fatigue ended! God has even supplied a blog post for this week! I trust that you found words of hope, life, and truth. May you be encouraged and/or challenged to live out your days tending to: “the good work He has planned for you long ago.” Eph. 2:10 Blessings, Sherry ![]() If you are reading this blog through social media we would suggest that you sign up to recieve the blog each week in your email inbox. It will come directly to you to read at your leisure. Just enter your email in the subscriber box, then REPLY to the invitation email you will receive in your personal inbox. Follow ALL directions to completion! Feel free to share our blogs on your social media or email them to a friend.
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