When you stop and think about this little sentence, the message is so reach and so deep. People are seeking answers all of the time for the many questions constructed from life's daunting situations. Sometimes answers come right away, and then sometimes, not so quickly. We get impatient. We get anxious. We forget about hope and the joy found in the anticipation of waiting and then try to solve issues on our own; often, no matter the cost. This causes us to step outside of the perfect path or plan that God has specifically and uniquely designed for us. What we seem to forget is to step back, take a beat, breathe... and ultimately surrender to trusting God's heart for each and every situation. Learning to trust God's heart doesn't come quickly. I think it happens over time and quite often faith and trust are grown by walking through fire. Waiting on God takes great skill. Great skill is obtained by practice. So, we find ourselves repeatedly in situations where we have to wait on God...practicing our skill of waiting...if you will. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3: 5,6 Restore Ministries seems to be working on that skill. Much has happened since our last big event in February of 2020. For all of us, waiting and patience kicked into gear as our new mode of operation after our world was changed overnight. But just because we were now forced into this new way of operating, doesn't mean that things have gotten easier. Even the Christian that seems "most skilled at waiting" has been put through the fire. When looking through God Glasses, it's a beautiful picture of Him at work...it you watch it long enough. ![]() I took this picture of this butterfly not too long ago. As I watched him, I thought of the terrific change his body went through when he morphed from caterpillar to butterfly. His nutrition needs changed and so did his method of traveling around. He gained a new mindset. Instead of crawling, he now soars and flutters gracefully. God provides all that he needs! He looks totally different once his change has taken place. Beauty is apparent. Have you ever seen an ugly butterfly? I've read that butterflies migrate. Monarchs some 3000 miles. They do this because it will ensure their survival and their food source. Water is essential to a butterfly. And the more I think about the life of a butterfly in his waiting and patience, the more I think that there is much similarity in our lives. Can you identify? ![]() I think that it is fitting that Restore Ministries' icon is a butterfly. It was significantly chosen to signify the means by which we are spiritually changed and transformed. Thinking about it any differently never occurred to me. Until today! The caterpillar was put to sleep, to rest, die to self, resurrected and changed, before it was ready to take flight and share its beauty and the glory of its Creator! A season of waiting, death, and resurrection! In order to be able to become a butterfly, the caterpillar has to decompose down to its very essence, devoid of any shape or consciousness. Metamorphosis takes place and beauty is born to be shared all over God's beautiful green earth. ....Take flight little butterfly! Our ministry (to me) is currently hidden in a cocoon that is being shaped and designed for a much greater purpose. Change is taking place. We don't know what lies ahead, but we know that we are trusting God's heart for us, for you, and this ministry that He planted in our hearts years ago. We don't want to break out of the cocoon before God says that we are ready. It is our desire to live, walking in step, trusting Him in all things, as we journey together; wherever He chooses us to send us, we will follow. Please watch the YouTube video (20 min) as we share what is happening in our lives and with Restore Ministries. Click Here: https://youtu.be/b0nJJUdGeZg Love and Blessings during this Blessed Holy Week, Sherry
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